Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese

FURUTA Hiroshi

Ph.D (Science), Osaka University, Japan, 1999

Master (Science), Osaka University, Japan, 1996

Bachelor (Science), Osaka University, Japan, 1994

Areas of specialization Thin Film Technology
Condensed Matter Physics
Applied Optics/Quantum Optics
Energy devices (Electricity generation, storage, conversion)
Laboratory/research office Laboratory of
Advanced Energy Nanomaterials

Recent progress of nanotechnologies in observation techniques and fabrication processes allows us to address novel electric and photonic properties of nanomaterials, which properties are directly derived from their size and structure.
By controlling size and structure of the nanomaterials, we develop designed photonic metamaterials for high-efficient energy devices, aiming to solve the global and local energy issues.
Current research topics
Educational background 1999: Doctor, Osaka University, Japan
1996: Master, Osaka University, Japan
1994: Bachelor, Osaka University, Japan
Professional background 2019-: Professor, School of Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology
2011-2019: Associate Professor, Kochi University of Technology, System Engineering
2008-2010: Lecturer, Research Institute for Nano-devices, Kochi University of Technology
2004-2008: Lecturer, Process design research center, Research Institute, Kochi University of Technology
2003-2007: Researcher , Kochi Pref. Collaboration of Regional Entities for the Adv. Technol. Excellence, JST
2002-2004: Researcher, Rodel Nittal Corp.
2001-2002: NEDO fellow, NEDO fellowship training program
2000-2001: Researcher, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC)
2000: Researcher, Ion Engineering Research Institute Corporation (IERIC)
1999-2000: Postdoctoral Fellow (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
1998-1999: Research Fellowship (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Academic societies The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
The Fullerens, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society
The Material Research Society of Japan(MRS-J)
Teraherts Technology Forum
The Optical Society

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Computer Literacy
  • Introduction to Electronic Materials
  • Optoelectronic Devices
  • Experiments of Electronic and Photonic 2
  • Graduation Thesis
  • Electromagnetics 1
Graduate school
  • Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
  • Seminar 1
  • Seminar 2
  • Advanced Seminar 1
  • Advanced Seminar 2
  • Individual Work for Graduate

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Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Islam Md. SAIFUL, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Honeycomb Cell Structures Formed in Drop-Casting CNT Films for Highly Efficient Solar Absorber Applications
    Journal: Nanomaterials, Vol. 14, No. 20, pp. 1633-1-1633-15, MDPI
    Year: 2024
  2. Authors: Kazuya Kobiro, Hinako Kimura, Saki Hirose, Makoto Kinjo, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Solvothermal synthesis of hair-like carbon nanotubes onto sub-micron-sized spherical metal oxide catalyst cores
    Journal: RSC Advances, Vol. 13, pp. 13809-13818, Royal Society of Chemistry
    Year: 2023
  3. Authors: Shunya Hashimoto, Hideo Fukuhara, Endre J. Szili, Shiaki Kawada, Sung-Ha Hong, Yuta Matsumoto, Tatsuru Shirafuji, Masayuki Tsuda, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Mutsuo Furihata, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta, Kenji Inoue, Jun-Seok Oh
    Title: Understanding the Role of Plasma Bullet Currents in Heating Skin to Mitigate Risks of Thermal Damage Caused by Low-Temperature Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jets
    Journal: Plasma, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 103-114, MDPI
    Year: 2023
  4. Authors: Islam Md. SAIFUL, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Recent Development of Carbon-Nanotube-Based Solar Heat Absorption Devices and Their Application
    Journal: Nanomaterials, Vol. 12, No. 21, pp. 1-22, MDPI
    Year: 2022
  5. Authors: Adam Michal Pander, Takatsugu Onishi, Akimitsu Hatta, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Fabrication of Self-Assembling Carbon Nanotube Forest Fishnet Metamaterials
    Journal: Nanomaterials, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 464-1-464-14, MDPI
    Year: 2022
  6. Authors: Hirofumi Koji, Yuji Kusumoto, Akimitsu Hatta, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Formation of Thermally Stable, High-Areal-Density, and Small-Diameter Catalyst Nanoparticles via Intermittent Sputtering Deposition for the High-Density Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
    Journal: Nanomaterials, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 365-1-365-11, MDPI
    Year: 2022
  7. Authors: Adam Michal Pander, Takatsugu Onishi, Akimitsu Hatta, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Study of self-organized structure in carbon nanotube forest by fractal dimension and lacunarity analysis
    Journal: Materials Characterization, Vol. 160, p. 110086, Elsevier
    Year: 2020
  8. Authors: Adam Michal Pander, Keisuke Takano, Akimitsu Hatta, Makoto Nakajima, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Shape-dependent infrared reflectance properties of CNT forest metamaterial arrays
    Journal: Optics Express, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 607-625, OSA Publishing
    Year: 2020
  9. Authors: Hiroki Miyaji, Adam Pander, Keisuke Takano, Hideo Kohno, Akimitsu Hatta, Makoto Nakajima, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Optical reflectance of patterned frost column-like CNT forest for metamaterial applications
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 83, pp. 196-203, Elsevier B.V.
    Year: 2018
  10. Authors: Adam Pander, Keisuke Takano, Akimitsu Hatta, Makoto Nakajima, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: The influence of the inner structure of CNT forest metamaterials in the infrared regime
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 80, pp. 99-107, Elsevier B.V.
    Year: 2017
  11. Authors: Adam Michal Pander, HATTA Akimitsu, FURUTA Hiroshi
    Title: FIB Secondary Etching Method for Fabrication of Fine CNT Forest Metamaterials
    Journal: Nano-Micro Letters, p. 9:44, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    Year: 2017
  12. Authors: Udorn Junthorn, HATTA Akimitsu, FURUTA Hiroshi
    Title: Carbon nanotube (CNT) honeycomb cell area-dependent optical reflectance
    Journal: Nanomaterials, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 202-1-202-10, MDPI
    Year: 2016
  13. Authors: Yuji Kusumoto, FURUTA Hiroshi, Kazuki Sekiya, Hirofumi Koji, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Electrical conductance behavior of thin Ni catalyst films during intermittent direct current magnetron sputtering
    Journal: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 32, pp. 031502-1-031502-5, AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing
    Year: 2014
  14. Authors: FURUTA Hiroshi, KOJI Hirofumi, KOMUKAI Takuji, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Long Lifetime Emission from Screen Printing Carbon Nanotubes over 45,000 Hours at 1.27 mA/cm² with 10% Duty Ratio
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 35, pp. 29-35, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  15. Authors: KOJI Hirofumi, FURUTA Hiroshi, SEKIYA Kazuki, NITTA Noriko, HARIGAI Tooru, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Increased CNT Growth Density with an Additional Thin Ni Layer on the Fe/Al Catalyst Film
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  16. Authors: H. Furuta, T. Kawaharamura, M. Furuta, K. Kawabata, T. Hirao, T. Komukai, K. Yoshihara, Y. Shimomoto, T. Oguchi
    Title: Crystal Structure Analysis of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Forests by Newly Developed Cross-Sectional XRD Measurement
    Journal: Applied Physics Express, Vol. 3, pp. 105101-1-105101-3, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Year: 2010
  17. Authors: H. Furuta, K. Ishii, K. Okada, M. Furuta, T. Hirao
    Title: Simulation Study of the In-plane Type Triode Carbon Nanotube Emitter
    Journal: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 878-881, The AVS Science & Technology Society
    Year: 2010
  18. Authors: H. Furuta, T. Kawaharamura, K. Kawabata, M. Furuta, T. Matsuda, C. Li, T. Hirao
    Title: High-Density Short-Height Directly Grown CNT Patterned Emitter on Glass
    Journal: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, Vol. 8, pp. 336-339, The Surface Science Society of Japan
    Year: 2010
  19. Authors: H. Furuta, M. Furuta, T.Matsuda, T.Hiramatsu, T. Hirao
    Title: SiO2 Insulator Film Synthesized at 100℃ using Tetramethylsilane by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Chemical Vapor Deposition
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. L237-L240, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Year: 2007
  20. Authors: Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: (博士論文)Application of ESR Imaging and Pattern Formation in Porous Silicon
    Journal: 大阪大学大学院理学研究科博士論文 (理学・物理学)
    Year: 1999
  21. Authors: H. Furuta, T. Matsuda, C. Yamanaka, M. Ikeya
    Title: Self-Organized Pattern Formation in Porous Silicon Using a Lattice Model with Quantum Confinement Effect
    Journal: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 68, pp. 2218-2220, The Physical Society of Japan
    Year: 1999
  22. Authors: H. Furuta, C. Yamanaka, M. Ikeya
    Title: Degradation of Photoluminescence and Electron Paramagnetic Defects in Naturally Oxidized or Oxygen-implanted Porous Silicon with Electron Spin Resonance Imaging
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 37, pp. 249-253, Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Year: 1998
Keynote lectures
  1. Beyond Nature: Carbon Nanomaterials and the Metamaterial Revolution, The 1st Advanced Nanomaterials and Application International Workshop, KUT and FIU Joint IRES International Project 2023, 2023
  2. Carbon Nanotube Metamaterials for the Future Energy Devices, Virtual Conference on Future of Science 2020, TIIM, Online Conference at https://iaas.tiikm.com/scicon-2020/, 2020
  3. Nano-carbon materials for energy and metamaterials applications, The 6th International Conference on Nano Science and Nanotechnology (ICNST2019), Taj Samudra hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2019
Invited lectures
  1. Carbon Nanotube Network Metamaterials for Applications, 2025 Carbon Microelectromechanical Systems conference (C-MEMS 2025) , Shalala Center, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA , 2025
  2. Nano-carbon Metamaterials, 12th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM12), Hangzhou, China hybrid ONLINE, 2023
  3. Carbon Nanotube Forest Thermal Metamaterials and Expectations for SDG Application, Technical Information Institute Co. Ltd, ONLINE, https://www.gijutu.co.jp/doc/s_109203.htm, 2021
  4. "Nanocarbon metamaterials for optronics and energy devices", 12th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2020) / 13th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (IC-PLANTS2020), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 2020
  5. Nano carbon structures for Metamaterials, MRS-J, Kitakyushu International Conference Center Room 21C,D, 2018
  1. Selected paper for the issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, vol.22, Issue 7. August 16, (2010), AIP and APS, 2010
  2. Outstanding Poster Paper Award, The 13th International Display Workshops (IDW)‘06: Low-Temperature Synthesis of SiO2 Insulator by ICP CVD Using Tetramethylsilane, H. Furuta, M. Furuta, T.Matsuda, T.Hiramatsu, T.Hirao, The 13th International Display Workshops (IDW) ’06, International Display Workshop (IDW), 2006
  3. Distinguished Contributed Paper Award,Society for Information Display (SID) 2006: High mobility top-gate ZnO-TFTs for AMLCDs, T.Hirao, M.Furuta, H.Furuta, T.Matsuda, T.Hiramatsu, H.Hokari, M.Yoshida, SID International Symposium (2006), The Society for Infomation Display (SID), 2006
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: Carbon Nanotube Forest Metamaterial
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 24560050
    Project period: 2012-2014
    Total budget amount: 5,200,000 yen
  2. Project title: Carbon Nanotube Forest Thermal Radiative Metamaterial
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 17K06205
    Project period: 2017-2019
    Total budget amount: 4,940,000 yen
  3. Project title: Fundamental research on carbon nanotube metanetworks
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 20K05093
    Project period: 2020-2022
    Total budget amount: 4,290,000 yen
  4. Project title: Electrical and Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Meta-Networks
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 23K04383
    Project period: 2023-2025
    Total budget amount: 4,810,000 yen

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Social activities

Committee roles
  1. Chairperson, The 67th Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General Symposium (FNTG67), The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society, 2024
  2. Guest Editor of Special Issue, "State-of-the-Art Carbon Related and Low-Dimensional Functional Nanomaterials", MDPI, 2023-2024
  3. Guest Editor of Special Issue, "State-of-the-Art 2D and Carbon Nanomaterials in Japan", MDPI, 2022-2023
  4. Executive committee member, International Association for Advancement of Science (IAAS), 2020-2021
  5. Editorial board member, micro, Microscale Materials Science Section, MDPI, 2020-
  6. Journal Topic Board: Topic Editor, MDPI: Nanomaterials, 2020-
  7. Executive committee member, 35th Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP34) , 35th Symposium on Plasma Processing (SPP34) , JSAP, 2018-2019
  8. Program officer, 2010 JSAP Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter conference, JSAP Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter, JSAP, 2010

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