2017.9.25About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life

Research Institute for Future Design launched at ceremony

A new research facility that will serve as the nucleus of KUT's Research Institute for Future Design was established on the 4th floor of Residence Otemae in Kochi City, and the inauguration ceremony was held on September 8th.

Approximately 30 people who were involved in the establishment of the institute gathered for the celebration of the opening. The participants, from within and outside the university, included KUT President Masahiko Isobe and School of Economics & Management Professor Tatsuyoshi Saijo.

The newly opened research facility has research rooms and meeting rooms for researchers and students in a space of some 150 m² with a view of Otemon Gate and keep of Kochi Castle. The students who participated in the ceremony were thrilled to think that they could pursue their research in such an impressive environment.

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