e-Lecture : Introctory Quantum Information

Taksu Cheon

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Quantum Information for Quantum Cats (1)

What is Quantum Information?

The quantum Mechanics was discovered in early 20th century by a group of physisists who have been trying to uncover the structure of matter in microscipic scale. From a very early stage of discovery, the quantum mechanics has been riddled with various conceptually puzzling aspects which apperas to go against our common sense, which have been hotly debated among the founders as the paradox and dilemma. In fact, closer examination of quantum physics reaveals the existense of counter intuitive and even seemingly "illogical" logic, that could even put us into an "existential angst".

Eventually, however, these "phylosophical questions" at the center of quantum mechanics has been largely pushed to the margin of the reseach, and are largely left to be pursued by mavrics. This is because of the fact that the direct manuvering of quantum object was out of human reach, and also because of the unquestionable success of quantum mechanics in the every discipline that covers microscopic world.

The quatum mechanics forms the foundation of semiconductor technology and supercondcting technology, thus it is inseparable from our daily life. But, in a sense, these technologies are by-product of quantum mechanics, and we do not directly face the strage quantum phenomena, and we do not daily feel the quantum existential angst either.

That has changed dramatically with the emergence of the field of quantum information, which has became some of a fashion. The evolution of the quantum information has been a double headed affair of theory and experiment.

In the theoretical side of the developments, the "quantum paradox" has been put into the position to enable takes which is logically prohibited in classical world. Experimental developments has been triggered by the advancement of nanotechnology, and it is now possible to trap, measure and move around indidivual atoms and electrons.

The main applicatiom of quantum information established until now are in quantum cryptography, quantum teleport, quantum search, and in quantum prime-factorization. The search of generic quantum algorithm is also a subject of active research.

At any rate, if you are a style-concious young scientist and engineer, you are well advised to learn the quantum information, since it is full of cool and hip langages and the field itself is young and fresh.

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