- Online seminar with Dalian University of…
2021.5.20About KUT / Current Students / International Students / Students Life
Online seminar with Dalian University of Technology was held
On May 19th, KUT held an online seminar with Dalian University of Technology, China.
This online seminar was made a reality thanks to the relationship between SSP graduate, Dr. Fantao Kong, who is currently Associate Professor at Dalian University of Technology, and his supervisor, Professor Takeshi Ohama of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering. The purpose of the seminar was to deepen research exchange in the field of life science and technology.
During the three-hour seminar, which was moderated by Associate Professor Kong, faculty members and students from both universities presented their latest research on Biological and Biomedical Science and engaged in a lively exchange of opinions.
The seminar opened with the introduction of international exchange initiatives by the international exchange representatives of each university.
The universities confirmed that they will use the seminar as an opportunity to further deepen research exchange, such as exploring the possibility of joint projects moving forward.
One of participants, Ms. Ayat Jabr Salem Al-azab (a KUT third year doctoral student in the Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering) says "it was a great opportunity to join this seminar and share our research work and experiences. Hope we can have effective and successful collaboration in the future between Kochi University of Technology (KUT) and Dalian University of Technology (DUT)."