Faculty Members

LANGUAGE ≫ Japanese

TAKAGI, Masataka

Areas of specialization
Laboratory/research office Geomatics Laboratory
Nowadays, many environmental problems such as climate change, natural disaster and energy resourceless are occurred. A management of natural environment is a very important issue for sustainable development. Satellite remote sensing is a powerful tool to monitor natural resources. Geographic information system is an efficient tool to analyze special information dataset. This laboratory will develop national land management system using natural resources by satellite remote sensing and geographic information system.
Current research topics
Educational background
Professional background
Academic societies

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* Courses provided in English are shown with (E) mark

Undergraduate school
  • Surveying 2
  • Surveying 1
  • Practice of Measurement
  • Graduation Thesis
  • Outline of Engineering
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Planning of Disaster Prevention System
  • Internship
  • Career Seminar
  • Introduction Project for Architecture and Urban Design
Graduate school
  • Individual Work for Graduate
  • Advanced Seminar 1
  • Advanced Seminar 2
  • Satoyama Engineering 1
  • Satoyama Engineering 2

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Research activities

Research papers
  1. Authors: Takumi Fujiwara, Masataka Takagi, Shin Akatsuka
    Title: Construction method of voxel model and the application for Agro-Forestry
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 112-121
    Year: 2017
  2. Authors: Hirohide Komatsu, Shin Akatsuka, Masataka Takagi
    Title: Estimation of adherent chloride ion amount on concrete surface for bridge maintenance by using GIS data and meteorological data
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 101-111
    Year: 2017
  3. Authors: Kwanchai Pakoksung, Masataka Takagi
    Title: Mixed of Zero-inflation Method and Probability Distribution in Fitting Daily Rainfall Data
    Journal: Engineering Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 64-80, Elsevier
    Year: 2017
  4. Authors: Pakoksung Kwanchai, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Effect of Satellite Based Rainfall Products on River Basin Responses of Runoff Simulation on Flood Event
    Journal: Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol. 2, No. 143, Springer
    Year: 2016
  5. Authors: Pakoksung Kwanchai, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Digital Elevation Models on Accuracy Validation and Bias Correction in Vertical
    Journal: Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer
    Year: 2015
  6. Authors: Ryousuke Kaneko, AKATSUKA SHIN, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Measurement to Estimate Forest Biomass
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, Vol. sms15, No. 9021, Society for Social Management Systems
    Year: 2015
  7. Authors: Yuta Takahashi, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Evaluation of Natural Environment using GIS for Important Plants
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, Vol. SMS13, No. 6716
    Year: 2014
  8. Authors: Kyohei Sugino, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Detecting Urbanization using Remotely Sensed Data for Evaluating Urban Planning
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems, Vol. SMS13, No. 1341
    Year: 2014
  9. Authors: 池澤勇太, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Preparation of Reference Dataset for Satellite Remote Sensing
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems
    Year: 2012
  10. Authors: Shinpei Akiyama, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Applications of LiDAR Measurement for Road Management
    Journal: Internet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems
    Year: 2012
  11. Authors: TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Land Cover Change Detection using Satellite Remote Sensing For Damaged Area Mapping
    Journal: Journal of Society for Social Management Systems
    Year: 2011
  12. Authors: TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Landform Change Detection using Satellite Remote Sensing,
    Journal: Journal of Society for Social Management Systems
    Year: 2011
  13. Authors: Asif Mumtaz BHATTI, NASU Seigo, TAKAGI Masataka
    Title: Multispectral remotely sensed models for monitoring suspended sediment: A case study of Indus River, Pakistan (Accepted)
    Journal: International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments, Vol. 1, No. 6
    Year: 2011
  14. Authors: 高木 方隆, Kyaw Sann OO
    Title: Image Matching for GCP Collection Using High Resolution Satellite Images
    Journal: Asian Journal of Geoinformatics
    Year: 2010
  15. Authors: Asif M. Bhatti, M. Takagi, Seigo Nasu
    Title: “Evaluating the effectiveness and limitations of satellite-based optical sensors for monitoring water bodies”
    Journal: proceedings of International Geo-information Forum, Yokohama, Japan17-19 June, 2009.
    Year: 2009
  16. Authors: Kakahiro NAKAGAWA, Masataka TAKAGI
    Title: Possibility of Wide Area Monitoring of Slope Failure Disaster using PRISM: accuracy verification with geometric distortion
    Journal: Proceedings of The First Joint PI Symposium of ALOS Data Nodes for ALOS Science Program in Kyoto, JAPAN, DIS15
    Year: 2008
  17. Authors: Asif M. Bhatti, Seigo Nasu, M. Takagi
    Title: “Factors effecting remotely sensed signatures of surface waters: lab and field experiments”
    Journal: proceedings of International Geo-information Forum, 18-20 June, 2008, Yokohama, Japan.
    Year: 2008
  18. Authors: Asif M. Bhatti, Seigo Nasu, M. Takagi
    Title: “Effect of suspended sediment concentration on remote sensing reflectance and light penetration depth”
    Journal: proceedings of “15th Symposium of Global Environment”, Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Kochi, Japan, 2-3 August, 2007.
    Year: 2007
  19. Authors: Asif M. Bhatti, Seigo Nasu, M. Takagi
    Title: “Application of remotely sensed data for quantification of suspended sediment in turbid river water”
    Journal: proceedings of “3rd Int. Symposium on Geo-Information for Disaster Management", Toronto, Canada, 22-25 May 2007.
    Year: 2007
  20. Authors: Tomoya SAKAI, Jong Hyeok JEONG, Masataka TAKAGI
    Title: Measurement Method of Landslide displacement with ground based portable laser scanner
    Journal: Proceedings of International Symposium on Management Systems for Disaster Prevention, JAPAN, Session B6
    Year: 2006
  21. Authors: Takae KADOTA, Masataka TAKAGI
    Title: Acquisition Method of Ground Control Points for High Resolution Satellite Imagery
    Journal: Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Conference on Remotge Sensing, Kathmoandu, No. 173
    Year: 2002
  22. Authors: S. Murai (editor), Masataka Takagi, Shunji Murai, Yoshiaki Honda
    Title: "Vegetation Mapping using Remote Sensing Data in Indo-Chinese Peninsula ", Toward Global Planning of Sustainable Use of The Earth-Development of Global Eco-Engineering
    Journal: Elsevir Science B.V., pp. 441-444
    Year: 1995
Invited lectures
  1. Mapping Tender Green and Autumn Color by Satellite Data Fusion, 2018
  2. Voxel Model as Validation Data for Landcover Mapping, Joint PI Meeting of Global Environment Observation Mission 2017, 2017
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japanese government
  1. Project title: Evaluation and Estimation of Important Plant Resource for new Agroforestry
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Project number: 26281063
    Project period: 2014-2016
    Total budget amount: 17,420,000 yen
  2. Project title: Integrated Voxel Modeling for Agro-Forestry
    Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Project number: 17H01933
    Project period: 2017-2019
    Total budget amount: 16,120,000 yen

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Social activities

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