Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese

HATTA Akimitsu

Dr. (Eng.), Osaka University, Japan, 1996

Areas of specialization Plasma Science and Engineering
Electric and Electronic Material
Energy and Environmental Education
Laboratory/research office Plasma Engineering Laboratory
Non-equilibrium discharge plasma in which electron temperature easily exceeds several tens of thousands degrees exists everywhere, such as lightning in nature and discharge lamp. The matter in plasma phase is highly excited state and/or highly reactive condition inducing active chemical reactions and/or intense light emission. Plasma application technologies will be established through the studies on production and control of discharge plasma in atmospheric environment, in water, or in reactive gases, and analysis on fabricated thin films and reactive chemical species.
Current research topics UV Absorption Spectroscopy of Plasma Activated Water Elemental Analysis on Sea Water at High Pressure by Micro-discharge Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy Bike-Dynamo: Human Power Generator Improvement of Micro-Hydroelectric Generator in Funaire Primary School
Educational background 1989: Master, Kyoto University, Japan
1987: Bachelor, Kyoto University, Japan
Professional background 1992-1998: Research Associate, Department of Electrical Engineering, Osaka University
Academic societies Japan Sciety of Applied Physics
Institute of Electrical Engineering of Japan
Illuminating Engineering Institute of japan
Japan Association of Energy and Environmental Education
The Institute of Electrostatics Japan

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Principles of Electric Circuits
  • Energy Resource Engineering
  • Introduction to Electric Power Systems
  • Outline of Engineering
  • Graduation Thesis
  • Electric Machines
  • Electrical Installation and Information Facilities in Building
  • Circuit Theory 1
Graduate school
  • Plasma Engineering
  • Seminar 1
  • Seminar 2
  • Advanced Seminar 1
  • Advanced Seminar 2
  • Individual Work for Graduate
  • Advanced Energy Engineering

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Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Kota TOMATSU, Takahiro CHIBA, Tetsushi CHIDA, Takahiro AOKI, Nobuhito MAEDA, Tomohiko OMURA, Akimitsu HATTA
    Title: Anisotropy in Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wire Evaluated by in-situ Miniature Test and Scanning Electron Microscopy during Plasma Hydrogen Charging
    Journal: ISIJ International, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 155-164
    Year: 2025
  2. Authors: Kota Tomatsu, Takahiro Aoki, Kenji Kobayashi, Tomohiko Omura, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: In situ scanning electron microscopy of hydrogen embrittlement by near atmospheric-pressure hydrogen microplasma jet
    Journal: Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 94, pp. 023707-1-023707-11
    Year: 2023
  3. Authors: Sukma Wahyu Fitriani, Hideki Yajima, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Photoemission-induced atmospheric-pressure DC gas discharge using back-illuminated nano thickness photocathode
    Journal: Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 15, pp. 116001-1-116001-5, IOP
    Year: 2022
  4. Authors: Akimitsu Hatta, Vladislav Gamaleev, J.-S. Oh, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Microplasma Discharge in Deionized Water and Artificial Seawater
    Journal: International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-6, The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
    Year: 2020
  5. Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Mineo Hiramatsu, Masafumi Ito 2, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Analysis of the Preheating Phase of Micro-Arc Discharge in Seawater, Operated Using a Needle-to-Plane Electrode with Variation in the Tip Shape
    Journal: Plasma, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 303-315, MDPI
    Year: 2019
  6. Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy of Microarc Discharge in Sea Water for On-Site Detection of Metals
    Journal: IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 1841-1850, IEEE
    Year: 2019
  7. Authors: Kotaro Ogawa, Hideki Yajima, Jun-Seok Oh, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Effects of sheath gas flow on He atmospheric pressure plasma jet
    Journal: Appl. Phys. Express, Vol. 12, pp. 036001-1-036001-5, IOPScience
    Year: 2019
  8. Authors: Kotaro Ogawa, Jun-Seok Oh, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, Hirofumi Kurita, Akira Mizuno, Akimitsu Hatta, Robert D. Short, Masafumi Ito, Endre J. Szili
    Title: Modulating the concentrations of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and oxygen in water with helium and argon gas and plasma jets
    Journal: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, No. SA, pp. SAAB01-1-SAAB01-9, PCPAP
    Year: 2018
  9. Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Generation of micro-arc discharge plasma in highly pressurized seawater
    Journal: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 113, pp. 214102-1-214102-5, AIP Publishing
    Year: 2018
  10. Authors: Mamun Md Abdullah Al, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Preparation of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films using a microsecond-pulsed DC capacitive-coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition system operated at high frequency up to 400 kHz
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, pp. 06JF02-1-06JF02-8, IOP Publishing
    Year: 2018
  11. Authors: Mamun Md Abdullah Al, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Novel high-frequency energy-efficient pulsed-dc generator for capacitively coupled plasma discharge
    Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 89, p. 033506, AIP Publishing
    Year: 2018
  12. Authors: Hiroki Miyaji, Adam Pander, Keisuke Takano, Hideo Kohno, Akimitsu Hatta, Makoto Nakajima, Hiroshi Furuta
    Title: Optical reflectance of patterned frost column-like CNT forest for metamaterial applications
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 83, pp. 196-203, Elsevier B.V.
    Year: 2018
  13. Authors: Endre J Szili, Jun-Seok Oh, Hideo Fukuhara, Rishabh Bhatia, Nishtha Gaur, Cuong K Nguyen, Sung-Ha Hong, Satsuki Ito, Kohtaroh Ogawa, Chiaki Kawada, Taro Shuin, Masayuki Tsuda, Mutsuo Furihata, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Hiroshi Furuta, Masafumi Ito, Keiji Inoue, Akimitsu Hatta, Robert D Short
    Title: Modelling the helium plasma jet delivery of reactive species into a 3D cancer tumour
    Journal: Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., Vol. 27, p. 014001, IOP Publishing
    Year: 2017
  14. Authors: Jun-Seok Oh, Endre J. Szili, Kotaro Ogawa, Robert D. Short, Masafumi Ito, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: UV–vis spectroscopy study of plasma-activated water: Dependence of the chemical composition on plasma exposure time and treatment distance
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, No. 1, p. 0102B9, IOP Publishing
    Year: 2017
  15. Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Detection of metal contaminants in seawater by spectral analysis of microarc discharge
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, No. 1, p. 0102B8, IOP Publishing
    Year: 2017
  16. Authors: Khanit Matra, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: DC Microplasma Jet for Local a:C-H Deposition Operated in SEM Chamber
    Journal: Micromachines, Vol. 8, No. 7, p. 211, MDPI
    Year: 2017
  17. Authors: Duriyasart Farkfun, Masataka Ohtani, Jun-Seok Oh, Akimitsu Hatta, Kazuya Kobiro
    Title: A new approach to surface activation of porous nanomaterials using non-thermal helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment
    Journal: Chem. Commun., Vol. 53, pp. 6704-6707, Royal Society of Chemistry
    Year: 2017
  18. Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, Jun-Seok Oh, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Investigation of Effect of Needle Electrode Configuration on Microplasma Discharge Process in Sea Water
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 754-760, IEEE
    Year: 2017
  19. Authors: Jun-Seok Oh, Shinya Kojima, Minoru Sasaki, Akimitsu Hatta, Shinya Kumagai
    Title: Plasma cell treatment device Plasma-on-Chip: Monitoring plasma generated reactive species in microwells
    Journal: Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp. 41953-1-41953-11, Nature Publishing Group
    Year: 2017
  20. Authors: Jun-Seok OH, Xanthe Strudwick, Robert D. Short, Kohtaroh Ogawa, HATTA Akimitsu, FURUTA Hiroshi, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, Allison J. Cowin, Hideo Fukuhara, Keiji Inoue, Masafumi Ito, Christine Charles, Roderick W. Boswell, James W. Bradley, David B. Graves, Endre J. Szili
    Title: How plasma induced oxidation, oxygenation, and de-oxygenation influences viability of skin cells
    Journal: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 109, No. 20, pp. 203701-1-203701-5, American Institute of Physics
    Year: 2016
  21. Authors: OH Jun-Seok, Hideki Yajima, Keiya Hashida, Tsunehisa Ono, Tatsuo Ishijima, Izumi Serizawa, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: In-situ uv absorption spectroscopy for observing dissolved ozone in water
    Journal: Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 427-432, The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology
    Year: 2016
  22. Authors: OH Jun-Seok OH, Endre J Szili, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, FURUTA Hiroshi, Hirofumi Kurita, Akira Mizuno, HATTA Akimitsu, Robert D Short
    Title: How to assess the plasma delivery of RONS into tissue fluid and tissue
    Journal: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, No. 30, pp. 304005-304017, IOP Publishing
    Year: 2016
  23. Authors: Vladislav Gamaleev, You Okamura, Kensuke Kitamura, Yuusuke Hashimoto, OH Jun-Seok, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Investigation of microplasma discharge in sea water for optical emission spectroscopy
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 752, pp. 07LC03-1-07LC03-5, IOP Publishing
    Year: 2016
  24. Authors: OH Jun-Seok, Maito Kakuta, FURUTA Hiroshi, Hiroshi Akatsuka, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Effect of plasma jet diameter on the efficiency of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation in water
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 06HD01-1-06HD01-6, Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Year: 2016
  25. Authors: Pander Adam Michal, HATTA Akimitsu, FURUTA Hiroshi
    Title: Optimization of catalyst formation conditions for synthesis of carbon nanotubes using Taguchi method
    Journal: Applied Surface Science, Vol. 371, pp. 425-435, Elsevier
    Year: 2016
  26. Authors: OH Jun-Seok, Endre J. Szili, Satsuki Itou, Sung-Ha Hong, Nishtha Gaur, FURUTA Hiroshi, Robert D. Short, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Slow molecular transport of plasma-generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and O2 through agarose as surrogate for tissue
    Journal: Plasma Medicine, Vol. 5, No. 2-4, pp. 125-143, Begell House
    Year: 2016
  27. Authors: N. Gaur, E.J. Szili, JUN-SEOK OH, S.-H. Hong, A. Michelmore, D.B. Graves, HATTA Akimitsu, R.D. Short
    Title: Combined effect of protein and oxygen on reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the plasma treatment of tissue
    Journal: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 107, p. 103703, AIP Publishing
    Year: 2015
  28. Authors: JUN-SEOK OH, Endre J. Szili, Nishtha Gaur, Sung-Ha Hong, FURUTA Hiroshi, Robert D. Short, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: In-situ UV Absorption Spectroscopy for Monitoring Transport of Plasma Reactive Species through Agarose as Surrogate for Tissue
    Journal: Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 439-444, The Society of Photopolymer Science and Technology
    Year: 2015
  29. Authors: Endre J Szili, JUN-SEOK OH, Sung-Ha Hong, HATTA Akimitsu, Robert D Short
    Title: Probing the transport of plasma-generated RONS in an agarose target as surrogate for real tissue: dependency on time, distance and material composition
    Journal: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physcis , Vol. 48, IOP Publishing Ltd
    Year: 2015
  30. Authors: Toru Harigai, Kouyou Iwasa, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Hydrophilic DLC surface induced by nanostructures formed by RF O2 plasma etching with metal micromasks
    Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 3858-3861, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
    Year: 2014
  31. Authors: Yuuki Yasuoka, Toru Harigai, JUN-SEOK OH, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu, Tsuneo Suzuki, Hidetoshi Saitoh
    Title: Diamond-like carbon films from CO source gas by RF plasma CVD method
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, IOP Science
    Year: 2014
  32. Authors: JUN-SEOK OH, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu, James W. Bradley
    Title: Investigating the effect of additional gases in an atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet using ambient mass spectrometry
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, IOP Science
    Year: 2014
  33. Authors: JUN-SEOK OH, Yoshiaki Kakuta, Yuuki Yasuoka, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Localized DLC etching by a non-thermal atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet in ambient air
    Journal: Diamond Related Materials, Vol. 50, Elsevier
    Year: 2014
  34. Authors: Yuji Kusumoto, FURUTA Hiroshi, Kazuki Sekiya, Hirofumi Koji, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Electrical conductance behavior of thin Ni catalyst films during intermittent direct current magnetron sputtering
    Journal: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 32, pp. 031502-1-031502-5, AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing
    Year: 2014
  35. Authors: HARIGAI Toru, IWASA Koyo, KOJI Hirofumi, NITTA Noriko, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Analysis on Self-Organized Formation of Nanofibers on Diamond-Like Carbon Film Surface during RF O2 Plasma Etching
    Journal: Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 447-450, The Materials Research Society of Japan
    Year: 2013
  36. Authors: Tooru Harigai, Yuuki Yasuoka, NITTA Noriko, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: X-ray reflectivity analysis on initial stage of diamond-like carbon film deposition on Si substrate by RF plasma CVD and on removal of the sub-surface layer by oxygen plasma etching
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 38, pp. 36-40, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  37. Authors: FURUTA Hiroshi, KOJI Hirofumi, KOMUKAI Takuji, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Long Lifetime Emission from Screen Printing Carbon Nanotubes over 45,000 Hours at 1.27 mA/cm² with 10% Duty Ratio
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 35, pp. 29-35, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  38. Authors: Khanit MATRA, Yuusuke Mizobuchi, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Local Sputter Etching by Micro Plasma Jet in SEM
    Journal: Vacuum, Vol. 87, pp. 132-135, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  39. Authors: KOJI Hirofumi, FURUTA Hiroshi, SEKIYA Kazuki, NITTA Noriko, HARIGAI Tooru, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Increased CNT Growth Density with an Additional Thin Ni Layer on the Fe/Al Catalyst Film
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  40. Authors: Hirofumi Kouji, Tooru Harigai, NITTA Noriko, FURUTA Hiroshi, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Magnetron Sputtering Deposition of Additional Ni Thin Films on the Fe/Al Multi-layered Catalyst Film for the Growth Control of Carbon Nanotubes
    Journal: Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 511-514, Materials Research Society of Japan
    Year: 2012
  41. Authors: Tooru Harigai, Hirofumi Koji, Hiroshi Furuta, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Formation of Nanofibers on the Surface of Diamond-Like Carbon Films by RF Oxygen Plasma Etching
    Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 50, pp. 08JF12-1-08JF12-5, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
    Year: 2011
  42. Authors: Keiji Inoue, Takashi Karashima, Tatsuo Iiyama, Shingo Ashida, Masayuki Kamada, Taro Shuin, Parijatha Rao, Atsushi Kurabayashi, Mutsuo Furihata, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Pathobiological Influence of a Radiofrequency Ablation System
    Journal: Pathobiology
    Year: 2010
  43. Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Whiskers formation mechanism in radio frequency Ar/O2 plasma etching of polycrystalline diamond films with Al sputtering
    Journal: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, pp. 4172-4176
    Year: 2007
  44. Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Electrical and structural properties on nanowhiskers fabricated on iron coated diamond films by radio frequency O2 plasma etching
    Journal: Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Vol. 10, pp. 221-224
    Year: 2007
  45. Authors: Akimitsu Hatta, Shikou Kaneko, Md. Kamrul Hassan
    Title: Hydrogen Permeation through Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films Coated on PET Sheet
    Journal: Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 4, No. S1, pp. S241-S244
    Year: 2007
  46. Authors: C.Y. Li, A. Hatta
    Title: Nanowhiskers formation by radio frequency Ar/O2 plasma etching of aluminum coated diamond films
    Journal: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 515, No. 9, pp. 4172-4176
    Year: 2007
  47. Authors: Akimitsu Hatta, Hiroshi Nakatsuma, Keishi Yanai, Tsuyoshi Nishikawa
    Title: Cold Cathode of p-type Semiconducting Diamond Films for Gas Discharge
    Journal: Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 4, No. S1, pp. S942-S945
    Year: 2007
  48. Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Properties comparison of diamond nanowhiskers obtained from etching diamond films with different metal coatings in radio frequency plasma
    Journal: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, pp. 8378-8380
    Year: 2006
  49. Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Function of aluminum coating on fabrication of diamond nanowhiskers in radio frequency plasma etching
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 15, pp. 1122-1125
    Year: 2006
  50. Authors: Chaoyang Li, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Effect of metal coating on the formation of diamond whiskers in O2 RF Plasma
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 15, pp. 357-360
    Year: 2006
  51. Authors: Chaoyang Li, HATTA Akimitsu
    Title: Preparation of diamond whiskers using Ar/O2 plasma etching
    Journal: Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 14, pp. 1780-1783
    Year: 2005
  52. Authors: Chaoyang Li, Hiroaki Yoshimura, Akimitsu Hatta
    Title: Fabrication of Diamond Nano-whiskers by Reactive Ion Etching
    Journal: Trans. MRS-J, Vol. 30, pp. 287-290
    Year: 2005
Invited lectures
  1. Micro-arc discharge plasma in high-pressurized sea water, 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP2018), Kanazawa, 2018
  2. Micro-plasma Processing in Scanning Electron Microscope, 5th Int. Cong. on Microscopy & Spectroscopy (INTERM 2018), Oludeniz, Mugla, Turkey, 2018
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: In-situ analysis of rare metal ions under deep sea by optical emission spectroscopy of discharge plasma operated in high-pressure water
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Project number: 26600129
    Project period: 2014-2015
    Total budget amount: 3,900,000 yen
  2. Project title: Production and characterization of back illumimated photo electron emissoin excited discharge plasma
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
    Project number: 24K07006
    Project period: 2024-2026
    Total budget amount: 4,290,000 yen

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Social activities

Committee roles
  1. Technical program committee member, the 7th Thai-Nichi Inst. of Tech. Academic Conf.(TNIAC2021) and the 6th Int. Conf. on Business and Industrial Research (ICBIR2021) , Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, 2020-2021
Published books
  1. Springer Proceedings in Physics Volume 224 Advanced Materials Proceedings of the International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications", PHENMA 2018 Chapter 24 Investigation of Micro-arc Discharge in Deep Sea Water at High Pressure, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-198

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