e-Lecture : Introctory Quantum Information

Taksu Cheon

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Quantum Information for Quantum Cats (30)


At this point, the following textbook is considered to be the standard in the field of quantum information. Almost everything known in the subject is included and receives a rather thourough treatment

Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang,
"Quantum Computation and Quantum Information"
(Cambridge U.P. 2000)

The frontier of the quantum information research is found in so-called Physics Preprint Server which is now run by Cornell university


Go to the subsections "quant-ph" and also "cond-mat". many of the original paper of the subject discussed in this eNote can be spotted there. In fact, most of the original research papers, not just of quantum information, but all subfield of theoretical physics are now found in this archive. You can now safely state that the role of the journals run by publishers are now limited to the validation by the peer review.

There is a good, compact textbook in Japanese

Hiroyuki Sagawa and Naoaki Yoshida
"Ryoushi Jouhou Riron"
(Springer Verlag Tokyo, 2003)

The only strange thing about this otherwise well-balanced even handed book is that the name of the standard actors of quantum information, Alice Bob and Eve is replaced by arbitrary alterative of Naoko, Ichiro and Hitomi with no justification.

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