Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese

Associate Professor
KADOTA Hiroshi

  • Gender: Male
  • Affiliation:
    - School of Informatics
    - Information Systems Engineering Course, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Enginering
    - Infomatics Course, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Enginering
    - Research Institute
    - Research Center for Brain Communication, Research Institute
Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office Brain-Muscle Coordination Laboratory
Humans can perform daily activities without any difficulties despite the physical state changes that accompany their growth. They can master various tools such as a car or a powered exoskeleton suit that are produced through engineering innovation. Our laboratory conducts studies on human motor adaptability by using psychophysiological methods and/or non-invasive measurements, such as MRI. The application and development of research outcomes will contribute to the fields of education, medical services, and information technology, which include physical movements.
Current research topics
Educational background
Professional background
Academic societies

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Learning and Inference
  • Project Research 1
  • Project Research 2
  • Project Research 3
  • Seminars on the School of Information
  • Graduation Thesis
  • Neuromechanics
Graduate school
  • Seminar on Infomatics I
  • Seminar on Infomatics II
  • Individual Work for Graduate
  • Brain Information Science

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Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Sekiguchi H., Yamanaka K., Takeuchi S., Futatsubashi G., Hiroshi Kadota, Miyazaki M., Nakazawa K.
    Title: Acquisition of novel ball-related skills associated with sports experience
    Journal: Scientific Reports
    Year: 2021
  2. Authors: Kimura T., Kadota H., Kuroda T., Funai T.D., Makoto Iwata, Kochiyama T., Miyazaki M.
    Title: Neural correlates of tactile simultaneity judgement: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
    Journal: Scientific Reports, pp. 1-13
    Year: 2019
  3. Authors: Kanayama N., Asai T., Nakao T., Makita K., Kozuma R., Uyama T., Yamane T., Kadota H., Yamawaki S.
    Title: Subjectivity of the anomalous sense of self is represented in gray matter volume in the brain: a VBM study
    Journal: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
    Year: 2017
  4. Authors: Miyazaki M., KADOTAH., Matsuzaki K.S., Takeuchi S., Sekiguchi H., Aoyama T., Kochiyama T.
    Title: Dissociating the neural correlates of tactile temporal order and simultaneity judgements
    Journal: Scientific Reports
    Year: 2016
  5. Authors: KADOTAHiroshi, Hirashima Masaya, Nozaki Daichi
    Title: Functional modulation of corticospinal excitability with adaptation of wrist movements to novel dynamical environments
    Journal: Journal of Neuroscience
    Year: 2014
  6. Authors: Yanamaka Kentaro, KADOTAHiroshi, Nozaki Daichi
    Title: Long-latency TMS-evoked potentials during motor execution and inhibition
    Journal: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
    Year: 2013
  7. Authors: Sekiguchi H, Takeuchi S, KADOTAH, Kohno Y, Nakajima Y
    Title: TMS-induced artifacts on EEG can be reduced by rearrangement of the electrode’s lead wire before recording
    Journal: Clinical Neurophysiology
    Year: 2011
  8. Authors: Kudo K, Miyazaki M, Sekiguchi H, KADOTAH, Fujii S, Miura A, Yoshie M, Nakata H
    Title: Neurophysiological and dynamical control principles underlying variable and stereotyped movement patterns during skill acquisition
    Journal: Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
    Year: 2011
  9. Authors: KADOTAH, Nakajima Y, Miyazaki M, Sekiguchi H, Kohno Y, Amako M, Arino H, Nemoto K, Sakai N
    Title: An fMRI study of musicians with focal dystonia during tapping tasks
    Journal: Journal of Neurology
    Year: 2010
  10. Authors: KADOTAH, Sekiguchi H, Takeuchi S, Miyazaki M, Kohno Y, Nakajima Y
    Title: The role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the inhibition of stereotyped responses
    Journal: Experimental Brain Research
    Year: 2010
  11. Authors: KADOTAH, Nakajima Y, Miyazaki M, Sekiguchi H, Kohno Y, Kansaku K
    Title: Anterior prefrontal cortex activities during the inhibition of stereotyped responses in a neuropsychological rock-paper-scissors task
    Journal: Neuroscience Letters
    Year: 2009
  12. Authors: Kato J, Ide H, Kabashima I, KADOTAH, Takano K, Kansaku K
    Title: Neural correlates of attitude change following positive and negative advertisements
    Journal: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
    Year: 2009
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: Training factor associated with the change ofneuronal activities inthe primary motor cortex
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Project number: 22700590
    Project period: 2010-2012
    Total budget amount: 4,030,000 yen
  2. Project title: Spatial representation in the brain related to motor learning
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
    Project number: 26750239
    Project period: 2014-2016
    Total budget amount: 3,900,000 yen
  3. Project title: Acquisition of motor memory with modulation of brain activity
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 17K01618
    Project period: 2017-2019
    Total budget amount: 4,550,000 yen
  4. Project title: Elucidating the neural basis of motor progress
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 20K11493
    Project period: 2020-2022
    Total budget amount: 4,420,000 yen

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Social activities

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