Faculty Members


Professor NAKAMURA Naoto

Year of birth 1959 Gender Male
Affiliation School of Economics & Management
Department of Management, School of Management
null, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Enginering
Job titles
Personal web site

Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office Educational Management Laboratory
The science of educational management works to develop efficient and effective means of managing educational institutions, schools and private companies, so as to optimize the development of the human resources of those organizations. This lab is currently researching effective and efficient theory in light of the results of comparative studies of educational institutions in the U.K. and Japan.
Current reseach topics
Educational background
Professional background 2005-: 
Academic societies

Courses  * Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school ▼

Project Research
Introduction to Teaching Profession
Schooling System and Management
Introduction to Teaching Practice and Reflective Works
Reflective Seminar of Teaching Practice (Secondary Education)
Teaching Practice A
Teaching Practice B

Graduate school ▼

Seminar 1
Seminar 2
Seminar 3
Seminar 4
Individual Work for Graduate

Research activities

Research papers ▼

Keynote lectures ▼

Invited lectures ▼

Notable projects ▼

Awards ▼

Patents ▼

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government ▼

Competitive research funds ▼

Social activities

Committee roles ▼

Published books ▼