- Prof.Shimizu appointed Kochi Police advi…
2018.6. 7About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Prof.Shimizu appointed Kochi Police advisor on cybercrime measures
KUT Vice President Akihiro Shimizu, delegated as a 2018 Kochi Police technical advisor on cybercrime measures, received his letter of appointment at Kochi Prefectural Police headquarters on May 22.
In 2014, in order to respond to ever more complicated and sophisticated cybercrime, such as unauthorized access and virus infection, Kochi Prefectural Police Headquarters established a system for using advisors. The system is aimed at improving police personnel skills for taking measures against cybercrime, particularly information security breaches and cyberattacks. Prof. Shimizu, whose area of expertise is information security, has been engaged as an advisor every year since the inauguration of the system. With his reappointment this year, he will continue to contribute to the establishment of measures against cybercrime, including the improvement of investigator skill and capacity enhancement across the entire body of police personnel.