Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese


  • Year of birth: 1962
  • Gender: Male
  • Affiliation: Department of Core Studies
Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office E-learning Lab
The E-learning Lab in the Core Studies Department at Kochi University of Technology researches ways to support, enhance and extend both teaching and learning using modern technologies, open-source software, and standard data formats. This research includes developing new plugins for learning management systems (LMS), new apps for mobiles devices, and new methodologies for using technology to improve educational outcomes and maintain motivation among learners. We are particularly focussed on language-learning and CALL, but our research is also relevant to e-learning in general.
Current research topics
Educational background 1997: Master, Aston University, U.K.
1984: Bachelor, London University (Imperial College), U.K.
Professional background
Academic societies JALT
Moodle Association of Japan (MAJ)

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Presenting Ideas
  • English Today
  • Research Writing Essentials
  • Research Writing for Management and Economics
  • Research Writing for Science and Engineering
  • English 1
Graduate school
  • Methods for Teaching Natural Science in English

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Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Gordon Bateson
    Title: Enhancing Course Page Usability on a Standard Moodle Site Using Generic JavaScript and Bootstrap CSS
    Journal: TEFL-Praxis Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 56-9, TEFL Praxis Association
    Year: 2022
  2. Authors: Gordon Bateson
    Title: Developing an Online Test to Measure Writing and Speaking Skills Automatically
    Journal: International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 69-10, IGI Global
    Year: 2021
  3. Authors: Gordon Bateson, Alexander Vazhenin (Aizu University Japan), John Brine (Aizu University Japan)
    Title: A Graphical Interface for Awarding Incremental Points for Digital Badges in an English Village Reward System
    Journal: INTED 2017 Proceedings, IATED
    Year: 2017
  4. Authors: Brine J., Kaneko E., Heo Y., Vazhenin A., Bateson G.
    Title: Language learning beyond Japanese university classrooms: video interviewing for study abroad
    Journal: Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy, pp. 91-96, Dublin: Research-publishing.net
    Year: 2015
Keynote lectures
  1. AI in Education, AI in Education, Ritsumeikan University (Ibaragi, Osaka, Japan), 2025
Invited lectures
  1. Promoting English Use Through Digital Badges, Chubu LET (Autumn 2015), Kanazawa Gakuin University, JAPAN, 2015
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: Open-source English ability test with automatic grading of speaking and writing
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 19K00829
    Project period: 2019-2021
    Total budget amount: 1,690,000 yen

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Social activities

Committee roles
  1. Auditor, TEFL-Praxis Association, 2023-
  2. Vice President, Moodle Association of Japan, 2022-
  3. Membership Chair, JALT East Shikoku Chapter, 2022-
  4. Vice President, 2022-
  5. Comittee member (Membership chair), JALT East Shikoku Chapter, 2021-
  6. Comittee member (Membership chair), JALT East Shikoku Chapter, 2020-
  7. Vice-president, 2021-
  8. Vice-president, 2020-
  9. Vice-president, Moodle Association of Japan, 2021-
  10. Vice-president, Moodle Association of Japan, 2020-
  11. Comittee member (Membership chair), JALT East Shikoku Chapter, 2019-
  12. Vice President, 2019-
  13. Vice President, Moodle Association of Japan, 2019-
  14. Vice-president, 2018-
  15. Vice-president, Moodle Association of Japan, 2018-
  16. Officer (Membership Chair), East Shikoku JALT, 2016-
  17. Conference registration chair, JALT CALL, 2002-2017
  18. Committee member, Moodle Association of Japan, 2015-
Published books
  1. EnglishCentral module for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2018
  2. EssayAutoGrade question type for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2017
  3. MAJ Submissions block for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2017
  4. Taskchain module for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2016
  5. HotPot module for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2015
  6. Ordering question type for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2015
  7. Reader module for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2015
  8. Hot Potatoes question import for Moodle, Moodle.org, 2015

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