Research papers |
Authors: Kota TOMATSU, Takahiro CHIBA, Tetsushi CHIDA, Takahiro AOKI, Nobuhito MAEDA, Tomohiko OMURA, Akimitsu HATTA
Title: Anisotropy in Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wire Evaluated by in-situ Miniature Test and Scanning Electron Microscopy during Plasma Hydrogen Charging
Journal: ISIJ International, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 155-164
Year: 2025
Authors: Kota Tomatsu, Takahiro Aoki, Kenji Kobayashi, Tomohiko Omura, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: In situ scanning electron microscopy of hydrogen embrittlement by near atmospheric-pressure hydrogen microplasma jet
Journal: Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 94, pp. 023707-1-023707-11
Year: 2023
Authors: Sukma Wahyu Fitriani, Hideki Yajima, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Photoemission-induced atmospheric-pressure DC gas discharge using back-illuminated nano thickness photocathode
Journal: Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 15, pp. 116001-1-116001-5, IOP
Year: 2022
Authors: Akimitsu Hatta, Vladislav Gamaleev, J.-S. Oh, Hiroshi Furuta
Title: Microplasma Discharge in Deionized Water and Artificial Seawater
Journal: International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-6, The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
Year: 2020
Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Mineo Hiramatsu, Masafumi Ito 2, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Analysis of the Preheating Phase of Micro-Arc Discharge in Seawater, Operated Using a Needle-to-Plane Electrode with Variation in the Tip Shape
Journal: Plasma, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 303-315, MDPI
Year: 2019
Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy of Microarc Discharge in Sea Water for On-Site Detection of Metals
Journal: IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 1841-1850, IEEE
Year: 2019
Authors: Kotaro Ogawa, Hideki Yajima, Jun-Seok Oh, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Effects of sheath gas flow on He atmospheric pressure plasma jet
Journal: Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 12, pp. 036001-1-036001-5, IOPScience
Year: 2019
Authors: Kotaro Ogawa, Jun-Seok Oh, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, Hirofumi Kurita, Akira Mizuno, Akimitsu Hatta, Robert D. Short, Masafumi Ito, Endre J. Szili
Title: Modulating the concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and oxygen in water with helium and argon gas and plasma jets
Journal: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, No. SA, pp. SAAB01-1-SAAB01-9, PCPAP
Year: 2018
Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Generation of micro-arc discharge plasma in highly pressurized seawater
Journal: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 113, pp. 214102-1-214102-5, AIP Publishing
Year: 2018
Authors: Mamun Md Abdullah Al, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Preparation of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films using a microsecond-pulsed DC capacitive-coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition system operated at high frequency up to 400 kHz
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, pp. 06JF02-1-06JF02-8, IOP Publishing
Year: 2018
Authors: Mamun Md Abdullah Al, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Novel high-frequency energy-efficient pulsed-dc generator for capacitively coupled plasma discharge
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 89, p. 033506, AIP Publishing
Year: 2018
Authors: Hiroki Miyaji, Adam Pander, Keisuke Takano, Hideo Kohno, Akimitsu Hatta, Makoto Nakajima, Hiroshi Furuta
Title: Optical reflectance of patterned frost column-like CNT forest for metamaterial applications
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 83, pp. 196-203, Elsevier B.V.
Year: 2018
Authors: Endre J Szili, Jun-Seok Oh, Hideo Fukuhara, Rishabh Bhatia, Nishtha Gaur, Cuong K Nguyen, Sung-Ha Hong, Satsuki Ito, Kohtaroh Ogawa, Chiaki Kawada, Taro Shuin, Masayuki Tsuda, Mutsuo Furihata, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Hiroshi Furuta, Masafumi Ito, Keiji Inoue, Akimitsu Hatta, Robert D Short
Title: Modelling the helium plasma jet delivery of reactive species into a 3D cancer tumour
Journal: Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, p. 014001, IOP Publishing
Year: 2017
Authors: Jun-Seok Oh, Endre J. Szili, Kotaro Ogawa, Robert D. Short, Masafumi Ito, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: UV–vis spectroscopy study of plasma-activated water: Dependence of the chemical composition on plasma exposure time and treatment distance
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, No. 1, p. 0102B9, IOP Publishing
Year: 2017
Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Detection of metal contaminants in seawater by spectral analysis of microarc discharge
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, No. 1, p. 0102B8, IOP Publishing
Year: 2017
Authors: Khanit Matra, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: DC Microplasma Jet for Local a:C-H Deposition Operated in SEM Chamber
Journal: Micromachines, Vol. 8, No. 7, p. 211, MDPI
Year: 2017
Authors: Duriyasart Farkfun, Masataka Ohtani, Jun-Seok Oh, Akimitsu Hatta, Kazuya Kobiro
Title: A new approach to surface activation of porous nanomaterials using non-thermal helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment
Journal: Chem. Commun., Vol. 53, pp. 6704-6707, Royal Society of Chemistry
Year: 2017
Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Jun-Seok Oh, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Investigation of Effect of Needle Electrode Configuration on Microplasma Discharge Process in Sea Water
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 754-760, IEEE
Year: 2017
Authors: Jun-Seok Oh, Shinya Kojima, Minoru Sasaki, Akimitsu Hatta, Shinya Kumagai
Title: Plasma cell treatment device Plasma-on-Chip: Monitoring plasma generated reactive species in microwells
Journal: Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp. 41953-1-41953-11, Nature Publishing Group
Year: 2017
Authors: Jun-Seok OH, Xanthe Strudwick, Robert D. Short, Kohtaroh Ogawa, HATTA Akimitsu, FURUTA Hiroshi, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, Allison J. Cowin, Hideo Fukuhara, Keiji Inoue, Masafumi Ito, Christine Charles, Roderick W. Boswell, James W. Bradley, David B. Graves, Endre J. Szili
Title: How plasma induced oxidation, oxygenation, and de-oxygenation influences viability of skin cells
Journal: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 109, No. 20, pp. 203701-1-203701-5, American Institute of Physics
Year: 2016
Authors: OH Jun-Seok, Hideki Yajima, Keiya Hashida, Tsunehisa Ono, Tatsuo Ishijima, Izumi Serizawa, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: In-situ uv absorption spectroscopy for observing dissolved ozone in water
Journal: Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 427-432, The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology
Year: 2016
Authors: OH Jun-Seok OH, Endre J Szili, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, FURUTA Hiroshi, Hirofumi Kurita, Akira Mizuno, HATTA Akimitsu, Robert D Short
Title: How to assess the plasma delivery of RONS into tissue fluid and tissue
Journal: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, No. 30, pp. 304005-304017, IOP Publishing
Year: 2016
Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, You Okamura, Kensuke Kitamura, Yuusuke Hashimoto, OH Jun-Seok, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Investigation of microplasma discharge in sea water for optical emission spectroscopy
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 752, pp. 07LC03-1-07LC03-5, IOP Publishing
Year: 2016
Authors: OH Jun-Seok, Maito Kakuta, FURUTA Hiroshi, Hiroshi Akatsuka, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Effect of plasma jet diameter on the efficiency of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation in water
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 06HD01-1-06HD01-6, Japan Society of Applied Physics
Year: 2016
Authors: Pander Adam Michal, HATTA Akimitsu, FURUTA Hiroshi
Title: Optimization of catalyst formation conditions for synthesis of carbon nanotubes using Taguchi method
Journal: Applied Surface Science, Vol. 371, pp. 425-435, Elsevier
Year: 2016
Authors: OH Jun-Seok, Endre J. Szili, Satsuki Itou, Sung-Ha Hong, Nishtha Gaur, FURUTA Hiroshi, Robert D. Short, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Slow molecular transport of plasma-generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and O2 through agarose as surrogate for tissue
Journal: Plasma Medicine, Vol. 5, No. 2-4, pp. 125-143, Begell House
Year: 2016
Authors: N. Gaur, E.J. Szili, JUN-SEOK OH, S.-H. Hong, A. Michelmore, D.B. Graves, HATTA Akimitsu, R.D. Short
Title: Combined effect of protein and oxygen on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the plasma treatment of tissue
Journal: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 107, p. 103703, AIP Publishing
Year: 2015
Authors: JUN-SEOK OH, Endre J. Szili, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, FURUTA Hiroshi, Robert D. Short, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: In-situ UV Absorption Spectroscopy for Monitoring Transport of Plasma Reactive Species through Agarose as Surrogate for Tissue
Journal: Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 439-444, The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology
Year: 2015
Authors: Endre J Szili, JUN-SEOK OH, Sung-Ha Hong, HATTA Akimitsu, Robert D Short
Title: Probing the transport of plasma-generated RONS in an agarose target as surrogate for real tissue: dependency on time, distance and material composition
Journal: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physcis , Vol. 48, IOP Publishing Ltd
Year: 2015
Authors: Toru Harigai, Kouyou Iwasa, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Hydrophilic DLC surface induced by nanostructures formed by RF O2 plasma etching with metal micromasks
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 3858-3861, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Year: 2014
Authors: Yuuki Yasuoka, Toru Harigai, JUN-SEOK OH, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu, Tsuneo Suzuki, Hidetoshi Saitoh
Title: Diamond-like carbon films from CO source gas by RF plasma CVD method
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, IOP Science
Year: 2014
Authors: JUN-SEOK OH, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu, James W. Bradley
Title: Investigating the effect of additional gases in an atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet using ambient mass spectrometry
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, IOP Science
Year: 2014
Authors: JUN-SEOK OH, Yoshiaki Kakuta, Yuuki Yasuoka, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Localized DLC etching by a non-thermal atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet in ambient air
Journal: Diamond Related Materials, Vol. 50, Elsevier
Year: 2014
Authors: Yuji Kusumoto, FURUTA Hiroshi, Kazuki Sekiya, Hirofumi Koji, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Electrical conductance behavior of thin Ni catalyst films during intermittent direct current magnetron sputtering
Journal: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 32, pp. 031502-1-031502-5, AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing
Year: 2014
Authors: HARIGAI Toru, IWASA Koyo, KOJI Hirofumi, NITTA Noriko, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Analysis on Self-Organized Formation of Nanofibers
on Diamond-Like Carbon Film Surface during RF O2 Plasma Etching
Journal: Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 447-450, The Materials Research Society of Japan
Year: 2013
Authors: Tooru Harigai, Yuuki Yasuoka, NITTA Noriko, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: X-ray reflectivity analysis on initial stage of diamond-like carbon film deposition on Si substrate by RF plasma CVD and on removal of the sub-surface layer by oxygen plasma etching
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 38, pp. 36-40, Elsevier
Year: 2013
Authors: FURUTA Hiroshi, KOJI Hirofumi, KOMUKAI Takuji, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Long Lifetime Emission from Screen Printing Carbon Nanotubes over 45,000 Hours at 1.27 mA/cm² with 10% Duty Ratio
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 35, pp. 29-35, Elsevier
Year: 2013
Authors: Khanit MATRA, Yuusuke Mizobuchi, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Local Sputter Etching by Micro Plasma Jet in SEM
Journal: Vacuum, Vol. 87, pp. 132-135, Elsevier
Year: 2013
Authors: KOJI Hirofumi, FURUTA Hiroshi, SEKIYA Kazuki, NITTA Noriko, HARIGAI Tooru, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Increased CNT Growth Density with an Additional Thin Ni Layer on the Fe/Al Catalyst Film
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Elsevier
Year: 2013
Authors: Hirofumi Kouji, Tooru Harigai, NITTA Noriko, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Magnetron Sputtering Deposition of Additional Ni Thin Films on the Fe/Al Multi-layered Catalyst Film for the Growth Control of Carbon Nanotubes
Journal: Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 511-514, Materials Research Society of Japan
Year: 2012
Authors: Tooru Harigai, Hirofumi Koji, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Formation of Nanofibers on the Surface of Diamond-Like Carbon Films by RF Oxygen Plasma Etching
Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 50, pp. 08JF12-1-08JF12-5, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Year: 2011
Authors: Keiji Inoue, Takashi Karashima, Tatsuo Iiyama, Shingo Ashida, Masayuki Kamada, Taro Shuin, Parijatha Rao, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Mutsuo Furihata, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Pathobiological Influence of a Radiofrequency Ablation System
Journal: Pathobiology
Year: 2010
Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Whiskers formation mechanism in radio frequency Ar/O2 plasma etching of polycrystalline diamond films with Al sputtering
Journal: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, pp. 4172-4176
Year: 2007
Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Electrical and structural properties on nanowhiskers fabricated on iron coated diamond films by radio frequency O2 plasma etching
Journal: Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Vol. 10, pp. 221-224
Year: 2007
Authors: Akimitsu Hatta, Shikou Kaneko, Md. Kamrul Hassan
Title: Hydrogen Permeation through Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films Coated on PET Sheet
Journal: Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 4, No. S1, pp. S241-S244
Year: 2007
Authors: C.Y. Li, A. Hatta
Title: Nanowhiskers formation by radio frequency Ar/O2 plasma etching of aluminum coated diamond films
Journal: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, No. 9, pp. 4172-4176
Year: 2007
Authors: Akimitsu Hatta, Hiroshi Nakatsuma, Keishi Yanai, Tsuyoshi Nishikawa
Title: Cold Cathode of p-type Semiconducting Diamond Films for Gas Discharge
Journal: Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 4, No. S1, pp. S942-S945
Year: 2007
Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Properties comparison of diamond nanowhiskers obtained from etching diamond films with different metal coatings in radio frequency plasma
Journal: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, pp. 8378-8380
Year: 2006
Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Function of aluminum coating on fabrication of diamond nanowhiskers in radio frequency plasma etching
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 15, pp. 1122-1125
Year: 2006
Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Effect of metal coating on the formation of diamond whiskers in O2 RF Plasma
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 15, pp. 357-360
Year: 2006
Authors: Chaoyang Li, HATTA Akimitsu
Title: Preparation of diamond whiskers using Ar/O2 plasma etching
Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 14, pp. 1780-1783
Year: 2005
Authors: Chaoyang Li, Hiroaki Yoshimura, Akimitsu Hatta
Title: Fabrication of Diamond Nano-whiskers by Reactive Ion Etching
Journal: Trans. MRS-J, Vol. 30, pp. 287-290
Year: 2005