
任 向実REN Xiangshi
- 1965年生まれ 男性
- 職位: 教授
- 役職: Center for Human-Engaged Computing長
- 所属:
- researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/xsren
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 情報システム工学コース
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 情報学コース
総合研究所 Center for Human-Engaged Computing
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 情報システム工学コース
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 情報学コース
総合研究所 Center for Human-Engaged Computing
学位 | 博士(工学) | |
学歴 | 東京電機大学大学院工学研究科情報通信工学専攻 修了(1996) | |
職歴 | 東京電機大学工学部情報通信工学科助手 | |
資格 | ||
専門分野 |
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
User Interface Design |
研究室 | 名称 | HEC(人・コンピュータ共進化)研究室 |
詳細 |
日常仕事生活のあらゆる中に、コンピュータテクノロジーが浸透し、人とコンピュータのインタラクションを効果的に行うためには、そのデザインと評価が大変重要です。 当研究室では、人とコンピュータのシナジーインタラクションを可能にするような次世代ユーザインタフェースの研究開発を行っています。その成果は、次世代ユーザインタフェースのデザインに役立ちます。 |
所属学会 |
IEEE 情報処理学会 電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンインタフェース学会 |
学部・学群 | 情報学群セミナー / プロジェクト研究1 / プロジェクト研究2 / プロジェクト研究3 / HCI概論 / 卒業研究 |
大学院 | 特別研究 / 特別セミナー1 / 特別セミナー2 / 情報学先端セミナー1 / 情報学先端セミナー2 |
相談可能な領域 |
ヒューマンインタフェース評価技術 マルチモーダルインタフェース |
現在の研究 |
Human Interface to Computing
Computer input design and evaluation Multimodal interface |
- AAIA Fellow(2024) AAIA
- CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction 2023 Awards(2023) CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction
- Honorary Lifetime President(2020) International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction
- 情報処理学会フェロー(2021) 情報処理学会
- Best Paper Award 2020(2020) CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction
- 日本工学アカデミーForeign Fellow(2021)
- 情報処理学会シニアメンバー(2020)
- CHI 2019 Honorable Mention Award(2019)
- Best Poster Award(2017) Chinese CHI 2017
- Best Paper Award(2017) ACM CHI 2017
- Best Community Paper Award(2017) IEEE Smartcomp 2017
- Lifetime Honorable Chairman (2016)
- ISS 2016 Best Paper(2016)
- ACM CHI Local Hero(2015) ACM SIGCHI
- Best support Chinese CHI(2014) ICACHI
- Best Poster/Demonstration(2012) The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction
- ACM Senior Member(2011) ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) award(2010) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , USA
- (財)カシオ科学振興財団 海外派遣助成(2008)
- 日本学術振興会国際学会等派遣事業(2007)
- IEEE Senior member(2007)
- 東京電機大学研究振興会論文賞(1999)
- (財)東電記念科学技術研究所国際技術交流援助(1998)
- (財)情報科学国際交流財団 国際会議論文発表者助成(1997)
- NTCS/W-97 (New Technologies on Computer Software) Best Paper Award(1997)
- 丹羽保次郎賞 (1996) 東京電機大学
タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | 発表年 |
Center for Human-Engaged Computing (CHEC) -HCIからHECへのパラダイムシフト- | 任 向実 | 高知工科大学紀要 | 2024 |
An Interpretable Metric of Visual Aesthetics for GUI Design | Wang Chen,Aliaksei Miniukovich,REN Xiangshi | Behaviour & Information Technology | 2024 |
The Effects of Walk-in-Place and Overground Walking on the Acquisition of Spatial Information by People With Visual Impairment in Virtual Reality Wayfinding | Sangsun Han,Pilhyoun Yoon,REN Xiangshi,Kibum Kim | International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction | 2024 |
Rethinking dynamic difficulty adjustment for video game design | GUO Zhixing,Ruck Thawonmas,REN Xiangshi | Entertainment Computing | 2024 |
The Effects of Rhythmic Footstep and Sound Interactions on Creativity: A Design and Evaluation Study | Tan Peng,REN Xiangshi | International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction | 2024 |
The Design of Visual, Cognitive, and Physical Modalities in VR Games for Older Adults: A Systematic Review | Xiaoxuan Li,Takeshi Nakagawa,Xiangshi Ren,Yasuyuki Gondo | International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction | 2025 |
A framework for students’ digital heritage education in the classroom - a human-engaged computing perspective | Tan Peng,Xiangshi Ren,Zixue Cheng,Yi Ji | Education and Information Technologies | 2023 |
Rhythm Research in Interactive System Design: A Literature Review | Tan Peng,Xiangshi Ren | International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction | 2023 |
Guiding gaze gestures on smartwatches: Introducing fireworks | William Delamare,Daichi Harada,Luxi Yang,Xiangshi Ren | International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,pp.1-14 | 2023 |
Designing successive target selection in virtual reality via penetrating the intangible interface with handheld controllers | Li Yang,Sayan Sarcar,Kibum Kim,Xiangshi Ren | International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,Vol.165 | 2022 |
Learning to type with mobile keyboards: Findings with a randomized keyboard | Jiang Xinhui,Jussi P.P. Jokinen,Antti Oulasvirta,Xiangshi Ren | Computers in Human Behavior,Vol.126,p.106992 | 2022 |
Understanding intergenerational fitness tracking practices: 12 suggestions for design | Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Fitra Rahmamuliani,Xiangshi Ren,Pearl Pu | CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction,pp.1-19 | 2021 |
Exploring Text Revision with Backspace and Caret in Virtual Reality | Li Yang,Sayan Sarcar,Zheng Yilin,Xiangshi Ren | Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,pp.1-12 | 2021 |
ArmMenu: command input on distant displays with proprioception based lateral arm movements | Huawei Tu,Weiyang Huan,Xingdong Yang,Xiangshi Ren,Feng Tian | Behaviour & Information Technology,pp.1-20 | 2020 |
Adaptive feature guidance: Modelling visual search with graphical layouts | Jussi P.P. Jokinen,Zhenxin Wang,Sayan Sarcar,Antti Oulasvirtaa,Xiangshi Ren | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,Vol.136,No.4,pp.1-22 | 2020 |
Twelve Agendas on Interacting with Information: A Human-Engaged Computing Perspective | Wang Chen,Xiaojun Yuan,Xiangshi Ren | Data and Information Management,Vol.4,No.3,pp.191-199 | 2020 |
The Impact of a Multitasking-Based Virtual Reality Motion Video Game on the Cognitive and Physical Abilities of Older Adults | Xiaoxuan Li,Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Shanshan Chen,Dongdong Weng,Sayan Sarcar,Xiangshi Ren | Sustainability,Vol.12,No.21,pp.1-14 | 2020 |
Human-Engaged Computing: The Future of Human-Computer Interaction | Xiangshi Ren,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,John Cahill | CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interactions,Vol.1,No.1,pp.47-68 | 2019 |
The relationship between flow proneness in everyday life and variations in the volume of gray matter in the dopaminergic system: A cross-sectional study | Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Kaechang Park,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,Zhenxin Wang,Xiangshi Ren | Personality and Individual Differences,Vol.141,No.0,pp.25-30 | 2019 |
Attention Regulation Framework: Designing Self-Regulated Mindfulness Technologies | Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,PENG CHENG,Xiangshi Ren | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction,Vol.26,No.6,pp.1-44 | 2019 |
Ability-Based Optimization of Touchscreen Interactions | Sayan Sarcar,Jussi P.P. Jokinen,Antti Oulasvirta,Zhenxin Wang,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,Xiangshi Ren | IEEE Pervasive Computing,Vol.17,No.1,pp.15-26 | 2018 |
Differences and Similarities between Dominant and Non-dominant Thumbs for Pointing and Gesturing Tasks with Bimanual Tablet Gripping Interaction | Huawei Tu,Qiulong Yang,Xiaohan Liu,Jiabin Yuan,Xiangshi Ren,Feng Tian | Interacting with Computers,Vol.30,No.3,pp.243-257 | 2018 |
Rethinking the relationship between humans and computers | REN Xiangshi | Computer,Vol.97,No.1,pp.34-44 | 2016 |
Assisting people with visual impairments in aiming at a target on a large wall-mounted display | KIM,Kibum,REN Xiangshi,Seungmoon Choi,Hong Z. Tan | Int. J. Human-Computer Studies,Vol.86,No.2,pp.109-120 | 2015 |
ShifTable: A Natural Remote Target Selection Technique on Large Displays, Interacting with Computers | KIM,Kibum,REN Xiangshi | Interacting with Computers,Vol.28,No.2,pp.181-192 | 2015 |
Differences and Similarities between Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures on Stationary and Mobile devices | Xiangshi REN,Shumin Zhai | ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,Vol.22,No.5,pp.1-22 | 2015 |
Designing Concurrent Full-Body Gestures for Intense Gameplay | REN Xiangshi | International Journal of Human Computer Studies,Vol.80,No.8,pp.1-13 | 2015 |
A Model of Scrolling on Touch-Sensitive Displays | REN, Xiangshi,Jian Zhao,Soukoreff, R.W.,Balakrishnana, R. | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,Vol.72,No.12,pp.805-821 | 2014 |
Designing Motion Gesture Interfaces in Mobile Phones for Blind People | REN, Xiangshi | Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vol.29,No.5,pp.812-824 | 2014 |
Special Issue on Computer Human Interaction | REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.9,No.12,pp.4603-4604 | 2013 |
The Impact of Candidate Display Styles for Japanese and Chinese Characters on Input Efficiency. | SUN Minghui,REN, Xiangshi,Shumin Zhai,WANG Feng | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,Vol.71,No.3,pp.236-249 | 2012 |
Optimal Entry Size of Handwritten Chinese Characters in Touch-based Mobile Phones | TU Huawei,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,Vol.29,No.1,pp.1-12 | 2012 |
イノベーション・マネジメント・人材獲得と国際化に関する見聞と考え | 任 向実 | 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.8,No.1,pp.255-262 | 2011 |
IBM研究所とトロント大学滞在見聞 | 任 向実 | 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.8,No.1,pp.233-243 | 2011 |
An Investigation of the Usability of the Stylus Pen for Various Age Groups on personal digital assistants | REN, Xiangshi,ZHOU Xiaolei | Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.30,No.6,pp.709-726 | 2011 |
Investigating the effects of multimodal feedback through tracking state in pen-based interfaces | SUN Minghui,REN, Xiangshi | Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.30,No.6,pp.727-737 | 2011 |
A study of three novel line-based techniques for multi-target selection | YIN Jibin,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.7,No.3,pp.1397-1411 | 2011 |
Effects of Multimodal Error Feedback on Human Performance in Steering Tasks | Sun, M.,Ren, X.,Cao, X. | IPSJ Journal,Vol.51,No.12,pp.2375-2383 | 2010 |
A Survey of Human Computer Interaction technology for disabled, persons | Wang F,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.6,pp.2459-2467 | 2010 |
An Investigation of Adaptive Pen Pressure Discretization Method Based on Personal Pen Pressure Use Profile | Xin, Y.,Ren, X. | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E93D,No.5,pp.1205-1213 | 2010 |
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) | Liu C,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.5,pp.2103-2111 | 2010 |
Classifier Learning Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithms | Dong L,Zhang H,REN, Xiangshi,Li Y | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.4,pp.1973-1981 | 2010 |
Experimental analysis of mode switching techniques in pen-based user interfaces | LIU Chuanyi,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.4,pp.1983-1990 | 2010 |
The Empirical Study of Stroke-Based Scrolling Techniques in Pen-based Interfaces | Yin, J.,Ren, X. | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.3,pp.1101-1112 | 2010 |
An interactive system for Chinese traditional calligraphy and painting | Yin, J.,Ren, X. | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.2,pp.509-518 | 2010 |
Pen Pressure Control in Trajectory-based Interaction, Behaviour & Information Technology | Yin, J.,Ren, X.,Zhai, S. | Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.29,No.2,pp.137-148 | 2010 |
An Investigation of Subjective Operational Biases in Steering Tasks Evaluation | Zhou, X.,Ren, X. | Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.29,No.2,pp.125-135 | 2010 |
Fluid and natural pen interaction techniques by utilizing multiple input parameters | Liu C,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.5,pp.2103-2111 | 2010 |
A Study of Inherent Pen Input Modalities for Precision Parameter Manipulations during Trajectory Tasks | Xin Y,REN, Xiangshi | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E92-D,No.12,pp.2454-2461 | 2009 |
A computer-assisted marking system for enhancing education equity | Wang F,Deng H,Liang B,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.5,No.12A,pp.4702-4714 | 2009 |
Speed-accuracy Tradeoff Models in Target-based and Trajectory-based Movements | Zhou X,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.5,No.12A,pp.4441-4451 | 2009 |
A Study of Inherent Pen Input Modalities for Precision Parameter | Xin, Y,REN, Xiangshi | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E92-D,No.12,pp.2454-2461 | 2009 |
A Comparison of Pressure and Tilt Input Techniques for Cursor Control | Zhou, X,REN, Xiangshi | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E92-D,No.9,pp.1683-1691 | 2009 |
The Optimal Size of Handwriting Character Input Boxes on PDAs | REN, Xiangshi,Zhou, X | Int. J. Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.,Vol.25,No.8,pp.762-784 | 2009 |
Detecting and Leveraging Finger Orientation for Interaction with Direct-Touch Surfaces | Wang, F,Cao, X,Syanshi Ren,Irani, P | Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2009, October 4- 7, 2009, Victoria, BC), ACM Press,pp.23-32 | 2009 |
Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties in Multi-touch Interaction | Wang, F,Syanshi Ren | Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009, 4- 9 April 2009, Boston, USA), ACM Press,pp.1063-1072 | 2009 |
An effective solution for automating the layout of transactional pages | Zhang X,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.4,No.11,pp.2899-2910 | 2008 |
Quantifying the Learning Effect in Human Performance Models | REN, Xiangshi,Zhang X,Kyo K | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.4,No.9,pp.2419-2429 | 2008 |
Mobile Devices Strengthen Classroom Management | Liu C,REN, Xiangshi,Daniels P | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems,Vol.1,No.3,pp.9-14 | 2008 |
Improving Eye Cursor's Stability for Eye Pointing Tasks | Zhang, X,Syanshi Ren,Zha, H | Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008, 5- 10 April 2008, Florence, Italy), ACM Press,,pp.525-534 | 2008 |
The Optimal Calculation Method to Determine the Effective Target Width for the Application of Fitts’ law | Kong J,REN, Xiangshi | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E90-D,No.4,pp.753-758 | 2007 |
Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design | Kong J,REN, Xiangshi,SHINOMORI, Keizo | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E90-D,No.2,pp.500-508 | 2007 |
ZWPS and Pressure Scroll: Two Pressure-based Techniques in Pen-based Interfaces | Jibin Yin,REN, Xiangshi | IPSJ Journal,Vol.48,No.12,pp.3750-3761 | 2007 |
A Study on Approximate and Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion in an Immersive Environment | Noritaka Osaw,REN, Xiangshi | IPSJ Journal,Vol.48,No.11,pp.3568-3576 | 2007 |
Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design. | Jing Kong,Xiangshi Ren,Keizo Shinomori | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.90-D,No.2,pp.500-508 | 2007 |
Calculation of Effective Target Width and its Effects on Pointing Tasks | Kong J,REN, Xiangshi | IPSJ Journal,Vol.47,No.5,pp.1570-1572 | 2006 |
Comparison of Input Devices in Pointing Tasks through the Observation of the Human Effects --An Application of the SH-Model | Kong J,REN, Xiangshi,Jiang Q | Transactions of Human Interface Society,Vol.8,No.2,pp.109-118 | 2006 |
SH-Model: A model based on both system and human effects for pointing task evaluation | REN, Xiangshi,Kong J,Jiang Q | IPSJ Journal,Vol.46,No.5,pp.1343-1353 | 2005 |
Speed-accuracy tradeoff in Fitts’ law tasks - on the equivalency of actual and nominal pointing precision | Zhai S,Kong J,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies: “Fitts' law 50 years later: applications and contributions from human-computer interaction”,Vol.61,No.6,pp.823-856 | 2004 |
Virtual 3D gearbox widget technique for precise adjustment by hand motion in immersive VR | Osawa N,REN, Xiangshi | IEICE Transactions on Information and System,Vol.E87-D,No.10,pp.2408-2414 | 2004 |
Zoom Selector: A pen-based interaction technique for small target selection | Guan Z,REN, Xiangshi,Li Y,Dai G | IPSJ Journal,Vol.45,No.8,pp.2087-2097 | 2004 |
A study of the optimal sizes for pen-input character boxes | REN, Xiangshi,Kong J | Information,Vol.7,No.6,pp.747-754 | 2004 |
SH-Model: Considering both systematic and human factors | Kong J,REN, Xiangshi,Jiang X | Information,Vol.7,No.6,pp.737-745 | 2004 |
An Infrastructure Approach to Gesture interaction Computing in Conceptual Design | Ma C,Dai G,Chen Y,REN, Xiangshi | International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL),Vol.2,No.2,pp.141-149 | 2004 |
A Smooth Bridge from Idea Capture to Communication | Li Y,Guan Z,REN, Xiangshi,Dai G | International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL),Vol.2,No.2,pp.121-130 | 2004 |
Preface: Introduction to the Special Issue ``Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction" | REN, Xiangshi,Dai G | International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL),Vol.2,No.2,pp.2-5 | 2004 |
Investigating Text Entry Strategies for an Immersive Virtual Environment | Osawa N,REN, Xiangshi,Suzuki M | Information,Vol.6,No.5,pp.577-582 | 2003 |
A Context-aware Infrastructure for Supporting Applications with Pen-based Interaction | Li Y,Guan Z,Dai G,REN, Xiangshi,Han Y | Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vol.18,No.3,pp.343-353 | 2003 |
Brush Pen Model on Digital Pen Simulated System of Painting and Calligraphy | Guo L,REN, Xiangshi,Ding H | Journal of Kunming university of science and technology,Vol.27,No.6,pp.83-88 | 2002 |
An empirical study of the minimum required size and the number of targets with a pen and with a cursor key on a small display | Mizobuchi S,任 向実,Yasumura M | special issue of IPSJ Journal: “Interaction technologies – research and practical aspects",Vol.39,No.7 | 2002 |
The efficiency of various multimodal input interfaces evaluated in two empirical studies | REN, Xiangshi,Zhang G,Dai G | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E84-d,No.10,pp.1421-1426 | 2001 |
Pen-based interaction and directions of human-computer interaction | REN, Xiangshi,Guan Z,Dai G,Moriya S | Journal of Computer Sciences,Vol.28,No.4,pp.82-86 | 2001 |
Research alert: Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks | REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S | ACM interactions,pp.11-12 | 2001 |
Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-based interaction for selection tasks | REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S | ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,Vol.7,No.3,pp.384-416 | 2000 |
An evaluation of the physiological effects of CRT displays on computer users | Chen S,REN, Xiangshi,Kim H,Machi Y | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Vol.E83-A,No.8,pp.1713-1719 | 2000 |
Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks, | Syanshi Ren,Moriya, S | ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,Vol.7,No.3,pp.364-416 | 2000 |
The effect of variables on selection strategies for pen-based systems | REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S | Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research,Vol.6,No.2,pp.188-189 | 1999 |
How are the differences between selection strategies affected by changes in target size, distance and direction | REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Vol.E81-A,No.10,pp.2228-2234 | 1998 |
Selection strategies for small targets and the smallest maximum target size on pen-based systems | REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E81-D,No.8,pp.822-828 | 1998 |
Formulas depicting the relationships between the width and height of pen-input character boxes and line-frames | 任 向実,Moriya S | IPSJ Journal,Vol.39,No.7,pp.2298-2307 | 1998 |
The minimal sizes and the quasi-optimal sizes for the input square during pen-input of characters | 任 向実,Moriya S | IPSJ Journal (Information Processing Society of Japan),Vol.36,No.3,pp.645-657 | 1995 |
Recognizing punctuation marks in on-line handwritten text data | REN, Xiangshi,Morita T,Moriya S | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.j74-D-II,No.10,pp.1479-1481 | 1991 |
- Designing a Multisensory VR Game Prototype for Older Adults - the Acceptability and Design Implications,ACM CHI 2024(2024)
- Human-Engaged Computing,Forum of AI-Empowered Sustainable Development Goals 2024(2024)
- Human-Engaged Computing,EVA London(2024)
- Human-Engaged Computing,International Workshop on Human-Engaged Computing 2023(2023)
- Can We Understand Other Drivers? An Investigation on Empathic Triggers through Voice Information Transmission in Driving,AutomotiveUI 2023(2023)
- The Acceptability of a Multisensory VR Game for Older Adults,2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality(2023)
- Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),Chinese CHI 2022(2022)
- Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),IEEE UV2022(2022)
- Designing AI to Work WITH or FOR People?,ACM CHI 2021(2021)
- Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations,ACM CHI 2021(2021)
- Variance and Distribution Models for Steering Tasks,ACM UIST 2021(2021)
- Introduction to Human-Engaged Computing,IWHEC 2021(2021)
- How We Type: Eye and Finger Movement Strategies in Mobile Typing,CHI 2020(2020)
- Human-Engaged Computing,International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences (ISAIMS 2020)(2020)
- Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations – Addressing Global Challenges,CHI 2020(2020)
- Attention Regulation Framework: Designing Self-Regulated Mindfulness Technologies,CHI 2020(2020)
- Swap: A Replacement-based Text Revision Technique for Mobile Devices,CHI 2020(2020)
- Exploring Performance of Thumb Input for Pointing and Dragging Tasks on Mobile Device,CHI 2019 Symposia on Asian CHI symposium(2019)
- HCI in China: Research Agenda, Education Curriculum, Industry Partnership, and Communities Building,CHI 2019(2019)
- An Analytic Model for Time Efficient Personal Hierarchies,CHI 2019(2019)
- Crossing-Based Selection with Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays,CHI 2019(2019)
- Interacting with Autostereograms,MobileHCI'19(2019)
- On Gesture Combination: An Exploration of a Solution to Augment Gesture Interaction,ACM ISS 2019(2019)
- Approaching Engagement towards Human-Engaged Computing,CHI 2018, ACM(2018)
- Exploration of the Relationship between UIDL and Interface Computational Aesthetics,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
- Approaching Aesthetics on User Interface and Interaction Design,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
- Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations,CHI 2018, ACM(2019)
- Ageing, Accessibility and Well-Being Research in the Center for Human-Engaged Computing,IxAP 2018(2018)
- From Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),ICVRV 2018, China Computer Federation(2018)
- From Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),HHME 2018, China Computer Federation(2018)
- Human Computer Integration versus Powerful Tools,ACM SIGCHI(2017)
- Human-Engaged Computing センターの研究活動,第22回⽇本バーチャルリアリティ学会⼤会(2017)
- Understanding the Role of Human Senses in Interactive Meditation,CHI 2017(2017)
- Designing Mobile Interactions for the Ageing Populations,CHI 2017(2017)
- Enhancing Pen-based Interaction using Electrovibration and Vibration Haptic Feedback,CHI 2017(2017)
- Modelling Learning of New Keyboard Layouts,CHI 2017(2017)
- A Framework for Interactive Mindfulness Meditation Using Attention-Regulation Process,CHI 2017(2017)
- Rethinking Mobile Interfaces for Older Adults,CHI EA ‘16(2016)
- Designing Mid-Air TV Gestures for Blind People Using User- and Choice-Based Elicitation Approaches,DIS 2016(2016)
- My Experience in Human-Computer Interaction Research,China-Japan Innovation Forum on New Energy Utilization and Sustainable Development 2014(2014)
- Enhancing Kinect-based Interaction Effectiveness by Utilizing Various Input and Output Modalities,MS Core 8 workshop(2013)
- Designing Motion Gestures for Enhancing Kinect-based Interaction Effectiveness,Microsoft Research Asia Faculty Summit 2012(2012)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,4th FCPAE Europe‐China Forum(2012)
- User-defined Motion Gestures,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
- Investigation of Usable Gestures for Elder People with
User-defined Approach,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - Experimental Analysis of Pen and Finger Gestures in
Mobile Environments,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - An Empirical Investigation into Differences and
Similarities between Age-related Stroke Gestures,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - Establishing the Error Threshold for Alignment Tasks in
Natural Direct-touch Interaction,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - Mode Switching Techniques through
Pen and Device Profiles,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - A Comparison of Flick and Ring Document
Scrolling in Touch-based Mobile Phones,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - An Investigation of the Relationship between
Texture and Human Performance in Steering Tasks,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012) - Natural Use Profiles for the Pen: An Empirical Exploration of Pressure, Tilt, and Azimuth,CHI 2012(2012)
- A Comparative Evaluation of Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures,CHI 2012(2012)
- Enhancing Naturalness of Pen-and-Tablet Drawing through Context Sensing,ACM(2011)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,ICINIS(2011)
- The Entropy of a Rapid Aimed Movement: Fitts’ Index of Difficulty versus Shannon’s Entropy,INTERACT(2011)
- An Empirical Investigation of Age-related Performance in Computer Interface Tasks,IEEE ICIA 2011(2011)
- Acquiring and Pointing: An Empirical Study of Pen Tilt-Based Interaction,ACM SIGCHI(2011)
- Effect of Tilt Angle of Tablet on Pen-based Input Operation Based on Fitts’ Law,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2010(2010)
- An Empirical Comparison of the Locations of Haptic Feedback in Steering Tasks,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2010(2010)
- A Pen Pressure Division Method Using Personal Distribution,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2010(2010)
- Modeling Dwell-Based Eye Pointing Target Acquisition,CHI 2010(2010)
- Detecting and Leveraging Finger Orientation for Interaction with Direct-Touch Surfaces,ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(2009)
- Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Trajectory-Based Tasks with Temporal Constraint,INTERACT 2009(2009)
- Improving Seamless and Continuous Operations in Pen-based Systems,IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2009(2009)
- An Evaluation of Multimodal Feedback in Tracking State for Pen-based Interfaces,2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation(2009)
- Frontiers of User Interface Research: modeling human performance, pen-based and eye-gaze based interaction,International workshop on Frontiers of Information Technology(2009)
- Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties in Multi-touch Interaction,ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(2009)
- Pen Interaction Techniques,Microsoft Research Asia Mobile Computing in Education Theme Workshop 2009(2009)
- Mode Switching Techniques,NEINE'08(2008)
- The Optimal Azimuth Angle for Trajectory-based Tasks in Pen-based Interface,NEINE'08(2008)
- Mode Switching Techniques,NEINE'08(2008)
- Using Tactile Feedback to Improve Human’s Performance in Hovering State of Pens,NEINE'08(2008)
- Comparing the effects of audio, tactile and visual feedback on steering task,NEINE'08(2008)
- A Widget Design and an Empirical Evaluation for fundamental Human Finger Factors in Touch Technique,NEINE'08(2008)
- A Study of Value Distributions of Pen Properties,NEINE'08(2008)
- An Empirical Study of Operational Bias in Steering Tasks for Different User Groups,NEINE'08(2008)
- A comparison of pen pressure and tilt in precision parameter manipulation,CSSE2008(2008)
- Effect of Start Position on Human Performance in Steering Tasks,CSSE2008(2008)
- A computer-assisted marking system for enhancing education equity,2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics(2008)
- Speed-accuracy tradeoff models in target-based and trajectory-based movements,2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics(2008)
- A Robust Blob Recognition and Tracking Method in Vision-based Multi-touch Technique,ISPA 2008(2008)
- A Comparative Evaluation of Mode Switching Techniques,ISPA 2008(2008)
- An Empirical Comparison of Pen Pressure and Pen Tilt Input Techniques,ISPA 2008(2008)
- An Evaluation of the Maximal Path Width for the Steering Law,APCHI 2008(2008)
- An Investigation of Different Start Positions in Steering Tasks,APCHI2008(2008)
- Mode Switching Techniques Based on Pen Angle Inputs,APCHI2008(2008)
- Direct and Indirect Pen Tilt Input with Visual Feedbacks,APCHI 2008(2008)
- Attribute Division Algorithm Based on Entropy,ICICIC2008(2008)
- Enhancing Pie-menu Selection with Pen Pressure,ICICIC2008(2008)
- Improving Eye Cursor's Stability for Eye Pointing Tasks,ACM SIGCHI(2008)
- An Empirical Evaluation of Upper Bound Limit of Width for Steering Task,NEINE'07(2007)
- Layer-pie-menu: A menu selection technique using pressure-sensitive pie-menus,NEINE'07(2007)
- Investigation to Line-based Techniques for Multi-target Selection,INTERACT 2007(2007)
- The Adaptive Hybrid Cursor: A Pressure-based Target Selection Technique for Pen-based User Interfaces,INTERACT 2007(2007)
- ZWPS: A Hybrid Selection Techniques for Small Target Acquisition in Pen-based Interfaces,IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2007(2007)
- Information Processing Rate in Human-Computer Interaction,ICICIC2007(2007)
- Experimental Scalability Evaluation of Unbalanced-Nodes PC-Cluster,ICICIC2007(2007)
- Optimizing Parameter Settings in Target Predictor for Pointing Tasks,ICICIC2007(2007)
- Establishing User Discriminated Pressure Levels and the Effects of Posture on Pressure Input,ICICIC2007(2007)
- An Empirical Evaluation of Seven Mice for Scrolling Tasks,ICMA 2007(2007)
- Research on Scalability of Unbalanced-nodes PC Cluster,ICMA 2007(2007)
- A Pen- based Classroom Management System,HCI International 2007(2007)
- Designing the Pen-based User Interface for Tablet PC and PDA Applications,ICICT2006(2006)
- Developing SH-Model with Consideration of Learning Effect for Pointing Task Evaluation,APCHI2006(2006)
- Application of the SH-Model in two-dimensional interface,APCHI2006(2006)
- Usability of the Stylus Pen and Age,APCHI2006(2006)
- A Novel Scrolling Technique for Pen-based System,APCHI2006(2006)
- Circular-gesture and Double-ellipse: novel software-based techniques for generating extra input states in pen-based interfaces,APCHI 2006(2006)
- CATER: A Framework for the Automated Layout of Transactional Pages,CIT2006(2006)
- A Study on Selection Frequency Distribution in Data Menus,NEINE'06(2006)
- Pressure Cursor: a novel technique for target acquisition in pen-based interface,NEINE'06(2006)
- A Zooming and Scrolling Technique for Pen-based Interface,NEINE'06(2006)
- Zoom-based technique with pressure as switch for pixel-level targets in pen-based interfaces,NEINE'06(2006)
- The Effects of Gender Difference: An Experiment on a Force Control Device,NEINE'06(2006)
- Zoom Icon: A Pen-based Selection Technique for Small Icon Acquisition,NEINE'06(2006)
- The Beam Cursor: A Pen-based Technique for Enhancing Target Acquisition,20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM(2006)
- Combined ANN and Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Unit Commitment Scheduling,ISC2006(2006)
- Comprehensive analysis about selection frequency distribution in data menus,SPCA06(2006)
- The Information Processing Rate Issue in Human Computer Interface,MFCSIT'06(2006)
- The Optimal Size of Text Entry Boxes on PDAs,AFRIGRAPH 2006(2006)
- Investigating the Usability of the Stylus Pen on Handheld Devices,The Fourth Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS(2005)
- Influence of colors on pointing tasks in human computer interfaces,IASTED international conference on human-computer interaction 2005(2005)
- Determining the Optimal Size of Handwriting Character Entry Boxes for Pen-Based Systems,CIT2005(2005)
- Comparison of Effective Target Width Calculation Methods for Pointing Task,CIT2005(2005)
- A Novel Approach for Web-based Data Input Panel Design,CIT2005(2005)
- An Investigation into the Effects of the Size of the Stylus Pen,NEINE'05(2005)
- A New Scroll Operation for Pen-based Systems,NEINE'05(2005)
- Information processing rate analysis in pointing tasks,NEINE'05(2005)
- The Analysis of the Characteristics of Four Input Devices for Pointing Task by Applying SH-Model,NEINE'05(2005)
- The Study of Stroke-based Technique for Scrolling Task in Pen-based Interface,NEINE'05(2005)
- HUA: An Interactive Calligraphy and Ink-Wash Painting System,IEEE CIT2005(2005)
- Comparing models by the information transmission capability expressed by the coefficient of the difficulty index in Fitts’ law,HCI International 2005(2005)
- User Interface Design of Interactive Data Mining in Parallel Environment,AMT 2005(2005)
- The Effect of Cursor Shape and Size on Pointing Efficiency,AMT 2005(2005)
- A Proposal for Conversion Candidate Display Styles for Kanji Input with Keyboard,AMT 2005(2005)
- The Optimal Sizes for Pen-Input Character Boxes for Tablet PC,AMT 2005(2005)
- The Effects of PDA Pen-length on the Performance of Older Adults,AMT 2005(2005)
- How the learning effect and user postures affect the optimal size of pen-input character boxes,Information 2004(2004)
- A performance evaluation of pen devices in pointing and steering tasks,Information 2004(2004)
- An anatomical study of Japanese input using various candidate display styles,Information 2004(2004)
- Designing a pen-based application for note-taking and informal presentations,Information 2004(2004)
- Designing the user interface for pen-based applications,Information 2004(2004)
- Comparison of Four Input Devices for Pointing Task by Applying SH-Model,WEC2004(2004)
- Investigating the optimal size of handwriting character input boxes: Do users prefer rectangular or square boxes?,WEC2004(2004)
- The effects of pen size on human performance on hand-held devices,WEC2004(2004)
- Conversion candidate display styles for Japanese input on input efficiency,WEC2004 (the World Engineers Convention)(2004)
- Human-computer interaction development, design and evaluation,NEINE'04(2004)
- Effective target width calculation and the effects on the speed and accuracy interaction in pointing task,NEINE'04(2004)
- Older adults and the optimal size of pen-input character boxes: Do older users prefer larger size than younger users?,NEINE'04(2004)
- Improving the usability of PDAs: Design physical aspects of handheld devices,NEINE'04(2004)
- Quantitative comparisons on performance of various conversion candidate display styles,NEINE'04(2004)
- Improving usability of the pen-based system for note-taking and informal presentations,NEINE'04(2004)
- A new model for different speed and accuracy requirements in pointing tasks,CIT2004(2004)
- A study of the size of pen-input character boxes for PDAs,CIT2004(2004)
- A web-based Chinese automatic question answering system,CIT2004(2004)
- A method of multi-pattern information expression in a Japanese reading-aid system,IJCNLP-04(2004)
- Sketching Informal Presentations,ICIM’2003(2003)
- An Evaluation on Approximate and Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion in an Immersive Environment,VSMM2003(2003)
- Candidate Display Styles in Japanese Input,IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2003(2003)
- The optimal sizes of input squares for the pen-input characters on PDAs,Human-Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice(2003)
- The Effects of Display Orientation and Target Position on Target Pointing Tasks on a PDA,Human-Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice(2003)
- An evaluation of text input methods in a standing position,Human-Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice(2003)
- An Evaluation of the comfortable input method of mobile phone based input on user’s physiological indices,HCI International 2003(2003)
- Japanese Input with Conversion Candidate Display Methods,HCI International 2003(2003)
- Gearbox Widget for Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion,Proceedings of Seventh Immersive Projection Technologies Workshop and Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments(2003)
- The Evaluation of two Input Methods based on User's Physiological Indices,APCHI2002(2002)
- SketchPoint: A Smooth Bridge from Note-taking to Presentations,APCHI2002(2002)
- An Empirical Study of the Minimum Required Size and the Minimum Number of Targets for Pen Input on the Small Display,Mobile HCI 2002(2002)
- Structuralizing Freeform Notes by Implicit Sketch Understanding,2002 AAAI(2002)
- A system for Monitoring the health condition of computer users in real time,HCI International 2001(2001)
- Physiological and psychological evaluation of LCD, CRT and different sizes of projected displays on users,HCI International 2001(2001)
- Using Physiological Criteria to Improve Usability: The Physiological Evaluation LCD and CRT Effects on Users,INTERACT 2001(2001)
- The physiological measurement of user comfort levels: an evaluation experiment for comparing three types of CRTs,HCI International '99(2000)
- An experimental study of input modes for multimodal human-computer interaction,ICMI 2000(2000)
- A comparison of multi-modal combination modes for the map systems,HCI International '99(1999)
- Designing pen-input character boxes and line-frames,HCI International '99(1999)
- Efficient strategies for selecting small targets on pen-based systems: an evaluation experiment for selection strategies and strategy classifications,EHCI’99(1999)
- A State Transition Model Representing Pen-based Selection Strategies,IFIP TC13 INTERACT '99(1999)
- Designing pen-input character boxes on pen-based systems,Proceedings of Global Ergonomics Conference(1998)
- The influence of target size, distance and direction on the design of selection strategies,British HCI Group(1998)
- Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks,the 3rd CAST Conference of Youth Scientists(1998)
- A Comparison of four interaction modes for CAD Systems,APCHI'98(1998)
- The effect of target size, pen-movement-distance and pen-movement-direction on target-selection strategies for a pen-based system,NTCS/W-97(1997)
- The relationships between the width and height of pen-input character boxes on pen-based systems,NTCS/W-97(1997)
- The relationships between the width and height of the pen-input "squares",HCI International '97(1997)
- The current status of HCI in Japan and China,INTERACT97(1997)
- The best among six strategies for selecting a minute target and the determination of the minute maximum size of the targets on a pen-based computer,IFIP TC13 INTERACT '97(1997)
- The strategy for selecting a minute target and the minute maximum value on a pen-based computer,ACM SIGCHI(1997)
- The minimal sizes and the quasi-optimal sizes for the input square during pen-input of characters,HCI International '93(1993)
- 入力装置および入力プログラム(2017-227655)
区分 | 研究課題 | 研究種目 | 研究期間 | 課題番号 |
分担 | 積極的な安全運転支援のための環境・状況認識および危険構造の抽出 | 基盤研究(C) | 2009 - 2011 | 21500166 |
代表 | ペン・指の入力特性に適した次世代ユーザインタフェースの創成 | 基盤研究(B) | 2011 - 2013 | 23300048 |
分担 | Assisting Blind People to Interact with Public Displays | 基盤研究(C) | 2013 - 2015 | 25330241 |
研究課題 | 事業名等 | 研究期間 | 受託先 | 担当教員 |
高齢者のためのユーザーインターフェースデザイン | 国際科学技術共同研究推進事業(戦略的国際共同研究プログラム) | 2015/4/1~2018/3/31 | (独)科学技術振興機構(JST) | 任 向実 |
- She Ji Editorial Board(2024~2029)
- IEEE ICMA 2023 Program Committee(2023)
- ACM TOCHI Associate Editor(2021~)
- IEEE ICMA 2021 PC Member(2021)
- IWHEC 2021 General Co-Chair(2020~2021)
- Sustainability Guest Editor(2020~2021)
- Journal of Jilin University Associate editor(2019~2022)
- AEIT 2020 Program Committee members(2020)
- International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences Organizing Committees(2020)
- IEEE ICMA 2020 PC Member(2020)
- IEEE ICMA 2019 Program Committee Members(2019)
- IWHEC 2020 General Co-Chairs(2019~2020)
- CCF TPCI Associate Editors(2018~)
- Chinese CHI 2019 Honorary Chair(2019)
- 情報処理学会 論⽂誌シニア査読委員(2018~2021)
- CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (CCF TPCI) Editorial Board(2018~)
- IEEE ICMA 2018 PC member(2018)
- International Workshop on Human-Engaged Computing General Chair(2018~2019)
- Lifetime Honorable Chairman
(2016~) - ACM SIGCHI Associate Program Chair for ACM CHI 2015 (Annual SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems)(2017)
- ITAP 2016 Conference General Co-Chairs(2016)
- ACM DIS 2016 Associate Program Chair(2016)
- ACM CHI 2017 Associate Program Chair(2016~2017)
- China Computer Federation Reviewer, Journal of Computer Science and Technology(2014~)
- ACM CHI 2015 Associate Program Chair for ACM CHI 2015 (Annual SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems)(2014~2015)
- ICACHI Steering Committee of Chinese CHI(2014~)
- ICACHI President of ICACHI(2014~2016)
- Special Issue of International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Guest editor(2013~2014)
- Special Issue of International Journal of Innovational Computing & Information Control (IJICIC) Guest editor(2012~2013)
- ICIC Express Letter Guest editor(2012)
- The First International Symposium of Chinese CHI Conference Chair(2012~2013)
- International Chinese Association of Human Computer Interaction (ICAHCI) President(2012~2014)
- ACM SIGCHI Program committee- Associate Chair (AC)(2012)
- ACHI 2012 Program committee(2011~2012)
- Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) Associate Editor(2011~2015)
- APCHI 2012 (10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction) Program Chair(2010~2012)
- ICINIS2011 Program Chair(2010~2011)
- (社)情報処理学会 論文誌ジャーナル編集委員(2010~2012)
- ICICIC2010 プログラム委員(2010)
- FCST2010 プログラム委員(2009~2010)
- IEEE ICIA2010 (2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation) Program Chair(2009~2010)
- International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI) Associate Editor(2009~)
- 電子情報通信学会 四国支部 評議委員(2008~2010)
- Information Processing Society of Japan Committee member, Best Paper Awards of IPSJ Journal(2008~)
- International Journal of Innovational Computing & Information Control (IJICIC) Associate Editor(2008~)
- IT Youth Federation, All-China Youth Federation Oversea member(2007~)
- 人間中心設計推進機構 評議委員(2005~2012)
- SIGHCI of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) Steering committee member(2005~2009)
- IEEE Shikoku Section Professional Activities Chair(2005~2007)
- HIS (Human Interface Society in Japan) Special Interest Group on Usability Steering committee member(2001~2003)
- Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),2020 Smart experience Innovation Conference(2020)
- Human-Engaged Computing,I C A C H I(2020)
- 人・コンピュータインタクラクションから人・コンピュータ共進化へ,日本華人教授会議(2019)
- Invited talk in AI Distinguished speaker series at Google Beijing,Google(2019)
- Keynote speaker at CTScape,KAIST(2019)
- Exploration of the Relationship between UIDL and Interface Computational Aesthetics,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
- An Entropy-based Approach for Computing the Aesthetics of Interfaces,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
- Ageing, Accessibility and Well-Being Research in the Center for Human-Engaged Computing,IxAP 2018(2018)
- From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Engaged Computing,Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence(2017)
- Human-Engaged Computing センターの研究活動,第22回⽇本バーチャルリアリティ学会⼤会(2017)
- From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Engaged Computing,The Fifth International Symposium of Chinese CHI(2017)
- Human-Engaged Computing,Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) program at IIT Kharagpur(2018)
- Predicting and Designing the Future,Jilin University(2014)
- Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),Huawei Technologies CO., LTD(2014)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,University of Science and Technology Beijing(2013)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Dalian Nationalities University(2013)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Dalian Maritime University(2013)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Hong Kong Polytechnic University(2013)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Beijing Institute of Technology(2012)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Jilin University(2012)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Ristumeikan University(2013)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Nokia Research Center Beijing(2012)
- Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,University of Huston(2012)
- The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction:Frontiers of Natural User Interface Research,ICINIS2011(2011)
- A Roadmap to an Independent Expert,Jilin University(2011)
- The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Beijing University of Institute(2011)
- The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Xihua Univ.(2011)
- The Future of Computers:Frontiers of User Interface Research,Xidian University(2011)
- The Future of Computers:Frontiers of User Interface Research,Taiyuan University of Technology(2011)
- The Future of Computers:Frontiers of User Interface Research,Northwestern Polytechnical University(2011)
- The Future of Computers:Frontiers of User Interface Research,Jilin University(2011)
- The Future of Computers:Frontiers of User Interface Research,Changchun University(2011)
- Designing pen-based and multi-touch interactions,University of Alberta(2011)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,University of Alberta(2011)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,香川大学(2011)
- Designing pen-based and multi-touch interactions,Microsoft Research Asia(2011)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Microsoft Research Asia(2011)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,DGP Seminar, University of Toronto(2010)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Beijing University of Institute,(2010)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Beijing University of Chemical Technology(2010)
- Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Autodesk Research(2010)
- Designing pen-based and multi-touch interactions,IBM Research(2010)
- Proceedings of the APCHI2012 (10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction),ACM Press,2012,ISBN 978-1-4503-14
- Evolution of the Human-Computer Interaction,Nova Science Publishers,2005
- Proceedings of the APCHI2002, Vol.1 & Vol.2 (5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction),,Science Press,2002