
LANGUAGE ≫ English

任 向実REN Xiangshi

  • 1965年生まれ 男性
  • 職位: 教授
  • 役職: Center for Human-Engaged Computing長
  • 所属:
  • 情報学群
    大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 情報システム工学コース
    大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 情報学コース
    総合研究所 Center for Human-Engaged Computing
  • researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/xsren


学位 博士(工学)
学歴 東京電機大学大学院工学研究科情報通信工学専攻 修了(1996)
職歴 東京電機大学工学部情報通信工学科助手
専門分野 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
User Interface Design
研究室 名称 HEC(人・コンピュータ共進化)研究室
詳細  日常仕事生活のあらゆる中に、コンピュータテクノロジーが浸透し、人とコンピュータのインタラクションを効果的に行うためには、そのデザインと評価が大変重要です。
所属学会 ACM



学部・学群 情報学群セミナー / プロジェクト研究1 / プロジェクト研究2 / プロジェクト研究3 / HCI概論 / 卒業研究
大学院 特別研究 / 特別セミナー1 / 特別セミナー2 / 情報学先端セミナー1 / 情報学先端セミナー2



相談可能な領域 ペン入力インタフェース
現在の研究 Human Interface to Computing

Computer input design and evaluation

Multimodal interface




  • AAIA Fellow(2024) AAIA
  • CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction 2023 Awards(2023) CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction
  • Honorary Lifetime President(2020) International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction
  • 情報処理学会フェロー(2021) 情報処理学会
  • Best Paper Award 2020(2020) CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction
  • 日本工学アカデミーForeign Fellow(2021)
  • 情報処理学会シニアメンバー(2020)
  • CHI 2019 Honorable Mention Award(2019)
  • Best Poster Award(2017) Chinese CHI 2017
  • Best Paper Award(2017) ACM CHI 2017
  • Best Community Paper Award(2017) IEEE Smartcomp 2017
  • Lifetime Honorable Chairman (2016)
  • ISS 2016 Best Paper(2016)
  • ACM CHI Local Hero(2015) ACM SIGCHI
  • Best support Chinese CHI(2014) ICACHI
  • Best Poster/Demonstration(2012) The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction
  • ACM Senior Member(2011) ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) award(2010) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , USA
  • (財)カシオ科学振興財団 海外派遣助成(2008)
  • 日本学術振興会国際学会等派遣事業(2007)
  • IEEE Senior member(2007)
  • 東京電機大学研究振興会論文賞(1999)
  • (財)東電記念科学技術研究所国際技術交流援助(1998)
  • (財)情報科学国際交流財団 国際会議論文発表者助成(1997)
  • NTCS/W-97 (New Technologies on Computer Software) Best Paper Award(1997)
  • 丹羽保次郎賞 (1996) 東京電機大学


タイトル 著者 発表誌 発表年
Center for Human-Engaged Computing (CHEC) -HCIからHECへのパラダイムシフト- 任 向実 高知工科大学紀要 2024
An Interpretable Metric of Visual Aesthetics for GUI Design Wang Chen,Aliaksei Miniukovich,REN Xiangshi Behaviour & Information Technology 2024
The Effects of Walk-in-Place and Overground Walking on the Acquisition of Spatial Information by People With Visual Impairment in Virtual Reality Wayfinding Sangsun Han,Pilhyoun Yoon,REN Xiangshi,Kibum Kim International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2024
Rethinking dynamic difficulty adjustment for video game design GUO Zhixing,Ruck Thawonmas,REN Xiangshi Entertainment Computing 2024
The Effects of Rhythmic Footstep and Sound Interactions on Creativity: A Design and Evaluation Study Tan Peng,REN Xiangshi International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2024
The Design of Visual, Cognitive, and Physical Modalities in VR Games for Older Adults: A Systematic Review Xiaoxuan Li,Takeshi Nakagawa,Xiangshi Ren,Yasuyuki Gondo International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2025
A framework for students’ digital heritage education in the classroom - a human-engaged computing perspective Tan Peng,Xiangshi Ren,Zixue Cheng,Yi Ji Education and Information Technologies 2023
Rhythm Research in Interactive System Design: A Literature Review Tan Peng,Xiangshi Ren International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction 2023
Guiding gaze gestures on smartwatches: Introducing fireworks William Delamare,Daichi Harada,Luxi Yang,Xiangshi Ren International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,pp.1-14 2023
Designing successive target selection in virtual reality via penetrating the intangible interface with handheld controllers Li Yang,Sayan Sarcar,Kibum Kim,Xiangshi Ren International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,Vol.165 2022
Learning to type with mobile keyboards: Findings with a randomized keyboard Jiang Xinhui,Jussi P.P. Jokinen,Antti Oulasvirta,Xiangshi Ren Computers in Human Behavior,Vol.126,p.106992 2022
Understanding intergenerational fitness tracking practices: 12 suggestions for design Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Fitra Rahmamuliani,Xiangshi Ren,Pearl Pu CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction,pp.1-19 2021
Exploring Text Revision with Backspace and Caret in Virtual Reality Li Yang,Sayan Sarcar,Zheng Yilin,Xiangshi Ren Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,pp.1-12 2021
ArmMenu: command input on distant displays with proprioception based lateral arm movements Huawei Tu,Weiyang Huan,Xingdong Yang,Xiangshi Ren,Feng Tian Behaviour & Information Technology,pp.1-20 2020
Adaptive feature guidance: Modelling visual search with graphical layouts Jussi P.P. Jokinen,Zhenxin Wang,Sayan Sarcar,Antti Oulasvirtaa,Xiangshi Ren International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,Vol.136,No.4,pp.1-22 2020
Twelve Agendas on Interacting with Information: A Human-Engaged Computing Perspective Wang Chen,Xiaojun Yuan,Xiangshi Ren Data and Information Management,Vol.4,No.3,pp.191-199 2020
The Impact of a Multitasking-Based Virtual Reality Motion Video Game on the Cognitive and Physical Abilities of Older Adults Xiaoxuan Li,Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Shanshan Chen,Dongdong Weng,Sayan Sarcar,Xiangshi Ren Sustainability,Vol.12,No.21,pp.1-14 2020
Human-Engaged Computing: The Future of Human-Computer Interaction Xiangshi Ren,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,John Cahill CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interactions,Vol.1,No.1,pp.47-68 2019
The relationship between flow proneness in everyday life and variations in the volume of gray matter in the dopaminergic system: A cross-sectional study Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Kaechang Park,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,Zhenxin Wang,Xiangshi Ren Personality and Individual Differences,Vol.141,No.0,pp.25-30 2019
Attention Regulation Framework: Designing Self-Regulated Mindfulness Technologies Kavous Salehzadeh Niksirat,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,PENG CHENG,Xiangshi Ren ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction,Vol.26,No.6,pp.1-44 2019
Ability-Based Optimization of Touchscreen Interactions Sayan Sarcar,Jussi P.P. Jokinen,Antti Oulasvirta,Zhenxin Wang,Chaklam Silpasuwanchai,Xiangshi Ren IEEE Pervasive Computing,Vol.17,No.1,pp.15-26 2018
Differences and Similarities between Dominant and Non-dominant Thumbs for Pointing and Gesturing Tasks with Bimanual Tablet Gripping Interaction Huawei Tu,Qiulong Yang,Xiaohan Liu,Jiabin Yuan,Xiangshi Ren,Feng Tian Interacting with Computers,Vol.30,No.3,pp.243-257 2018
Rethinking the relationship between humans and computers REN Xiangshi Computer,Vol.97,No.1,pp.34-44 2016
Assisting people with visual impairments in aiming at a target on a large wall-mounted display KIM,Kibum,REN Xiangshi,Seungmoon Choi,Hong Z. Tan Int. J. Human-Computer Studies,Vol.86,No.2,pp.109-120 2015
ShifTable: A Natural Remote Target Selection Technique on Large Displays, Interacting with Computers KIM,Kibum,REN Xiangshi Interacting with Computers,Vol.28,No.2,pp.181-192 2015
Differences and Similarities between Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures on Stationary and Mobile devices Xiangshi REN,Shumin Zhai ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,Vol.22,No.5,pp.1-22 2015
Designing Concurrent Full-Body Gestures for Intense Gameplay REN Xiangshi International Journal of Human Computer Studies,Vol.80,No.8,pp.1-13 2015
A Model of Scrolling on Touch-Sensitive Displays REN, Xiangshi,Jian Zhao,Soukoreff, R.W.,Balakrishnana, R. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,Vol.72,No.12,pp.805-821 2014
Designing Motion Gesture Interfaces in Mobile Phones for Blind People REN, Xiangshi Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vol.29,No.5,pp.812-824 2014
Special Issue on Computer Human Interaction REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.9,No.12,pp.4603-4604 2013
The Impact of Candidate Display Styles for Japanese and Chinese Characters on Input Efficiency. SUN Minghui,REN, Xiangshi,Shumin Zhai,WANG Feng International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,Vol.71,No.3,pp.236-249 2012
Optimal Entry Size of Handwritten Chinese Characters in Touch-based Mobile Phones TU Huawei,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,Vol.29,No.1,pp.1-12 2012
イノベーション・マネジメント・人材獲得と国際化に関する見聞と考え 任 向実 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.8,No.1,pp.255-262 2011
IBM研究所とトロント大学滞在見聞 任 向実 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.8,No.1,pp.233-243 2011
An Investigation of the Usability of the Stylus Pen for Various Age Groups on personal digital assistants REN, Xiangshi,ZHOU Xiaolei Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.30,No.6,pp.709-726 2011
Investigating the effects of multimodal feedback through tracking state in pen-based interfaces SUN Minghui,REN, Xiangshi Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.30,No.6,pp.727-737 2011
A study of three novel line-based techniques for multi-target selection YIN Jibin,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.7,No.3,pp.1397-1411 2011
Effects of Multimodal Error Feedback on Human Performance in Steering Tasks Sun, M.,Ren, X.,Cao, X. IPSJ Journal,Vol.51,No.12,pp.2375-2383 2010
A Survey of Human Computer Interaction technology for disabled, persons Wang F,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.6,pp.2459-2467 2010
An Investigation of Adaptive Pen Pressure Discretization Method Based on Personal Pen Pressure Use Profile Xin, Y.,Ren, X. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E93D,No.5,pp.1205-1213 2010
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) Liu C,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.5,pp.2103-2111 2010
Classifier Learning Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithms Dong L,Zhang H,REN, Xiangshi,Li Y International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.4,pp.1973-1981 2010
Experimental analysis of mode switching techniques in pen-based user interfaces LIU Chuanyi,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.4,pp.1983-1990 2010
The Empirical Study of Stroke-Based Scrolling Techniques in Pen-based Interfaces Yin, J.,Ren, X. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.3,pp.1101-1112 2010
An interactive system for Chinese traditional calligraphy and painting Yin, J.,Ren, X. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.2,pp.509-518 2010
Pen Pressure Control in Trajectory-based Interaction, Behaviour & Information Technology Yin, J.,Ren, X.,Zhai, S. Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.29,No.2,pp.137-148 2010
An Investigation of Subjective Operational Biases in Steering Tasks Evaluation Zhou, X.,Ren, X. Behaviour & Information Technology,Vol.29,No.2,pp.125-135 2010
Fluid and natural pen interaction techniques by utilizing multiple input parameters Liu C,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.6,No.5,pp.2103-2111 2010
A Study of Inherent Pen Input Modalities for Precision Parameter Manipulations during Trajectory Tasks Xin Y,REN, Xiangshi IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E92-D,No.12,pp.2454-2461 2009
A computer-assisted marking system for enhancing education equity Wang F,Deng H,Liang B,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.5,No.12A,pp.4702-4714 2009
Speed-accuracy Tradeoff Models in Target-based and Trajectory-based Movements Zhou X,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.5,No.12A,pp.4441-4451 2009
A Study of Inherent Pen Input Modalities for Precision Parameter Xin, Y,REN, Xiangshi IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E92-D,No.12,pp.2454-2461 2009
A Comparison of Pressure and Tilt Input Techniques for Cursor Control Zhou, X,REN, Xiangshi IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E92-D,No.9,pp.1683-1691 2009
The Optimal Size of Handwriting Character Input Boxes on PDAs REN, Xiangshi,Zhou, X Int. J. Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.,Vol.25,No.8,pp.762-784 2009
Detecting and Leveraging Finger Orientation for Interaction with Direct-Touch Surfaces Wang, F,Cao, X,Syanshi Ren,Irani, P Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2009, October 4- 7, 2009, Victoria, BC), ACM Press,pp.23-32 2009
Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties in Multi-touch Interaction Wang, F,Syanshi Ren Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009, 4- 9 April 2009, Boston, USA), ACM Press,pp.1063-1072 2009
An effective solution for automating the layout of transactional pages Zhang X,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.4,No.11,pp.2899-2910 2008
Quantifying the Learning Effect in Human Performance Models REN, Xiangshi,Zhang X,Kyo K International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Vol.4,No.9,pp.2419-2429 2008
Mobile Devices Strengthen Classroom Management Liu C,REN, Xiangshi,Daniels P International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems,Vol.1,No.3,pp.9-14 2008
Improving Eye Cursor's Stability for Eye Pointing Tasks Zhang, X,Syanshi Ren,Zha, H Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008, 5- 10 April 2008, Florence, Italy), ACM Press,,pp.525-534 2008
The Optimal Calculation Method to Determine the Effective Target Width for the Application of Fitts’ law Kong J,REN, Xiangshi IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E90-D,No.4,pp.753-758 2007
Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design Kong J,REN, Xiangshi,SHINOMORI, Keizo IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E90-D,No.2,pp.500-508 2007
ZWPS and Pressure Scroll: Two Pressure-based Techniques in Pen-based Interfaces Jibin Yin,REN, Xiangshi IPSJ Journal,Vol.48,No.12,pp.3750-3761 2007
A Study on Approximate and Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion in an Immersive Environment Noritaka Osaw,REN, Xiangshi IPSJ Journal,Vol.48,No.11,pp.3568-3576 2007
Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design. Jing Kong,Xiangshi Ren,Keizo Shinomori IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.90-D,No.2,pp.500-508 2007
Calculation of Effective Target Width and its Effects on Pointing Tasks Kong J,REN, Xiangshi IPSJ Journal,Vol.47,No.5,pp.1570-1572 2006
Comparison of Input Devices in Pointing Tasks through the Observation of the Human Effects --An Application of the SH-Model Kong J,REN, Xiangshi,Jiang Q Transactions of Human Interface Society,Vol.8,No.2,pp.109-118 2006
SH-Model: A model based on both system and human effects for pointing task evaluation REN, Xiangshi,Kong J,Jiang Q IPSJ Journal,Vol.46,No.5,pp.1343-1353 2005
Speed-accuracy tradeoff in Fitts’ law tasks - on the equivalency of actual and nominal pointing precision Zhai S,Kong J,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Human-Computer Studies: “Fitts' law 50 years later: applications and contributions from human-computer interaction”,Vol.61,No.6,pp.823-856 2004
Virtual 3D gearbox widget technique for precise adjustment by hand motion in immersive VR Osawa N,REN, Xiangshi IEICE Transactions on Information and System,Vol.E87-D,No.10,pp.2408-2414 2004
Zoom Selector: A pen-based interaction technique for small target selection Guan Z,REN, Xiangshi,Li Y,Dai G IPSJ Journal,Vol.45,No.8,pp.2087-2097 2004
A study of the optimal sizes for pen-input character boxes REN, Xiangshi,Kong J Information,Vol.7,No.6,pp.747-754 2004
SH-Model: Considering both systematic and human factors Kong J,REN, Xiangshi,Jiang X Information,Vol.7,No.6,pp.737-745 2004
An Infrastructure Approach to Gesture interaction Computing in Conceptual Design Ma C,Dai G,Chen Y,REN, Xiangshi International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL),Vol.2,No.2,pp.141-149 2004
A Smooth Bridge from Idea Capture to Communication Li Y,Guan Z,REN, Xiangshi,Dai G International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL),Vol.2,No.2,pp.121-130 2004
Preface: Introduction to the Special Issue ``Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction" REN, Xiangshi,Dai G International Journal of Asian Information, Science and Life (AISL),Vol.2,No.2,pp.2-5 2004
Investigating Text Entry Strategies for an Immersive Virtual Environment Osawa N,REN, Xiangshi,Suzuki M Information,Vol.6,No.5,pp.577-582 2003
A Context-aware Infrastructure for Supporting Applications with Pen-based Interaction Li Y,Guan Z,Dai G,REN, Xiangshi,Han Y Journal of Computer Science and Technology,Vol.18,No.3,pp.343-353 2003
Brush Pen Model on Digital Pen Simulated System of Painting and Calligraphy Guo L,REN, Xiangshi,Ding H Journal of Kunming university of science and technology,Vol.27,No.6,pp.83-88 2002
An empirical study of the minimum required size and the number of targets with a pen and with a cursor key on a small display Mizobuchi S,任 向実,Yasumura M special issue of IPSJ Journal: “Interaction technologies – research and practical aspects",Vol.39,No.7 2002
The efficiency of various multimodal input interfaces evaluated in two empirical studies REN, Xiangshi,Zhang G,Dai G IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E84-d,No.10,pp.1421-1426 2001
Pen-based interaction and directions of human-computer interaction REN, Xiangshi,Guan Z,Dai G,Moriya S Journal of Computer Sciences,Vol.28,No.4,pp.82-86 2001
Research alert: Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S ACM interactions,pp.11-12 2001
Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-based interaction for selection tasks REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,Vol.7,No.3,pp.384-416 2000
An evaluation of the physiological effects of CRT displays on computer users Chen S,REN, Xiangshi,Kim H,Machi Y IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Vol.E83-A,No.8,pp.1713-1719 2000
Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks, Syanshi Ren,Moriya, S ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction,Vol.7,No.3,pp.364-416 2000
The effect of variables on selection strategies for pen-based systems REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research,Vol.6,No.2,pp.188-189 1999
How are the differences between selection strategies affected by changes in target size, distance and direction REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Vol.E81-A,No.10,pp.2228-2234 1998
Selection strategies for small targets and the smallest maximum target size on pen-based systems REN, Xiangshi,Moriya S IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.E81-D,No.8,pp.822-828 1998
Formulas depicting the relationships between the width and height of pen-input character boxes and line-frames 任 向実,Moriya S IPSJ Journal,Vol.39,No.7,pp.2298-2307 1998
The minimal sizes and the quasi-optimal sizes for the input square during pen-input of characters 任 向実,Moriya S IPSJ Journal (Information Processing Society of Japan),Vol.36,No.3,pp.645-657 1995
Recognizing punctuation marks in on-line handwritten text data REN, Xiangshi,Morita T,Moriya S IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol.j74-D-II,No.10,pp.1479-1481 1991



  1. Designing a Multisensory VR Game Prototype for Older Adults - the Acceptability and Design Implications,ACM CHI 2024(2024)
  2. Human-Engaged Computing,Forum of AI-Empowered Sustainable Development Goals 2024(2024)
  3. Human-Engaged Computing,EVA London(2024)
  4. Human-Engaged Computing,International Workshop on Human-Engaged Computing 2023(2023)
  5. Can We Understand Other Drivers? An Investigation on Empathic Triggers through Voice Information Transmission in Driving,AutomotiveUI 2023(2023)
  6. The Acceptability of a Multisensory VR Game for Older Adults,2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality(2023)
  7. Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),Chinese CHI 2022(2022)
  8. Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),IEEE UV2022(2022)
  9. Designing AI to Work WITH or FOR People?,ACM CHI 2021(2021)
  10. Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations,ACM CHI 2021(2021)
  11. Variance and Distribution Models for Steering Tasks,ACM UIST 2021(2021)
  12. Introduction to Human-Engaged Computing,IWHEC 2021(2021)
  13. How We Type: Eye and Finger Movement Strategies in Mobile Typing,CHI 2020(2020)
  14. Human-Engaged Computing,International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences (ISAIMS 2020)(2020)
  15. Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations – Addressing Global Challenges,CHI 2020(2020)
  16. Attention Regulation Framework: Designing Self-Regulated Mindfulness Technologies,CHI 2020(2020)
  17. Swap: A Replacement-based Text Revision Technique for Mobile Devices,CHI 2020(2020)
  18. Exploring Performance of Thumb Input for Pointing and Dragging Tasks on Mobile Device,CHI 2019 Symposia on Asian CHI symposium(2019)
  19. HCI in China: Research Agenda, Education Curriculum, Industry Partnership, and Communities Building,CHI 2019(2019)
  20. An Analytic Model for Time Efficient Personal Hierarchies,CHI 2019(2019)
  21. Crossing-Based Selection with Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays,CHI 2019(2019)
  22. Interacting with Autostereograms,MobileHCI'19(2019)
  23. On Gesture Combination: An Exploration of a Solution to Augment Gesture Interaction,ACM ISS 2019(2019)
  24. Approaching Engagement towards Human-Engaged Computing,CHI 2018, ACM(2018)
  25. Exploration of the Relationship between UIDL and Interface Computational Aesthetics,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
  26. Approaching Aesthetics on User Interface and Interaction Design,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
  27. Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations,CHI 2018, ACM(2019)
  28. Ageing, Accessibility and Well-Being Research in the Center for Human-Engaged Computing,IxAP 2018(2018)
  29. From Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),ICVRV 2018, China Computer Federation(2018)
  30. From Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),HHME 2018, China Computer Federation(2018)
  31. Human Computer Integration versus Powerful Tools,ACM SIGCHI(2017)
  32. Human-Engaged Computing センターの研究活動,第22回⽇本バーチャルリアリティ学会⼤会(2017)
  33. Understanding the Role of Human Senses in Interactive Meditation,CHI 2017(2017)
  34. Designing Mobile Interactions for the Ageing Populations,CHI 2017(2017)
  35. Enhancing Pen-based Interaction using Electrovibration and Vibration Haptic Feedback,CHI 2017(2017)
  36. Modelling Learning of New Keyboard Layouts,CHI 2017(2017)
  37. A Framework for Interactive Mindfulness Meditation Using Attention-Regulation Process,CHI 2017(2017)
  38. Rethinking Mobile Interfaces for Older Adults,CHI EA ‘16(2016)
  39. Designing Mid-Air TV Gestures for Blind People Using User- and Choice-Based Elicitation Approaches,DIS 2016(2016)
  40. My Experience in Human-Computer Interaction Research,China-Japan Innovation Forum on New Energy Utilization and Sustainable Development 2014(2014)
  41. Enhancing Kinect-based Interaction Effectiveness by Utilizing Various Input and Output Modalities,MS Core 8 workshop(2013)
  42. Designing Motion Gestures for Enhancing Kinect-based Interaction Effectiveness,Microsoft Research Asia Faculty Summit 2012(2012)
  43. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,4th FCPAE Europe‐China Forum(2012)
  44. User-defined Motion Gestures,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  45. Investigation of Usable Gestures for Elder People with
    User-defined Approach,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  46. Experimental Analysis of Pen and Finger Gestures in
    Mobile Environments,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  47. An Empirical Investigation into Differences and
    Similarities between Age-related Stroke Gestures,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  48. Establishing the Error Threshold for Alignment Tasks in
    Natural Direct-touch Interaction,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  49. Mode Switching Techniques through
    Pen and Device Profiles,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  50. A Comparison of Flick and Ring Document
    Scrolling in Touch-based Mobile Phones,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  51. An Investigation of the Relationship between
    Texture and Human Performance in Steering Tasks,Proceedings of APCHI 2012(2012)
  52. Natural Use Profiles for the Pen: An Empirical Exploration of Pressure, Tilt, and Azimuth,CHI 2012(2012)
  53. A Comparative Evaluation of Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures,CHI 2012(2012)
  54. Enhancing Naturalness of Pen-and-Tablet Drawing through Context Sensing,ACM(2011)
  55. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,ICINIS(2011)
  56. The Entropy of a Rapid Aimed Movement: Fitts’ Index of Difficulty versus Shannon’s Entropy,INTERACT(2011)
  57. An Empirical Investigation of Age-related Performance in Computer Interface Tasks,IEEE ICIA 2011(2011)
  58. Acquiring and Pointing: An Empirical Study of Pen Tilt-Based Interaction,ACM SIGCHI(2011)
  59. Effect of Tilt Angle of Tablet on Pen-based Input Operation Based on Fitts’ Law,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2010(2010)
  60. An Empirical Comparison of the Locations of Haptic Feedback in Steering Tasks,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2010(2010)
  61. A Pen Pressure Division Method Using Personal Distribution,IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation 2010(2010)
  62. Modeling Dwell-Based Eye Pointing Target Acquisition,CHI 2010(2010)
  63. Detecting and Leveraging Finger Orientation for Interaction with Direct-Touch Surfaces,ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(2009)
  64. Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff in Trajectory-Based Tasks with Temporal Constraint,INTERACT 2009(2009)
  65. Improving Seamless and Continuous Operations in Pen-based Systems,IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2009(2009)
  66. An Evaluation of Multimodal Feedback in Tracking State for Pen-based Interfaces,2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation(2009)
  67. Frontiers of User Interface Research: modeling human performance, pen-based and eye-gaze based interaction,International workshop on Frontiers of Information Technology(2009)
  68. Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties in Multi-touch Interaction,ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(2009)
  69. Pen Interaction Techniques,Microsoft Research Asia Mobile Computing in Education Theme Workshop 2009(2009)
  70. Mode Switching Techniques,NEINE'08(2008)
  71. The Optimal Azimuth Angle for Trajectory-based Tasks in Pen-based Interface,NEINE'08(2008)
  72. Mode Switching Techniques,NEINE'08(2008)
  73. Using Tactile Feedback to Improve Human’s Performance in Hovering State of Pens,NEINE'08(2008)
  74. Comparing the effects of audio, tactile and visual feedback on steering task,NEINE'08(2008)
  75. A Widget Design and an Empirical Evaluation for fundamental Human Finger Factors in Touch Technique,NEINE'08(2008)
  76. A Study of Value Distributions of Pen Properties,NEINE'08(2008)
  77. An Empirical Study of Operational Bias in Steering Tasks for Different User Groups,NEINE'08(2008)
  78. A comparison of pen pressure and tilt in precision parameter manipulation,CSSE2008(2008)
  79. Effect of Start Position on Human Performance in Steering Tasks,CSSE2008(2008)
  80. A computer-assisted marking system for enhancing education equity,2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics(2008)
  81. Speed-accuracy tradeoff models in target-based and trajectory-based movements,2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics(2008)
  82. A Robust Blob Recognition and Tracking Method in Vision-based Multi-touch Technique,ISPA 2008(2008)
  83. A Comparative Evaluation of Mode Switching Techniques,ISPA 2008(2008)
  84. An Empirical Comparison of Pen Pressure and Pen Tilt Input Techniques,ISPA 2008(2008)
  85. An Evaluation of the Maximal Path Width for the Steering Law,APCHI 2008(2008)
  86. An Investigation of Different Start Positions in Steering Tasks,APCHI2008(2008)
  87. Mode Switching Techniques Based on Pen Angle Inputs,APCHI2008(2008)
  88. Direct and Indirect Pen Tilt Input with Visual Feedbacks,APCHI 2008(2008)
  89. Attribute Division Algorithm Based on Entropy,ICICIC2008(2008)
  90. Enhancing Pie-menu Selection with Pen Pressure,ICICIC2008(2008)
  91. Improving Eye Cursor's Stability for Eye Pointing Tasks,ACM SIGCHI(2008)
  92. An Empirical Evaluation of Upper Bound Limit of Width for Steering Task,NEINE'07(2007)
  93. Layer-pie-menu: A menu selection technique using pressure-sensitive pie-menus,NEINE'07(2007)
  94. Investigation to Line-based Techniques for Multi-target Selection,INTERACT 2007(2007)
  95. The Adaptive Hybrid Cursor: A Pressure-based Target Selection Technique for Pen-based User Interfaces,INTERACT 2007(2007)
  96. ZWPS: A Hybrid Selection Techniques for Small Target Acquisition in Pen-based Interfaces,IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2007(2007)
  97. Information Processing Rate in Human-Computer Interaction,ICICIC2007(2007)
  98. Experimental Scalability Evaluation of Unbalanced-Nodes PC-Cluster,ICICIC2007(2007)
  99. Optimizing Parameter Settings in Target Predictor for Pointing Tasks,ICICIC2007(2007)
  100. Establishing User Discriminated Pressure Levels and the Effects of Posture on Pressure Input,ICICIC2007(2007)
  101. An Empirical Evaluation of Seven Mice for Scrolling Tasks,ICMA 2007(2007)
  102. Research on Scalability of Unbalanced-nodes PC Cluster,ICMA 2007(2007)
  103. A Pen- based Classroom Management System,HCI International 2007(2007)
  104. Designing the Pen-based User Interface for Tablet PC and PDA Applications,ICICT2006(2006)
  105. Developing SH-Model with Consideration of Learning Effect for Pointing Task Evaluation,APCHI2006(2006)
  106. Application of the SH-Model in two-dimensional interface,APCHI2006(2006)
  107. Usability of the Stylus Pen and Age,APCHI2006(2006)
  108. A Novel Scrolling Technique for Pen-based System,APCHI2006(2006)
  109. Circular-gesture and Double-ellipse: novel software-based techniques for generating extra input states in pen-based interfaces,APCHI 2006(2006)
  110. CATER: A Framework for the Automated Layout of Transactional Pages,CIT2006(2006)
  111. A Study on Selection Frequency Distribution in Data Menus,NEINE'06(2006)
  112. Pressure Cursor: a novel technique for target acquisition in pen-based interface,NEINE'06(2006)
  113. A Zooming and Scrolling Technique for Pen-based Interface,NEINE'06(2006)
  114. Zoom-based technique with pressure as switch for pixel-level targets in pen-based interfaces,NEINE'06(2006)
  115. The Effects of Gender Difference: An Experiment on a Force Control Device,NEINE'06(2006)
  116. Zoom Icon: A Pen-based Selection Technique for Small Icon Acquisition,NEINE'06(2006)
  117. The Beam Cursor: A Pen-based Technique for Enhancing Target Acquisition,20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM(2006)
  118. Combined ANN and Lagrangian Relaxation Method for Unit Commitment Scheduling,ISC2006(2006)
  119. Comprehensive analysis about selection frequency distribution in data menus,SPCA06(2006)
  120. The Information Processing Rate Issue in Human Computer Interface,MFCSIT'06(2006)
  121. The Optimal Size of Text Entry Boxes on PDAs,AFRIGRAPH 2006(2006)
  122. Investigating the Usability of the Stylus Pen on Handheld Devices,The Fourth Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS(2005)
  123. Influence of colors on pointing tasks in human computer interfaces,IASTED international conference on human-computer interaction 2005(2005)
  124. Determining the Optimal Size of Handwriting Character Entry Boxes for Pen-Based Systems,CIT2005(2005)
  125. Comparison of Effective Target Width Calculation Methods for Pointing Task,CIT2005(2005)
  126. A Novel Approach for Web-based Data Input Panel Design,CIT2005(2005)
  127. An Investigation into the Effects of the Size of the Stylus Pen,NEINE'05(2005)
  128. A New Scroll Operation for Pen-based Systems,NEINE'05(2005)
  129. Information processing rate analysis in pointing tasks,NEINE'05(2005)
  130. The Analysis of the Characteristics of Four Input Devices for Pointing Task by Applying SH-Model,NEINE'05(2005)
  131. The Study of Stroke-based Technique for Scrolling Task in Pen-based Interface,NEINE'05(2005)
  132. HUA: An Interactive Calligraphy and Ink-Wash Painting System,IEEE CIT2005(2005)
  133. Comparing models by the information transmission capability expressed by the coefficient of the difficulty index in Fitts’ law,HCI International 2005(2005)
  134. User Interface Design of Interactive Data Mining in Parallel Environment,AMT 2005(2005)
  135. The Effect of Cursor Shape and Size on Pointing Efficiency,AMT 2005(2005)
  136. A Proposal for Conversion Candidate Display Styles for Kanji Input with Keyboard,AMT 2005(2005)
  137. The Optimal Sizes for Pen-Input Character Boxes for Tablet PC,AMT 2005(2005)
  138. The Effects of PDA Pen-length on the Performance of Older Adults,AMT 2005(2005)
  139. How the learning effect and user postures affect the optimal size of pen-input character boxes,Information 2004(2004)
  140. A performance evaluation of pen devices in pointing and steering tasks,Information 2004(2004)
  141. An anatomical study of Japanese input using various candidate display styles,Information 2004(2004)
  142. Designing a pen-based application for note-taking and informal presentations,Information 2004(2004)
  143. Designing the user interface for pen-based applications,Information 2004(2004)
  144. Comparison of Four Input Devices for Pointing Task by Applying SH-Model,WEC2004(2004)
  145. Investigating the optimal size of handwriting character input boxes: Do users prefer rectangular or square boxes?,WEC2004(2004)
  146. The effects of pen size on human performance on hand-held devices,WEC2004(2004)
  147. Conversion candidate display styles for Japanese input on input efficiency,WEC2004 (the World Engineers Convention)(2004)
  148. Human-computer interaction development, design and evaluation,NEINE'04(2004)
  149. Effective target width calculation and the effects on the speed and accuracy interaction in pointing task,NEINE'04(2004)
  150. Older adults and the optimal size of pen-input character boxes: Do older users prefer larger size than younger users?,NEINE'04(2004)
  151. Improving the usability of PDAs: Design physical aspects of handheld devices,NEINE'04(2004)
  152. Quantitative comparisons on performance of various conversion candidate display styles,NEINE'04(2004)
  153. Improving usability of the pen-based system for note-taking and informal presentations,NEINE'04(2004)
  154. A new model for different speed and accuracy requirements in pointing tasks,CIT2004(2004)
  155. A study of the size of pen-input character boxes for PDAs,CIT2004(2004)
  156. A web-based Chinese automatic question answering system,CIT2004(2004)
  157. A method of multi-pattern information expression in a Japanese reading-aid system,IJCNLP-04(2004)
  158. Sketching Informal Presentations,ICIM’2003(2003)
  159. An Evaluation on Approximate and Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion in an Immersive Environment,VSMM2003(2003)
  160. Candidate Display Styles in Japanese Input,IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2003(2003)
  161. The optimal sizes of input squares for the pen-input characters on PDAs,Human-Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice(2003)
  162. The Effects of Display Orientation and Target Position on Target Pointing Tasks on a PDA,Human-Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice(2003)
  163. An evaluation of text input methods in a standing position,Human-Computer Interaction - Theory and Practice(2003)
  164. An Evaluation of the comfortable input method of mobile phone based input on user’s physiological indices,HCI International 2003(2003)
  165. Japanese Input with Conversion Candidate Display Methods,HCI International 2003(2003)
  166. Gearbox Widget for Fine Adjustments by Hand Motion,Proceedings of Seventh Immersive Projection Technologies Workshop and Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments(2003)
  167. The Evaluation of two Input Methods based on User's Physiological Indices,APCHI2002(2002)
  168. SketchPoint: A Smooth Bridge from Note-taking to Presentations,APCHI2002(2002)
  169. An Empirical Study of the Minimum Required Size and the Minimum Number of Targets for Pen Input on the Small Display,Mobile HCI 2002(2002)
  170. Structuralizing Freeform Notes by Implicit Sketch Understanding,2002 AAAI(2002)
  171. A system for Monitoring the health condition of computer users in real time,HCI International 2001(2001)
  172. Physiological and psychological evaluation of LCD, CRT and different sizes of projected displays on users,HCI International 2001(2001)
  173. Using Physiological Criteria to Improve Usability: The Physiological Evaluation LCD and CRT Effects on Users,INTERACT 2001(2001)
  174. The physiological measurement of user comfort levels: an evaluation experiment for comparing three types of CRTs,HCI International '99(2000)
  175. An experimental study of input modes for multimodal human-computer interaction,ICMI 2000(2000)
  176. A comparison of multi-modal combination modes for the map systems,HCI International '99(1999)
  177. Designing pen-input character boxes and line-frames,HCI International '99(1999)
  178. Efficient strategies for selecting small targets on pen-based systems: an evaluation experiment for selection strategies and strategy classifications,EHCI’99(1999)
  179. A State Transition Model Representing Pen-based Selection Strategies,IFIP TC13 INTERACT '99(1999)
  180. Designing pen-input character boxes on pen-based systems,Proceedings of Global Ergonomics Conference(1998)
  181. The influence of target size, distance and direction on the design of selection strategies,British HCI Group(1998)
  182. Improving selection performance on pen-based systems: A study of pen-input interaction for selection tasks,the 3rd CAST Conference of Youth Scientists(1998)
  183. A Comparison of four interaction modes for CAD Systems,APCHI'98(1998)
  184. The effect of target size, pen-movement-distance and pen-movement-direction on target-selection strategies for a pen-based system,NTCS/W-97(1997)
  185. The relationships between the width and height of pen-input character boxes on pen-based systems,NTCS/W-97(1997)
  186. The relationships between the width and height of the pen-input "squares",HCI International '97(1997)
  187. The current status of HCI in Japan and China,INTERACT97(1997)
  188. The best among six strategies for selecting a minute target and the determination of the minute maximum size of the targets on a pen-based computer,IFIP TC13 INTERACT '97(1997)
  189. The strategy for selecting a minute target and the minute maximum value on a pen-based computer,ACM SIGCHI(1997)
  190. The minimal sizes and the quasi-optimal sizes for the input square during pen-input of characters,HCI International '93(1993)


  1. 入力装置および入力プログラム(2017-227655)



区分 研究課題 研究種目 研究期間 課題番号
分担 積極的な安全運転支援のための環境・状況認識および危険構造の抽出 基盤研究(C) 2009 - 2011 21500166
代表 ペン・指の入力特性に適した次世代ユーザインタフェースの創成 基盤研究(B) 2011 - 2013 23300048
分担 Assisting Blind People to Interact with Public Displays 基盤研究(C) 2013 - 2015 25330241



研究課題 事業名等 研究期間 受託先 担当教員
高齢者のためのユーザーインターフェースデザイン 国際科学技術共同研究推進事業(戦略的国際共同研究プログラム) 2015/4/1~2018/3/31 (独)科学技術振興機構(JST) 任 向実




  1. She Ji Editorial Board(2024~2029)
  2. IEEE ICMA 2023 Program Committee(2023)
  3. ACM TOCHI Associate Editor(2021~)
  4. IEEE ICMA 2021 PC Member(2021)
  5. IWHEC 2021 General Co-Chair(2020~2021)
  6. Sustainability Guest Editor(2020~2021)
  7. Journal of Jilin University Associate editor(2019~2022)
  8. AEIT 2020 Program Committee members(2020)
  9. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences Organizing Committees(2020)
  10. IEEE ICMA 2020 PC Member(2020)
  11. IEEE ICMA 2019 Program Committee Members(2019)
  12. IWHEC 2020 General Co-Chairs(2019~2020)
  13. CCF TPCI Associate Editors(2018~)
  14. Chinese CHI 2019 Honorary Chair(2019)
  15. 情報処理学会 論⽂誌シニア査読委員(2018~2021)
  16. CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction (CCF TPCI) Editorial Board(2018~)
  17. IEEE ICMA 2018 PC member(2018)
  18. International Workshop on Human-Engaged Computing General Chair(2018~2019)
  19. Lifetime Honorable Chairman
  20. ACM SIGCHI Associate Program Chair for ACM CHI 2015 (Annual SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems)(2017)
  21. ITAP 2016 Conference General Co-Chairs(2016)
  22. ACM DIS 2016 Associate Program Chair(2016)
  23. ACM CHI 2017 Associate Program Chair(2016~2017)
  24. China Computer Federation Reviewer, Journal of Computer Science and Technology(2014~)
  25. ACM CHI 2015 Associate Program Chair for ACM CHI 2015 (Annual SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems)(2014~2015)
  26. ICACHI Steering Committee of Chinese CHI(2014~)
  27. ICACHI President of ICACHI(2014~2016)
  28. Special Issue of International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Guest editor(2013~2014)
  29. Special Issue of International Journal of Innovational Computing & Information Control (IJICIC) Guest editor(2012~2013)
  30. ICIC Express Letter Guest editor(2012)
  31. The First International Symposium of Chinese CHI Conference Chair(2012~2013)
  32. International Chinese Association of Human Computer Interaction (ICAHCI) President(2012~2014)
  33. ACM SIGCHI Program committee- Associate Chair (AC)(2012)
  34. ACHI 2012 Program committee(2011~2012)
  35. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) Associate Editor(2011~2015)
  36. APCHI 2012 (10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction) Program Chair(2010~2012)
  37. ICINIS2011 Program Chair(2010~2011)
  38. (社)情報処理学会 論文誌ジャーナル編集委員(2010~2012)
  39. ICICIC2010 プログラム委員(2010)
  40. FCST2010 プログラム委員(2009~2010)
  41. IEEE ICIA2010 (2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation) Program Chair(2009~2010)
  42. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence (IJAI) Associate Editor(2009~)
  43. 電子情報通信学会 四国支部 評議委員(2008~2010)
  44. Information Processing Society of Japan Committee member, Best Paper Awards of IPSJ Journal(2008~)
  45. International Journal of Innovational Computing & Information Control (IJICIC) Associate Editor(2008~)
  46. IT Youth Federation, All-China Youth Federation Oversea member(2007~)
  47. 人間中心設計推進機構 評議委員(2005~2012)
  48. SIGHCI of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) Steering committee member(2005~2009)
  49. IEEE Shikoku Section Professional Activities Chair(2005~2007)
  50. HIS (Human Interface Society in Japan) Special Interest Group on Usability Steering committee member(2001~2003)


  1. Paradigm Shift from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),2020 Smart experience Innovation Conference(2020)
  2. Human-Engaged Computing,I C A C H I(2020)
  3. 人・コンピュータインタクラクションから人・コンピュータ共進化へ,日本華人教授会議(2019)
  4. Invited talk in AI Distinguished speaker series at Google Beijing,Google(2019)
  5. Keynote speaker at CTScape,KAIST(2019)
  6. Exploration of the Relationship between UIDL and Interface Computational Aesthetics,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
  7. An Entropy-based Approach for Computing the Aesthetics of Interfaces,ISS 2018, ACM(2018)
  8. Ageing, Accessibility and Well-Being Research in the Center for Human-Engaged Computing,IxAP 2018(2018)
  9. From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Engaged Computing,Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence(2017)
  10. Human-Engaged Computing センターの研究活動,第22回⽇本バーチャルリアリティ学会⼤会(2017)
  11. From Human-Computer Interaction to Human-Engaged Computing,The Fifth International Symposium of Chinese CHI(2017)
  12. Human-Engaged Computing,Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) program at IIT Kharagpur(2018)
  13. Predicting and Designing the Future,Jilin University(2014)
  14. Human-Engaged Computing (HEC),Huawei Technologies CO., LTD(2014)
  15. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,University of Science and Technology Beijing(2013)
  16. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Dalian Nationalities University(2013)
  17. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Dalian Maritime University(2013)
  18. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Hong Kong Polytechnic University(2013)
  19. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Beijing Institute of Technology(2012)
  20. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Jilin University(2012)
  21. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Ristumeikan University(2013)
  22. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,Nokia Research Center Beijing(2012)
  23. Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research,University of Huston(2012)
  24. The Evolution of Human-Computer Interaction: Frontiers of Natural User Interface Research,ICINIS2011(2011)
  25. A Roadmap to an Independent Expert,Jilin University(2011)
  26. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Beijing University of Institute(2011)
  27. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Xihua Univ.(2011)
  28. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Xidian University(2011)
  29. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Taiyuan University of Technology(2011)
  30. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Northwestern Polytechnical University(2011)
  31. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Jilin University(2011)
  32. The Future of Computers: Frontiers of User Interface Research,Changchun University(2011)
  33. Designing pen-based and multi-touch interactions,University of Alberta(2011)
  34. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,University of Alberta(2011)
  35. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,香川大学(2011)
  36. Designing pen-based and multi-touch interactions,Microsoft Research Asia(2011)
  37. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Microsoft Research Asia(2011)
  38. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,DGP Seminar, University of Toronto(2010)
  39. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Beijing University of Institute,(2010)
  40. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Beijing University of Chemical Technology(2010)
  41. Designing Pen-based and Multi-touch Interactions,Autodesk Research(2010)
  42. Designing pen-based and multi-touch interactions,IBM Research(2010)


  1. Proceedings of the APCHI2012 (10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction),ACM Press,2012,ISBN 978-1-4503-14
  2. Evolution of the Human-Computer Interaction,Nova Science Publishers,2005
  3. Proceedings of the APCHI2002, Vol.1 & Vol.2 (5th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction),,Science Press,2002
