2024.5.21International / Research

Bus tour was held (in Kochi)

 On November 11th (Sat), the International Relations Center hosted a Bus Tour with International Students. 14 international students and 25 Japanese students participated in the bus tour. The tour visited Sekkeiji Temple, Katsurahama Beach, and Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum in Kochi City.

 At Sekkeiji Temple, participants observed Buddha statues with high cultural and religious values and tried Zen meditation. Both Japanese and international students were very interested, asking what Budda statues were made of and how to get rid of worldly thoughts when having Zen meditation.


 At Katsurahama Beach, participants engaged in free activities in groups. Students enjoyed Kochi's nature and food and interacted with students across different nationalities and ages. In particular, international students from the Czech Republic were very satisfied with the view of the Pacific Ocean from Katsurahama in good weather, because their country did not face any ocean.

 Participants wore kimono and acted out being Sakamoto Ryoma at the Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum. Participants could enjoy and learn about Kochi/Japanese history at the same time. When the tour began, many Japanese students seemed nervous, but we could see them trying very hard to explain to international students in English about the exhibitions. By the end, we could see them relaxed and having a good laugh with each other.


 We would like to thank people from the Sekkeiji Temple and Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum for generously accepting the bus tour.

