2018.5.11About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Kasetsart University delegation visited Kochi University of Technology
2018.4. 5About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Prof. Park Gyei-Kark, Mokpo National Maritime University, visited KUT
2018.1.12About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Zhuhai College of Jilin University delegation visited KUT
2018.1.12About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Zhuhai College of Jilin University delegation visited KUT
2017.12. 4About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
16 Anhui University students visited KUT
2017.11. 7About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
The 6th International Symposium on Frontier Technology (ISFT) was held
2017.10.30About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Three-campus joint emergency drill in preparation for huge disaster
2017.10.30About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
Debriefing session for Overseas Intern Lab Program participants
2017.10. 3
International Symposium of the 11th SSMS and the 5th RCND 2017 was held in Bangk…
2017.9.27About KUT / Academics / Research / Students Life
English Boot Camp in Illinois