For new students

To obtain a Japanese student visa, students need a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) issued by Japanese immigration. KUT applies for the COE on the student's behalf, and it takes about a month for issue of the certificate. Once KUT receives the COE, we will send it to the student. After receiving the COE, the student must apply for a student visa at the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate.

Immigration Services Agency of Japan

For currently enrolled students

Extension of Period of Stay

The period of stay for foreign students in Japan may differ person to person. The different periods are as follows: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 15 months, 2 years, 27 months, 3 years, 39 months, 4 years, and 51 months. Before your period of stay expires, you must apply for an extension. Applications can be accepted starting three months before the end of your period of stay.

Note: This procedure is very important. If you miss it, your stay in Japan will be illegal.

How to apply for an extension

Step 1

Obtain the necessary documents at International Relations Section on Kami Campus or Student Affairs Section on Eikokuji Campus, and then take your documents (see below) to the Immigration Office.

Required documents

  1. Application Form(在留期間更新許可申請書)*
    This form is available on the web, but KUT staff will prepare this for you.
  2. Certificate of Current Enrollment (在学証明書) Japanese version
  3. Academic Transcript(成績証明書)Japanese version
  4. Passport
  5. Residence card

* As the required documents may differ from person to person, please consult with KUT staff.

Step 2

About two weeks after you apply, you will receive a Notice of Approval postcard from the Immigration Office.

Step 3

Go to the Immigration Office by the date stated on your Notice of Approval postcard.

Required documents

  1. Notice of Approval postcard
  2. Passport
  3. Residence card
  4. Revenue stamp(収入印紙) of 4,000 yen
Step 4

When your visa has been extended, bring your residence card to International Relations Section on Kami Campus or Student Affairs Section on Eikokuji Campus so that we can update your data.