e-Lecture : Introctory Quantum Information

Taksu Cheon

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Quantum Information for Quantum Cats (0)

Introduction : On This Note

This eNote is a translation of a lecture note of my graduate class "Quantum Information and Communication" which was held during the 4th quarter of academic year 2003 and 2005 at Kochi University of Technology. It was made open to respond to the request of several friends of mine in the hope that this would help attract the attention of wider public to the field.

Prerequisite for this note is the linear algebra of University freshmen level. The secret to learn quantum information, however, is in the passion to follow through tangled arguments, and also in the mental atitude to accept the logic even when it temporalily appears to deiate from the common sense. These may not be the prerequisite, but rather the fruits of learning such subject as the quantum information. Also required is a chunk of unfracgmentd time. It might not be possible to learn quantum information while you are in the middle of administrative junk job.

Unlike other notes in this HomePage, the contents of this note is basically standard ones, which readers should be able to find in any textbook. The interest of the author of this note himself is rather toward forgotten corners of quantum information such as quantum games. This fact sends this note into the catogory of Web Pages produced by non-experts and marginal experts, in which readers are well advised not to search for any originality. I just lay out that same standard excuse that newcommers might learn a subject quicker form another newcommer who arrived just a bit earler than from established old timers.

The materials found in this eNote are open to small-scale reproduction for the use in non comercial study meetings. Please clarify the source for the reproduction in seminars and classrooms. For open reuse on the internet for any purpose is strickly prohibited. Comments (of non-offensice sort, please!) are welcome.

The pages are subject to ocasional ammendments and rewritings, so reloading may be necessary for the full update. It is observed that page cash of Safri browser on OSX (which I myself use) is too strong and do not allow the instant refreshing of the cash. In that instance, reloading with other browsers such as Internet Explorer, Opera and Firefox might be required.

The structure of this eNote is as the followings: From Section 1 to 8, the minimal quantum mechanics is introduced with the eye on the appplication in quantum information. The quantum cryptography is covered in sections from 9 to 13, quantum teleport from 14 to 17, and the quantum computation in sections from 18 to 27. The necessary technical details of quantum mechanics are explained on site. In sections 28 and 29, we place the quantum information in the broaber context of quantum physics, and the last page, section 30 lists references for further study.

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