Faculty Members


Professor OTANI Eijin

Year of birth 1950 Gender Male
Affiliation School of Systems Engineering
Infrastructure Systems Engineering Course, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Enginering
Job titles
Personal web site http://www.infra.kochi-tech.ac.jp/otani/

Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office Machizukuri
Machizukuri research activities are aimed at developing Machizukuri Planning as a new academic field. Machizukuri Planning topics include Urban Design, Rural Development, Living Environment Planning and Architectural Planning, but Machizukuri also intends to integrate and synthesize its activities from the point of view of the citizens and the local community. Machizukuri work is based on a well-planned and practical application of "Machizukuri method," involving workshops and partnerships between citizens and government.
Current reseach topics
Educational background 1972: Bachelor
Professional background 1999-: 
Academic societies

Courses  * Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school ▼

Outline of Engineering

Graduate school ▼

Research activities

Research papers ▼

Keynote lectures ▼

  1. , 2015/04/18

Invited lectures ▼

  1. , 2015/05/22

Notable projects ▼

Awards ▼

Patents ▼

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government ▼

Competitive research funds ▼

Social activities

Committee roles ▼

Published books ▼