2020.10. 1About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life

2020 Autumn entrance ceremony was held

The 2020 Autumn entrance ceremony was held at the Kami Campus on 1st October, 2020. 15 students (3 from the master's program and 12 from the doctoral program) started their academic journey at KUT.


Professor Masahiko Isobe, President of KUT, welcomed the new students, saying,"Your academic career will begin from today. Our motto is to "make KUT a world class university through the pursuit of unique excellence" and we have unique systems to achieve this motto. Once of them is Special Scholarship Program. Up to present, out of the 192 studnets who finished the SSP program, 127 have positions at universities. This program has proved to very effective. I hope all of you yield high-quality research outcomes in your graduate study. However, I believe the processes you will experience are equally, or even more valuable, than the outcomes you will demonstrate. Please enjoy the process before reaching your solution. The world now has many serious issues. Sustainability is the most important and challenging one. SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) were adapted by United Nations Summit in 2015 and it has 17 goals and 169 targets. KUT joins the effort to achieve these SDGs. Your study from today will certainly contribute to many goals and targets. I encourage you to develop a wider view point through your study. Your research outcomes could become invaluable to the world."

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On behalf of entrants, Mr. ALIMO David Lagu Bernard, doctoral student in the Engineering Course, Graduate School of Engineering, gave a speech, saying "I always wanted to study engineering in Japan. When I was looking for scholarship opportunity in Japan, I heard KUT is one of the best universities in Japan to study engineering so I decided to apply for KUT. I am very happy to be here today. All of us are excited and full of aspirations to pursue studies here in KUT. The years ahead will be full of excitement to learn and gain new knowledge but also some challenges will be experienced along the way. We will make friends and learn from each other and most importantly, benefit from the advice from professors at KUT."


