2017.7. 3About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life

KUT student's research highlighted in academic journal

A research paper by Ms. Farkfun Duriyasart, third year doctoral student in KUT's Engineering Course (supervised by Professor Kazuya Kobiro, Laboratory for Organic-inorganic Hybrid Materials Chemistry) was published in Chemical Communications and used in the design of the inside back cover as well.11-thumb-autox335-6403.jpg

Chemical Communications is a highly regarded chemistry journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in the U.K.

Ms. Duriyasart's paper presents her method for eliminating unnecessary impurities without destroying the delicate and ultrafine nano convex-concave structure on a nanomaterial surface by applying an atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet to the surface of porous nanomaterials. The paper also describes the development of a super high sensitive method for detection of trace amount impurities, as a tool for verification of the purity of surfaces.

The method of surface processing by means of atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet, developed in this research, is expected to have practical application in surface activation of porous nano particle accumulation in catalytic agents, ion batteries, and drug delivery materials.

Title: A new approach to surface activation of porous nanomaterials using non-thermal helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment.

Farkfun Duriyasart (third year student in the Doctoral Program of KUT's Engineering Course)
Kazuya Kobiro (professor, Research Institute, School of Environmental Science and Engineering)
Akimitsu Hatta (professor, Research Institute, School of Systems Engineering)
Masataka Ohtani (assistant professor, Research Institute, School of Environmental Science and Engineering)

