Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese


Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 1992

Areas of specialization Vision Psychophysics
Color Vision
Affective Science
Color Universal Design
Brain Science (Brain Information Processing)
Human Information Processing
Laboratory/research office Vision and Affective Science Integrated Laboratory (Focused Lab.)[VASIL(FL).SI&RI.KUT]
It is currently very difficult to understand the complex information processing of the human brain because of the comprehensiveness and abstractness of the process in addition to various psychological affects, related factors, etc. that influence this process. Therefore, as a first step, we focus on the relationship between visual information and affective response, especially using evaluation of objects with many kinds of affective indices to verify the bi-directional relationship between the information and the response. On tasks like design evaluation, we measure a number of brain activities with non-invasive methods, such as EEG and fMRI, to evaluate the input-output relationship and construct models that work to combine affective evaluation with elements of related visual processing output. This research integrates vision research and affective science to bring about a comprehensive understanding regarding the mechanism of affective evaluation of visual information.
Current research topics Vision and affective science (KANSEI) integrated researches; Color discrimination and color appearance of color deficient people and color universal design; Age-related changes of visual information processing; Vision and Load Safety; Contribution and interaction between luminance and color infromation in image and objects recognition; Investigation of color constancy mechanism; Blackness and chromatic induction in visual system and its (brain) higher-order mechanisms; Investigation of human communication processes through brain measurement and analysis; Development of KANSEI (affective science) evaluation methods and analysis of KANSEI responses to investigate KANSEI structure in human brain.
Educational background 1992: Doctor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Professional background 2017-: Professor, Kochi University of Technology, Informatcs Course, Graduate School of Engineering,
2009-: Professor, Kochi University of Technology, School of Information,
2003-2009: Professor, Kochi University of Technology, Dept of Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
2003-2017: Professor, Kochi University of Technology, Information Systems Course, Graduate School of Engineering,
2000-: , Visiting Professor, Univ. of California, Davis, Dept of Ophthalmology and Section of Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior
1999-2003: Associate Professor, Kochi University of Technology, Information Systems Course, Graduate School of Engineering,
1997-1999: Visiting Associate Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Psychology,
1997-2003: Associate Professor, Kochi University of Technology, Dept of Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
1995-1996: Guest Scientist in Brain Research Group, University Freiburg, Institute for Biophysics and Radiobiology,
1992-1997: Professional Research Associate, Graduate Faculty, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Psychology,
Academic societies International Colour Vision Society
The Vision Science & Technology Consortium
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
Vision Society of Japan
The Color Science Association of Japan
The Optical Society of America
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ)
The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology
The Japanese Society of Printing Science and Technology (JSPST)
The Japanese Society of Opthalmological Optics

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Ethics for Life in University and Business
  • Cultural Aspects of Strategy and Tactics
  • Seminars on the School of Information
  • Selected Topics in Information Science and Technology
  • Project Research 1
  • Project Research 2
  • Project Research 3
  • Graduation Thesis
  • Visual Information Processing
Graduate school
  • Individual Work for Graduate
  • Advanced Seminar 1
  • Advanced Seminar 2
  • Seminar on Infomatics I
  • Seminar on Infomatics II

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Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Ayano Yagi, Lily FitzGibbon, Kou Murayama, Keizo Shinomori, Michiko Sakaki
    Title: Uncertainty drives exploration of negative information across younger and older adults.
    Journal: Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 23, pp. 809(955)-826(972), Springer
    Year: 2023
  2. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, John S. Werner
    Title: Perception of brown with variation in center chromaticity and surround luminance
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. A130-A138, Optica (the Optical Society of America)
    Year: 2023
  3. Authors: Ippei Negishi, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Word and color impressions measured with normal and simulated deutan color stimulus sets in color vision normal and deuteranopic observers
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. A65-A84, Optica (the Optical Society of America)
    Year: 2023
  4. Authors: Tanner DeLawyer, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Melanopsin-driven surround induction on the red/green balance of yellow
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. A40-A47, Optica (the Optical Society of America)
    Year: 2023
  5. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, John L. Barbur, John S. Werner
    Title: Aging of visual mechanisms
    Journal: Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 273, No. 1, pp. 257-273, Elsevier
    Year: 2022
  6. Authors: Ruiqing Ma, Qiang Gao, Yan Qiang, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Robust categorical color constancy along daylight locus in red-green color deficiency
    Journal:  Optics Express, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 18571-18588, Optica (the Optical Society of America)
    Year: 2022
  7. Authors: Qian Qian, Yingna Li, Miao Song, Yong Feng, Yunfa Fu, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Interactive modulations between congruency sequence effects and validity sequence effects
    Journal: Psychological Research, pp. 1-14, Springer Heidelberg
    Year: 2021
  8. Authors: Ippei Negishi, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Suppression of Luminance Contrast Sensitivity by Weak Color Presentation
    Journal: Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol. 15, No. 668116, pp. 1-15, Frontiers Media SA
    Year: 2021
  9. Authors: Qian Qian, Jiawen Pan, Miao Song, Yong Feng, Yunfa Fu, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Feature integration is not the whole story of the sequence effects of symbolic cueing
    Journal: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 645-660, Rutledge (Taylor & Francis Group)
    Year: 2020
  10. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Honami Komatsu, Ippei Negishi
    Title: Bi-directional relationships between semantic words and hues in color vision normal and deuteranopic observers
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. A181-A201, The Optical Society of America
    Year: 2020
  11. Authors: Tanner DeLawyer, Sei-ichi Tsujimura, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Relative contributions of melanopsin to brightness discrimination when hue and luminance also vary
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. A81-A88, The Optical Society of America
    Year: 2020
  12. Authors: Ruiqing Ma, Ningfang Liao, Pengfei Yan, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Influences of lighting time course and background on categorical colour constancy with RGB-LED light sources
    Journal: Color Research and Application, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 694-708, Wiley Publications, Inc.
    Year: 2019
  13. Authors: Ruiqing Ma, Ningfang Liao, Pengfei Yan, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Categorical color constancy under RGB-LED light sources
    Journal: Color Research and Application, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 655-674, Wiley Publications, Inc.
    Year: 2018
  14. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori, Qian Qian
    Title: Perception and Expression Habits of Smiling and Angry Expressions Modulated by Facial Physical Attractiveness in Asian Female Persons
    Journal: Japanese Psychological Research, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 12-24, The Japanese Psychological Association(日本心理学会)
    Year: 2019
  15. Authors: Qian Qian, Feng Wang, Miao Song, Yong Feng, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Sequence effects of the involuntary and the voluntary components of symbolic cueing
    Journal: Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 662-668, The Psychonomic Society / Springer
    Year: 2018
  16. Authors: Wan Lifang, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Possible influences on color constancy by motion of color targets and by attention controlled by gaze-state
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. B309-B323, The Optical Society of America
    Year: 2018
  17. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Honami Komatsu
    Title: Semantic word impressions expressed by hue
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. B55-B65
    Year: 2018
  18. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Athanasios Panorgias, John S. Werner
    Title: Age-related changes in ON and OFF responses to luminance increments and decrements
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. B26-B34
    Year: 2018
  19. Authors: QIAN Qian, WANG Feng , SONG Miao, FENG Yong, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Spatial correspondence learning is critical for the sequence effects of symbolic cueing
    Journal: Japanese Psychological Research, Vol. 59, No. 3, p. 000, Wiely
    Year: 2017
  20. Authors: MA Ruiqing, KAWAMOTO Ken-ichiro, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Color constancy of color-deficient observers under illuminations defined by individual color discrimination ellipsoids
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. A283-A299, The Optical Society of America
    Year: 2016
  21. Authors: SHINOMORI Keizo, PANORGIAS Athanasios, WERNER John S.
    Title: Discrimination thresholds of normal and anomalous trichromats: Model of senescent changes in ocular media density on the Cambridge Colour Test
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. A65-A76, The Optical Society of America
    Year: 2016
  22. Authors: SONG Miao, SHINOMORI Keizo, QIAN Qian, YIN Jun, ZENG Weiming
    Title: The change of expression configuration affects identity-dependent expression aftereffect but not identity-independent expression aftereffect
    Journal: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, No. OAArticle1937, pp. 1-12, Frontiers Media
    Year: 2015
  23. Authors: QIAN Qian, SONG Miao, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Gaze cueing as a function of perceived gaze direction.
    Journal: Japanese Psychological Research, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 264-272, Wiley
    Year: 2013
  24. Authors: Lin Shi, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Amplitude difference and similar time course of impulse responses in positive- and negative- contrast detection
    Journal: Vision Research, Vol. 77, pp. 21-31, Elsevier
    Year: 2013
  25. Authors: SHINOMORI Keizo, WERNER John S.
    Title: Aging of human short-wave cone pathways.
    Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS), Vol. 109, No. 33, pp. 13422-13427
    Year: 2012
  26. Authors: QIAN Qian, SONG Miao, SHINOMORI Keizo, WANG Feng
    Title: The functional role of alternation advantage in the sequence effect of symbolic cueing with nonpredictive arrow cues.
    Journal: Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 1430-1436, Springer
    Year: 2012
  27. Authors: Qian Qian, Keizo Shinomori, Miao Song
    Title: Sequence effects by non-predictive arrow cues
    Journal: Psychological Research, Vol. 75, pp. 1-10(OnLine), Springer
    Year: 2011
  28. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori, Shiyong Zhang
    Title: The contributions of facial features on the smiling and angry expressions judgment and its implication for the computer recognition system.
    Journal: Proceedings of ICIA ’10 (The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Vol. 1, pp. 167-172
    Year: 2010
  29. Authors: Qian Qian, Keizo Shinomori, Miao Song
    Title: The functional role of implicit memory on gaze-evoked attention orienting.
    Journal: Proceedings of ICIA ’10 (The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation), Vol. 1, pp. 148-153
    Year: 2010
  30. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori, Shiyong Zhang
    Title: How do facial parts contribute to expression perception? An answer from the high-level face adaptation
    Journal: INFORMATION (the Journal of International Information Institute), Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1947-1956
    Year: 2010
  31. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori, Shiyong Zhang
    Title: The Influence of a low-level color or figure adaptation on a high-level face perception
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E93-D, No.1, pp.176-184, (2010), Vol. E93-D, No. 1, pp. 176-184
    Year: 2010
  32. Authors: Miao Song, Shiyong Zhang, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: The output of human expression system measured by the visual adaptation and its implication for the computer recognition system.
    Journal: Proceedings of CIT ’09 (The 2009 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology), Vol. 1, pp. 31-35
    Year: 2009
  33. Authors: SONG Miao, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Whole and part: How does the adaptation paradigm implicate the holistic coding of face?
    Journal: the Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering , Vol. 231-05, p. 35
    Year: 2008
  34. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, John S. Werner
    Title: The impulse response of S-cone pathways in detection of increments and decrements.
    Journal: Visual Neuroscience, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 341-347
    Year: 2008
  35. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Shigeki Nakauchi
    Title: Approach to color appearance by color vision deficient observers.
    Journal: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophusics (Fechner Day 2007) (eds. Shuji Mori, Tetsu Miyaoka, Willy Wong), Vol. 1, pp. 459-464
    Year: 2007
  36. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Affects of impression of face to smile or angry perception.
    Journal: Proceedings of the Internationl Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2007), Vol. A-22
    Year: 2007
  37. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Does the attractiveness-bias exist in the smile expression perception?
    Journal: IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol. 2007-CVIM-160, No. 5, pp. 23-28
    Year: 2007
  38. Authors: Miao Song, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Does the attractiveness-bias exist in the smile expression perception?
    Journal: IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol. 2007-CVIM-160, No. 5, pp. 23-28
    Year: 2007
  39. Authors: Kanae Miyazawa, Tatsuya Onouchi, Hirofumi Oda, Keizo Shinomori, Shigeki Nakauchi
    Title: Functional spectral filter for color universal design.
    Journal: Proceedings of The Seventh Finnish-Japanese Joint Symposium on Optics in Engineering (OIE'07), Vol. 1, pp. 37-38
    Year: 2007
  40. Authors: Kong J, REN Xiangshi, SHINOMORI Keizo
    Title: Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E90-D, No. 2, pp. 500-508
    Year: 2007
  41. Authors: Jing Kong, Xiangshi Ren, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Investigating the influence of colors on the performance of pointing tasks for human interface design.
    Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 90-D, No. 2, pp. 500-508
    Year: 2007
  42. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, John S. Werner
    Title: Impulse response of an S-cone pathway in the aging visual system.
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 1570-1577
    Year: 2006
  43. Authors: Jing Kong, Xiangshi Ren, Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Influence of colors on pointing tasks in human computer interfaces.
    Journal: Proceedings of The IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 1, pp. 7-12
    Year: 2005
  44. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, John S. Werner
    Title: Senescent of the temporal impulse response to a luminous pulse.
    Journal: Vision Research, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 617-627
    Year: 2003
  45. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Brooke E. Schefrin, John S. Werner
    Title: Age-related changes in wavelength discrimination.
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 310-318
    Year: 2001
  46. Authors: Keizo Shinomori
    Title: Senescent changes in color discrimination and color appearance.
    Journal: Journal of Light & Visual Environment (Journal of The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 40-44
    Year: 2000
  47. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Lothar Spillmann, John S. Werner
    Title: S-cone signals to temporal OFF-channels: asymmetrical connections to postreceptoral chromatic mechanisms.
    Journal: Vision Research, Vol. 39, pp. 39-49
    Year: 1999
  48. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Brooke E. Schefrin, John S. Werner
    Title: Rates of age-related declines of chromatic discriminations are the same for equiluminant stimuli lying on tritan and constant s-cone axes.
    Journal: Book chapter: "John Dalton's Colour Vision Legacy," (ed. by C.M. Dickinson, I.J. Murray and D.Carden), Vol. 1, pp. 287-297, Taylor & Francis, London
    Year: 1997
  49. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Brooke E. Schefrin, John S. Werner
    Title: Spectral mechanisms of spatially-induced blackness: Data and quantitative model.
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 372-387
    Year: 1997
  50. Authors: Brooke E. Schefrin, Keizo Shinomori, John S. Werner
    Title: Contributions of neural pathways to age-related losses in chromatic discrimination.
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1233-1241
    Year: 1995
  51. Authors: Keizo Shinomori, Yasuhisa Nakano, Keiji Uchikawa
    Title: Influence of the illuminance and spectral composition of surround fields on spatially induced blackness.
    Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 2383-2388
    Year: 1994
Invited lectures
  1. Experimental methods for impression evaluation and examination of color appearance and impression expression of dichromats, Image Kansei Study Group Meeting "Graphics, Kansei and Design" (the 153th Technical Study Group Meeting of the Imaging Society of Japan), On line, 2022
  2. Color appearance and expression of color impression in trichromats and dichromats -From the result of bidirectional verification of the relationship between color and semantic words-, The 3rd Academic year of Reiwa era Kansai Branch Meeting of the Color Science Association of Japan, On line, 2022
  3. Bidirectional Relationships between Hues and Impressions [Invited talk], The 28th International Display Workshops (IDW '21), On Line Presentation, 2021
  4. The Japanese Psychological Association Best Paper Award Winner Presentation: Spatial correspondence learning is critical for the sequence effects of symbolic cueing, The 82th Japanese Psychological Association Meeting, Sendai International Center, Japan, 2018
  5. Keizo Shinomori: [Symposium 2: Would age-rated changes influence to postoperative process?] Influences to color perception by cataract surgery on elder patients, the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Abstract book p.13. , Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (JSCRS), Fukuoka International Conference Center, Fukuoka, 2017
  6. Possible Influence of Aged and Dichromatic Vision in Evaluation of Image Estimated by Experimental Results of Color Discrimination and Color Constancy Measured on Monitor, 26th CSAJ-SigFVI meeting (The Special Interest Group on Color Vision in Color Science Association of Japan), Chiba University, 2016
  1. The Japanese Psychological Association Best Paper Award (For Papers published in 2017), The Japanese Psychological Association, 2018
  2. Poster Award (2nd prize) in International Colour Vision Society Conference (ICVS2017): Lifang Wan and Keizo Shinomori: Possible influences on colour constancy by motion of colour targets and by attention controlled by gaze-state (18-22 August, 2017, The University Eye Hospital, Erlangen, Germany), International Colour Vision Society, 2017
  3. The Commendation for Merit of Reviewer in Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society fot the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2015
  4. The Commendation for Merit of Reviewer in Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society fot the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2012
  5. The Commendation for Merit of Industry-academia-government Collaboration, Prize by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, The Cabinet Office (of Japan), 2011
  6. The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2011), Prize for Science and Technology (Development Category), The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2011
  7. Teacher of the year (2004-2006, 2008) (Kochi University of Technology), Kochi University of Technology, 2008
  8. 2007 Good Design Award (Domain / Category: New Frontier Design / Director & Designer), Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization (JIDPO), 2007
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: Investigation of individual variations in color perception and color affective responses on elderly observers and dichromats and development of methods for color-compensated presentation.
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Project number: 24300085
    Project period: 2012-2015
    Total budget amount: 17,810,000 yen
  2. Project title: The elucidation of the unified color sense mechanism to generate both of the spacial color contrast effect and color constancy effect.
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Project number: 24650109
    Project period: 2012-2013
    Total budget amount: 3,900,000 yen
  3. Project title: Hierarchization of vision-kansei (affective response) relationship by verification of bidirectionality in semantic-word-spaces obtained by color and visual elements
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Project number: 18H03323
    Project period: 2018-2021
    Total budget amount: 17,160,000 yen

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Social activities

Committee roles
  1. Board of Directors, International Colour Vision Society, 2022-2026

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