Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese


  • Year of birth: 1960
  • Gender: Male
  • Job titles: Director, Regional Education Support Center
  • Affiliation:
    - Regional Education Support Center, Research Organization for Regional Alliances
    - Department of Core Studies
    - Research Organization for Regional Alliances
  • Personal web site: http://www.nagasaki21.com/
Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office
Current research topics
Educational background
Professional background
Academic societies

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Presentation
  • Reading Workshop
  • Advanced English Projects
  • Advanced Business English and TOEIC
  • Basic Business English and TOEIC
  • Advanced English 1
  • English 1
Graduate school

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Research activities

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Social activities

Committee roles
  1. Vice President, Japan Educational Action Research Network, 2013-2014

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