- KUT research group gets Best Poster Awar…
2017.7. 3About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
KUT research group gets Best Poster Award at Chinese CHI 2017
2017.7. 3About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
At Chinese CHI 2017 (The 5th International Symposium of Chinese CHI held June 7-9 2017 in Guangzhou, China), the research paper "Exploring the Design Space of Text-Entry Interfaces for Aging Users", authored by a KUT researcher group, received the Best Poster Award (judged as the top among all posters submitted). The authors of the paper are Special Research Student Jingxin Liu, Research Associate Sayan Sarcar, Research Associate Zhenxin Wang, Visiting Researcher Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, and Professor Xiangshi Ren, Director of the Center for Human-Engaged Computing.
The poster presents various issues that might arise due to symptoms of old age when the elderly input text. It identifies keyboard design parameters and presents a grouped keyboard interface appropriate for older adults suffering from tremor (trembling finger/hand resulting from involuntary muscle contraction).
This research has been carried out under a three year joint research project entitled, "User Interface Design for the Ageing Population." The project, a collaboration between the Center for Human-Engaged Computing and the User Interfaces group of Aalto University, Finland (JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program), has been underway since 2015.