Information for Researchers at KUT

Research funds

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [KAKENHI]

KAKENHI Handbook

You can dowload the latest version of KAHENHI handbook from the link below.

Related Links

Other external funds

We share the external funds information from the URL below. There are some external funds that you can make applications in English but they are limited.

If you have any inquiries, please contact to Research Support Section.

Research Support

Research advisors

Research advisors provide support in the research funds application process, by clarifying inquiries, reading, giving feedback and commenting on applications. They also can give you advices on your research activities.

If you would like to get some help from them, please feel free to contact them via email.

SATO, Shinji Professor, School of Systems Engineering
SUTO, Yasushi Designated Professor, Research Institute

We offer KAKENHI advisors who can give you valuable tips on KAKENHI application as well. Details will be available when KAKENHI application is open.


Mentors (Senior researchers) at KUT have a wealth of knowledge and work experience that they can use to support junior researchers just starting out their research careers (mentees). They provide mentoring opportunities where the two can come together to discuss and resolve career issues, struggles in research settings, and other problems. What you share with your mentors will almost always remain confidential.

If you would like to get some help from them, please feel free to contact them via email.

IWATA, Makoto

Vice Dean, Professor, School of Informatics

KOBIRO, Kazuya

Provost, Regional Collaboration

Professor, School of Engineering Science

Research ethics

Based on the Japanese government guideline, all the researchers who are engaged in research at KUT must take "Research ethics course" through e-learning at the latest before applying for the external funds preferably right after their arrival at KUT. The details will be sent by Research Support Section later. You should start taking it as soon as you receive the details.

Your life at KUT