Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese

REN, Xiangshi

  • Year of birth: 1965
  • Gender: Male
  • Job titles: Head, Center for Human-Engaged Computing
  • Affiliation:
    - School of Informatics
    - Information Systems Engineering Course, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Enginering
    - Infomatics Course, Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Enginering
    - Research Institute
    - Center for Human-Engaged Computing, Research Institute
  • Personal web site: http://www.info.kochi-tech.ac.jp/ren/
  • researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/xsren
Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office Lab for Human-Engaged Computing (LHEC)
Computer technologies can be found in every corner of our world and in every field of human endeavor. The design and evaluation are critically important for more efficient interaction between humans and technologies. The Lab for Human-Engaged Computing (LHEC) focuses on developing next-generation user interfaces that enable synergized interactions between humans and computers. The outcomes of our research will be useful in the design of more fully synergized next-generation user interfaces.
Current research topics
Educational background
Professional background
Academic societies

You can see the continuation of the table with a side swipe.


* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Seminars on the School of Information
  • Project Research 1
  • Project Research 2
  • Project Research 3
  • Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
  • Graduation Thesis
Graduate school
  • Individual Work for Graduate
  • Advanced Seminar 1
  • Advanced Seminar 2
  • Seminar on Infomatics I
  • Seminar on Infomatics II

You can see the continuation of the table with a side swipe.

Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Tan Peng, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Rhythm Research in Interactive System Design: A Literature Review
    Journal: International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction, Taylor & Francis journals
    Year: 2023
  2. Authors: William Delamare, Daichi Harada, Luxi Yang, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Guiding gaze gestures on smartwatches: Introducing fireworks
    Journal: International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, pp. 1-14, Elsevier Ltd.
    Year: 2023
  3. Authors: Tan Peng, Xiangshi Ren, Zixue Cheng, Yi Ji
    Title: A framework for students’ digital heritage education in the classroom - a human-engaged computing perspective
    Journal: Education and Information Technologies, Springer
    Year: 2023
  4. Authors: Li Yang, Sayan Sarcar, Kibum Kim, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Designing successive target selection in virtual reality via penetrating the intangible interface with handheld controllers
    Journal: International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, Vol. 165, Elsevier Ltd.
    Year: 2022
  5. Authors: Jiang Xinhui, Jussi P.P. Jokinen, Antti Oulasvirta, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Learning to type with mobile keyboards: Findings with a randomized keyboard
    Journal: Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 126, p. 106992, Elsevier BV
    Year: 2022
  6. Authors: Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat, Fitra Rahmamuliani, Xiangshi Ren, Pearl Pu
    Title: Understanding intergenerational fitness tracking practices: 12 suggestions for design
    Journal: CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, pp. 1-19, Springer
    Year: 2021
  7. Authors: Li Yang, Sayan Sarcar , Zheng Yilin, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Exploring Text Revision with Backspace and Caret in Virtual Reality
    Journal: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1-12, ACM
    Year: 2021
  8. Authors: Xiaoxuan Li, Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat, Shanshan Chen, Dongdong Weng, Sayan Sarcar, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: The Impact of a Multitasking-Based Virtual Reality Motion Video Game on the Cognitive and Physical Abilities of Older Adults
    Journal: Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 21, pp. 1-14, MDPI
    Year: 2020
  9. Authors: Wang Chen, Xiaojun Yuan, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Twelve Agendas on Interacting with Information: A Human-Engaged Computing Perspective
    Journal: Data and Information Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 191-199, Sciendo
    Year: 2020
  10. Authors: Huawei Tu, Weiyang Huan, Xingdong Yang, Xiangshi Ren, Feng Tian
    Title: ArmMenu: command input on distant displays with proprioception based lateral arm movements
    Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology, pp. 1-20, Taylor & Francis
    Year: 2020
  11. Authors: Jussi P.P. Jokinen, Zhenxin Wang, Sayan Sarcar, Antti Oulasvirtaa, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Adaptive feature guidance: Modelling visual search with graphical layouts
    Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 1-22
    Year: 2020
  12. Authors: Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, PENG CHENG, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Attention Regulation Framework: Designing Self-Regulated Mindfulness Technologies
    Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 1-44, ACM
    Year: 2019
  13. Authors: Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat, Kaechang Park, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, Zhenxin Wang, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: The relationship between flow proneness in everyday life and variations in the volume of gray matter in the dopaminergic system: A cross-sectional study
    Journal: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 141, No. 0, pp. 25-30, Elsevier
    Year: 2019
  14. Authors: Xiangshi Ren, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, John Cahill
    Title: Human-Engaged Computing: The Future of Human-Computer Interaction
    Journal: CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interactions, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47-68, Springer
    Year: 2019
  15. Authors: Huawei Tu, Qiulong Yang, Xiaohan Liu, Jiabin Yuan, Xiangshi Ren, Feng Tian
    Title: Differences and Similarities between Dominant and Non-dominant Thumbs for Pointing and Gesturing Tasks with Bimanual Tablet Gripping Interaction
    Journal: Interacting with Computers, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 243-257, Oxford University Press
    Year: 2018
  16. Authors: Sayan Sarcar, Jussi P.P. Jokinen, Antti Oulasvirta, Zhenxin Wang, Chaklam Silpasuwanchai, Xiangshi Ren
    Title: Ability-Based Optimization of Touchscreen Interactions
    Journal: IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 15-26, The IEEE Computer Society
    Year: 2018
  17. Authors: REN Xiangshi
    Title: Rethinking the relationship between humans and computers
    Journal: Computer, Vol. 97, No. 1, pp. 34-44, IEEE
    Year: 2016
  18. Authors: KIMKibum, REN Xiangshi, Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan
    Title: Assisting people with visual impairments in aiming at a target on a large wall-mounted display
    Journal: Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 109-120, Elsevier
    Year: 2015
  19. Authors: Xiangshi REN, Shumin Zhai
    Title: Differences and Similarities between Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures on Stationary and Mobile devices
    Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction , Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 1-22, ACM
    Year: 2015
  20. Authors: KIMKibum, REN Xiangshi
    Title: ShifTable: A Natural Remote Target Selection Technique on Large Displays, Interacting with Computers
    Journal: Interacting with Computers, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 181-192, Oxford University Press
    Year: 2015
  21. Authors: REN Xiangshi
    Title: Designing Concurrent Full-Body Gestures for Intense Gameplay
    Journal: International Journal of Human Computer Studies , Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 1-13, Elsevier
    Year: 2015
  22. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Jian Zhao, Soukoreff R.W., Balakrishnana R.
    Title: A Model of Scrolling on Touch-Sensitive Displays
    Journal:  International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 72, No. 12, pp. 805-821, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
    Year: 2014
  23. Authors: REN Xiangshi
    Title: Designing Motion Gesture Interfaces in Mobile Phones for Blind People
    Journal: Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 812-824, Springer
    Year: 2014
  24. Authors: TU Huawei, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Optimal Entry Size of Handwritten Chinese Characters in Touch-based Mobile Phones
    Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 1-12, Taylor & Francis
    Year: 2012
  25. Authors: SUN Minghui, REN Xiangshi, Shumin Zhai, WANG Feng
    Title: The Impact of Candidate Display Styles for Japanese and Chinese Characters on Input Efficiency.
    Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. 236-249, Elsevier Ltd.
    Year: 2012
  26. Authors: SUN Minghui, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Investigating the effects of multimodal feedback through tracking state in pen-based interfaces
    Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 727-737, Taylor & Francis
    Year: 2011
  27. Authors: REN Xiangshi, ZHOU Xiaolei
    Title: An Investigation of the Usability of the Stylus Pen for Various Age Groups on personal digital assistants
    Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 709-726, Taylor & Francis
    Year: 2011
  28. Authors: YIN Jibin, REN Xiangshi
    Title: A study of three novel line-based techniques for multi-target selection
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 1397-1411, ISSN 1349-4198
    Year: 2011
  29. Authors: Sun M., Ren X., Cao X.
    Title: Effects of Multimodal Error Feedback on Human Performance in Steering Tasks
    Journal: IPSJ Journal, Vol. 51, No. 12, pp. 2375-2383
    Year: 2010
  30. Authors: Wang F, REN Xiangshi
    Title: A Survey of Human Computer Interaction technology for disabled, persons
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 2459-2467
    Year: 2010
  31. Authors: Xin Y., Ren X.
    Title: An Investigation of Adaptive Pen Pressure Discretization Method Based on Personal Pen Pressure Use Profile
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E93D, No. 5, pp. 1205-1213
    Year: 2010
  32. Authors: Liu C, REN Xiangshi
    Title: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC)
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 2103-2111
    Year: 2010
  33. Authors: LIU Chuanyi, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Experimental analysis of mode switching techniques in pen-based user interfaces
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1983-1990
    Year: 2010
  34. Authors: Dong L, Zhang H, REN Xiangshi, Li Y
    Title: Classifier Learning Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithms
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1973-1981
    Year: 2010
  35. Authors: Yin J., Ren X.
    Title: The Empirical Study of Stroke-Based Scrolling Techniques in Pen-based Interfaces
    Journal:  International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1101-1112
    Year: 2010
  36. Authors: Zhou X., Ren X.
    Title: An Investigation of Subjective Operational Biases in Steering Tasks Evaluation
    Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 125-135
    Year: 2010
  37. Authors: Yin J., Ren X., Zhai S.
    Title: Pen Pressure Control in Trajectory-based Interaction, Behaviour & Information Technology
    Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 137-148
    Year: 2010
  38. Authors: Yin J., Ren X.
    Title: An interactive system for Chinese traditional calligraphy and painting
    Journal:  International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 509-518
    Year: 2010
  39. Authors: Liu C, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Fluid and natural pen interaction techniques by utilizing multiple input parameters
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 2103-2111
    Year: 2010
  40. Authors: Wang F, Syanshi Ren
    Title: Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties in Multi-touch Interaction
    Journal: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009, 4- 9 April 2009, Boston, USA), ACM Press, pp. 1063-1072
    Year: 2009
  41. Authors: Wang F, Cao X, Syanshi Ren, Irani P
    Title: Detecting and Leveraging Finger Orientation for Interaction with Direct-Touch Surfaces
    Journal: Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2009, October 4- 7, 2009, Victoria, BC), ACM Press , pp. 23-32
    Year: 2009
  42. Authors: Xin Y, REN Xiangshi
    Title: A Study of Inherent Pen Input Modalities for Precision Parameter Manipulations during Trajectory Tasks
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E92-D, No. 12, pp. 2454-2461
    Year: 2009
  43. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Zhou X
    Title: The Optimal Size of Handwriting Character Input Boxes on PDAs
    Journal: Int. J. Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. , Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 762-784
    Year: 2009
  44. Authors: Zhou X, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Speed-accuracy Tradeoff Models in Target-based and Trajectory-based Movements
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 5, No. 12A, pp. 4441-4451
    Year: 2009
  45. Authors: Wang F, Deng H, Liang B, REN Xiangshi
    Title: A computer-assisted marking system for enhancing education equity
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 5, No. 12A, pp. 4702-4714
    Year: 2009
  46. Authors: Zhou X, REN Xiangshi
    Title: A Comparison of Pressure and Tilt Input Techniques for Cursor Control
    Journal:  IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E92-D, No. 9, pp. 1683-1691
    Year: 2009
  47. Authors:  Xin Y, REN Xiangshi
    Title: A Study of Inherent Pen Input Modalities for Precision Parameter
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E92-D, No. 12, pp. 2454-2461
    Year: 2009
  48. Authors: Zhang X, REN Xiangshi
    Title: An effective solution for automating the layout of transactional pages
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 2899-2910
    Year: 2008
  49. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Zhang X, Kyo K
    Title: Quantifying the Learning Effect in Human Performance Models
    Journal: International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 2419-2429
    Year: 2008
  50. Authors: Liu C, REN Xiangshi, Daniels P
    Title: Mobile Devices Strengthen Classroom Management
    Journal: International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 9-14
    Year: 2008
  51. Authors: Zhang X, Syanshi Ren, Zha H
    Title: Improving Eye Cursor's Stability for Eye Pointing Tasks
    Journal: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008, 5- 10 April 2008, Florence, Italy), ACM Press,, pp. 525-534
    Year: 2008
  52. Authors: Kong J, REN Xiangshi
    Title: The Optimal Calculation Method to Determine the Effective Target Width for the Application of Fitts’ law
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E90-D, No. 4, pp. 753-758
    Year: 2007
  53. Authors: Kong J, REN Xiangshi, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E90-D, No. 2, pp. 500-508
    Year: 2007
  54. Authors: Jibin Yin, REN Xiangshi
    Title:  ZWPS and Pressure Scroll: Two Pressure-based Techniques in Pen-based Interfaces
    Journal: IPSJ Journal, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 3750-3761
    Year: 2007
  55. Authors: Jing Kong, Xiangshi Ren, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design.
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 90-D, No. 2, pp. 500-508
    Year: 2007
  56. Authors: Noritaka Osaw, REN Xiangshi
    Title:  A Study on Approximate and Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion in an Immersive Environment
    Journal: IPSJ Journal, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 3568-3576
    Year: 2007
  57. Authors: Kong J, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Calculation of Effective Target Width and its Effects on Pointing Tasks
    Journal: IPSJ Journal, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1570-1572
    Year: 2006
  58. Authors: Kong J, REN Xiangshi, Jiang Q
    Title: Comparison of Input Devices in Pointing Tasks through the Observation of the Human Effects --An Application of the SH-Model
    Journal: Transactions of Human Interface Society, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 109-118
    Year: 2006
  59. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Kong J, Jiang Q
    Title: SH-Model: A model based on both system and human effects for pointing task evaluation
    Journal: IPSJ Journal, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1343-1353
    Year: 2005
  60. Authors: Zhai S, Kong J, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Speed-accuracy tradeoff in Fitts’ law tasks - on the equivalency of actual and nominal pointing precision
    Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies: “Fitts' law 50 years later: applications and contributions from human-computer interaction”, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 823-856, Academic Press
    Year: 2004
  61. Authors: Osawa N, REN Xiangshi
    Title: Virtual 3D gearbox widget technique for precise adjustment by hand motion in immersive VR
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and System, Vol. E87-D, No. 10, pp. 2408-2414
    Year: 2004
  62. Authors: Guan Z, REN Xiangshi, Li Y, Dai G
    Title: Zoom Selector: A pen-based interaction technique for small target selection
    Journal: IPSJ Journal, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 2087-2097
    Year: 2004
  63. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Dai G
    Title: Preface: Introduction to the Special Issue ``Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction"
    Journal: International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 2-5, Nova Science Inc
    Year: 2004
  64. Authors: Li Y, Guan Z, REN Xiangshi, Dai G
    Title: A Smooth Bridge from Idea Capture to Communication
    Journal: International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 121-130, Nova Science Inc
    Year: 2004
  65. Authors: Kong J, REN Xiangshi, Jiang X
    Title: SH-Model: Considering both systematic and human factors
    Journal: Information, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 737-745
    Year: 2004
  66. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Kong J
    Title: A study of the optimal sizes for pen-input character boxes
    Journal: Information, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 747-754
    Year: 2004
  67. Authors: Ma C, Dai G, Chen Y, REN Xiangshi
    Title: An Infrastructure Approach to Gesture interaction Computing in Conceptual Design
    Journal: International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 141-149, Nova Science Inc
    Year: 2004
  68. Authors: Osawa N, REN Xiangshi, Suzuki M
    Title: Investigating Text Entry Strategies for an Immersive Virtual Environment
    Journal: Information, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 577-582
    Year: 2003
  69. Authors: Li Y, Guan Z, Dai G, REN Xiangshi, Han Y
    Title: A Context-aware Infrastructure for Supporting Applications with Pen-based Interaction
    Journal: Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 343-353, Allerton
    Year: 2003
  70. Authors: Guo L, REN Xiangshi, Ding H
    Title: Brush Pen Model on Digital Pen Simulated System of Painting and Calligraphy
    Journal: Journal of Kunming university of science and technology, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 83-88
    Year: 2002
  71. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Zhang G, Dai G
    Title: The efficiency of various multimodal input interfaces evaluated in two empirical studies
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E84-d, No. 10, pp. 1421-1426
    Year: 2001
  72. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Guan Z, Dai G, Moriya S
    Title: Pen-based interaction and directions of human-computer interaction
    Journal: Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 82-86
    Year: 2001
  73. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Moriya S
    Title: Research alert: Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks
    Journal: ACM interactions, pp. 11-12
    Year: 2001
  74. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Moriya S
    Title: Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-based interaction for selection tasks
    Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 384-416
    Year: 2000
  75. Authors: Chen S, REN Xiangshi, Kim H, Machi Y
    Title: An evaluation of the physiological effects of CRT displays on computer users
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Vol. E83-A, No. 8, pp. 1713-1719
    Year: 2000
  76. Authors: Syanshi Ren, Moriya S
    Title: Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks,
    Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 364-416
    Year: 2000
  77. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Moriya S
    Title: The effect of variables on selection strategies for pen-based systems
    Journal: Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 188-189, Allerton
    Year: 1999
  78. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Moriya S
    Title: How are the differences between selection strategies affected by changes in target size, distance and direction
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Vol. E81-A, No. 10, pp. 2228-2234
    Year: 1998
  79. Authors: REN Xiangshi, Moriya S
    Title: Selection strategies for small targets and the smallest maximum target size on pen-based systems
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E81-D, No. 8, pp. 822-828
    Year: 1998
Keynote lectures
  1. Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC), Chinese CHI 2022, on-line, 2022
  2. Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC), IEEE UV2022, on-line, 2022
  3. Introduction to Human-Engaged Computing, IWHEC 2021, on-line, 2021
  4. Ageing, Accessibility and Well-Being Research in the Center for Human-Engaged Computing, IxAP 2018, Qingdao, 2018
  5. From Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC), ICVRV 2018, China Computer Federation, Qingdao, 2018
  6. From Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC), HHME 2018, China Computer Federation, Tianjing, 2018
Invited lectures
  1. Human-Engaged Computing, International Workshop on Human-Engaged Computing 2023, Bali, Indonesia, 2023
  2. Human Computer Integration versus Powerful Tools, ACM SIGCHI, Denver, Colorado, USA, 2017
  1. CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction 2023 Awards, CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, 2023
  2. Fellow of Information Processing Society of Japan, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2021
  3. Honorary Lifetime President, International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction, 2020
  4. Best Paper Award 2020, CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, 2020
  5. CHI 2019 Honorable Mention Award, ACM, 2019
  6. Best Poster Award, Chinese CHI 2017, 2017
  7. Best Community Paper Award, IEEE Smartcomp 2017, 2017
  8. Best Paper Award, ACM CHI 2017, 2017
  9. ISS 2016 Best Paper, ACM SIGCHI, 2016
  10. Lifetime Honorable Chairman , International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction (ICACHI), 2016
  11. ACM CHI Local Hero, ACM SIGCHI, 2015
  12. Best support Chinese CHI, ICACHI, 2014
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: Development of next generation user interface through pen and touch properties
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Project number: 23300048
    Project period: 2011-2013
    Total budget amount: 20,540,000 yen

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Social activities

Committee roles
  1. Program Committee, IEEE ICMA 2023, 2023
  2. Associate Editor, ACM TOCHI, 2021-
  3. PC Member, IEEE ICMA 2021, 2021
  4. General Co-Chair, IWHEC 2021, 2020-2021
  5. AEIT 2020, AEIT 2020, 2020
  6. Organizing Committees, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences, 2020
  7. Program Committee Members, IEEE ICMA 2019, 2019
  8. General Co-Chairs, IWHEC 2020, 2019-2020
  9. Associate Editors, CCF TPCI, 2018-
  10. Editorial Board, CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (CCF TPCI), 2018-
  11. PC member, IEEE ICMA 2018, 2018
  12. General Chair, International Workshop on Human-Engaged Computing, 2018-2019
  13. Reviewer, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, China Computer Federation, 2014-
  14. Associate Program Chair for ACM CHI 2015 (Annual SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems), ACM CHI 2015, 2014-2015
  15. Steering Committee of Chinese CHI, ICACHI, 2014-
  16. President of ICACHI, ICACHI, 2014-2016
Published books
  1. Proceedings of the APCHI2012 (10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction), ACM Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4503-14
  2. Evolution of the Human-Computer Interaction, Nova Science Publishers, 2005
  3. Proceedings of the APCHI2002, Vol.1 & Vol.2 (5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction),, Science Press, 2002

You can see the continuation of the table with a side swipe.