eLecture : Discrete Models of Traffic Flow

Taksu Cheon

[eLectures] [Cheon HP]
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Discrete Models of Traffic Flow (9-1)

Concluding Remarks with References

The cellular atomaton model traffic flow is so simply but nicely constructed with very few controlable parameter, that it allows new attempts for innovation that seek to explain the three phase structure with unstable intermediate phase observed in real-life traffic,which has been achieved only through rather ellaborate refinements. I hope that I was able to convince you readers on this fact, and further hope that some of you are sufficiently interested to join us in the attempts for further research.

Review Articles :
It appears that the entry level introduction on the subject of traffic flow is missing. In particular, I have found no Japanese texbook nor website. That may be theprimary reason you have stumbled upon this one!

Resaerch Papers :
[1] K. Nagel and M. Schreckenberg, "A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic", J. de Phys. I12 (1992) 2221.
[2] M. Fukui and Y. Ishibashi, "Traffic flow in 1D cellular automaton model including cars moving with high speed", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65 (1996) 1868.
[3] K. Nishinari, D. Chowdhuri and A. Schadenschneider, "Cluster formation and anomalous fundamental diagram in an ant-trail model", Phys. Rev. E67 (2003) 036120(11).
[4] Y. Nishimura, T. Cheon and P. Seba, "Metastable congested states in multisegment traffic cellular automaton", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 75 (2006) 014801(5).

Preprint Server :
Look at the "physics" section. Also. before "cond-mat" section for the papers prior to 2005. Search with the keyword "traffic" will bring you tons of papers.

Jave Aplets and Other Numerical Simulations :
There are sevral sites offering Java applet showing the traffic flow simulator of various sophistications. Since the links tend to be altered, I do not list them explicitly, so the readers are encouraged to search on commercial search engines.
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