- Exchange agreement completed between KUT…
2018.6. 7About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Exchange agreement completed between KUT School of Information and Taiyuan University of Technology (China)
On March 24, 2018, three KUT delegates, Prof. Masanori Hamamura, Dean of the School of Information, Prof. Keizo Shinomori, and Associate Prof. Kiminori Matsuzaki, visited Taiyuan University of Technology (TYUT) in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Sheng, China to complete an exchange agreement between KUT's School of Information and TYUT 's Information Management graduate school.
TYUT, a national university established in 1901, has been designated as one of the National Key Universities of China (and as part of Project 211), the only university in Shanxi Sheng province so designated. TYUT is a comprehensive university centered around science and engineering, with additional strengths in literature, economics, laws and art theory. It has 25 departments and approximately 36,000 students.
KUT and TYUT have many aspects in common, including mode of establishment, management philosophy, school structure and philosophy of human resources development; TYUT, an engineering and technology oriented university with established student exchanges, dispatches students to KUT. With this background, and in order to complement each other's strong research domains and to promote mutual development, the KUT delegates visited TYUT to complete an exchange agreement, effective March 24, 2018, regarding education and research, for exchanges of faculty, researchers administrative staff and students; the sharing of academic information; and collaborative research activities.
With this exchange agreement, the two universities confirmed their intention to deepen the linkage between them, and to construct a cooperative structure for promotion of further education, research and personnel exchange.