
LANGUAGE ≫ English

小林 豊KOBAYASHI Yutaka

  • 男性
  • 職位: 教授
  • 所属:
  • 経済・マネジメント学群
    マネジメント学部 マネジメント学科


学位 理学
学歴 京都大学理学部 卒業(1998)
京都大学理学研究科生物科学 修了(2000)
京都大学理学研究科生物科学 学位取得(2004)
専門分野 数理生物学
研究室 名称 進化モデル研究室
詳細  本研究室では、進化ゲーム理論、文化進化論などに基づく数理モデルの分析を通して人類と社会の進化の本質を理解し、その知見を、長期的な将来予測や様々なスケールの社会問題の分析に応用することを狙います。



学部・学群 社会生物学 / 進化ゲーム理論と社会生物学の数学 / 進化社会学 / 専攻セミナーI / 専攻セミナーII / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅠ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅡ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅢ / セミナーⅠ / セミナーⅡ / プログラミング / セミナーⅢ / プロジェクト研究
大学院 応用数学特論Ⅰ







タイトル 著者 発表誌 発表年
技術の累積的文化進化:Henrichの数理モデルと実験による検証 小林 豊 社会心理学研究,Vol.40,No.2,pp.58-82 2024
Evolving dispersal ability causes rapid adaptive radiation Takeshi Yamasaki,Yutaka Kobayashi Scientific Reports,Vol.14,p.15734 2024
Exploring new technologies for the future generation: exploration-exploitation trade-off in an intergenerational framework Yo Nakawake,Yutaka Kobayashi Royal Society Open Science,Vol.11,No.5,p.231108 2024
Negative observational learning might play a limited role in the cultural evolution of technology NAKAWAKE Yo,Yutaka Kobayashi Scientific Reports,Vol.12,No.970,p.1 2022
Conditions under which rural-to-urban migration enhances social and economic sustainability of home communities: A case study in Vietnam Le Thi Huyen,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Yutaka Kobayashi Sustainability,Vol.13,No.1,p.8326 2021
Spatiotemporal variability in lithic technology of Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic Asia: A new dataset and its statistical analyses Yoshihiro Nishiaki,Kohei Tamura,Miho Suzuki,Mitsuhiro Nakamura,Shinji Kato,Kazuya Nakagawa,Jun Takakura,Takuya Yamaoka,Atsushi Noguchi,Yasuhisa Kondo,Yutaka Kobayashi Quaternary International,Vol.596,No.1,pp.144-154 2021
Time to extinction of a cultural trait in an overlapping generation model Yutaka Kobayashi,Shun Kurokawa,Takuya Ishii,Joe Yuichiro Wakano Theoretical Population Biology,Vol.137,pp.32-45 2021
The popularity spectrum applied to a cross-cultural question Mitsuhiro Nakamura,Joe Yuichiro Wakano,Kenichi Aoki,Yutaka Kobayashi Theoretical Population Biology 2019
Evolution of cumulative culture for niche construction Yutaka Kobayashi,Joe Yuichiro Wakano,Hisashi Ohtsuki Journal of Theoretical Biology,Vol.472,pp.67-76 2019
Genetic incompatibilities between mitochondria and nuclear genes: effect on gene flow and speciation Arndt Telschow,Juergen Gadau,John H. Werren,Yutaka Kobayashi Frontiers in Genetics 2019
Genealogies and ages of cultural traits: An application of the theory of duality to the research on cultural evolution Yutaka Kobayashi,Joe Yuichiro Wakano,Hisashi Ohtsuki Theoretical Population Biology,Vol.123,pp.18-27 2018
Common-pool resources are intrinsically unstable Tatsuyoshi Saijo,Jun Feng,Yutaka Kobayashi International Journal of the Commons,Vol.11,No.2,pp.597-620 2017
Inclusive fitness analysis of cumulative cultural evolution in an island-structured population Hisashi Ohtsuki,Joe Yuichiro Wakano,Yutaka Kobayashi Theoretical Population Biology,Vol.115,pp.13-23 2017
Population size vs. social connectedness — A gene-culture coevolutionary approach to cumulative cultural evolution KOBAYASHI Yutaka,Hisashi Ohtsuki,Joe Y. Wakano Theoretical Population Biology,Vol.111,pp.87-95 2016
Measuring epistasis in fitness landscapes: The correlation of fitness effects of mutations Luca Ferretti,Benjamin Schmiegelt,Daniel Weinreich,Atsushi Yamauchi,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,Fumio Tajima,Guillaume Achaz Journal of Theoretical Biology,Vol.396,pp.132-143 2016
Cry-wolf signals emerging from coevolutionary feedbacks in a tritrophic system Atsushi YAMAUCHI,Minus VAN BAALEN,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,Junji TAKABAYASHI,Kaori SHIOJIRI,Maurice W SABELIS Proceedings of the royal society B,Vol.282 2015
A paradox of cumulative culture KOBAYASHI Yutaka,Joe Yuichiro WAKANO,Hisashi OHTSUKI Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.379,pp.79-88 2015
A population-genetics based model for explaining apparent cultural continuity from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in Eurasia KOBAYASHI Yutaka,KADOWAKI Seiji,NAGANUMA Masaki Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution during the Palaeolithic (eds. Mesoudi, A., Aoki, K.),pp.35-44 2015
Evolution of individual versus social learning on social networks TAMURA Kohei,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,IHARA Yasuo Journal of the Royal Society Interface,Vol.12 2015
Evolution of social versus individual learning in a subdivided population revisited: Comparative analysis of three coexistence mechanisms using the inclusve fitness method KOBAYASHI Yutaka,OHTSUKI Hisashi Theoretical population biology,Vol.92,pp.78-87 2014
A simulation study on the replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans in Europe: Implications of climate change, cultural diversification, and the shape of the continent KOBAYASHI Yutaka Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans (Akazawa T, Nishiaki Y, Aoki K (eds)),Vol.1,pp.237-243 2013
Evolution of masting with intermittence and synchronization under the enhancements of fertility and survival YAMAUCHI Atsushi,SHIRAHAMA Yoshimichi,KOBAYASHI Yutaka Theoretical ecology,Vol.6,pp.505-518 2013
The joint evolution of dispersal and dormancy in a metapopulation with local extinctions and kin competition VITALIS Renaud,ROUSSET Francois,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,OLIVIERI Isabelle,GANDON Sylvain Evolution,Vol.67,pp.1676-1691 2013
A mathematical description of the inclusive fitness theory WAKANO Joe Y,OHTSUKI Hisashi,KOBAYASHI Yutaka Theoretical population biology,Vol.84,pp.46-55 2013
A mathematical model of population shift between urban and rural areas YAMAMURA Norio,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,ISHII Reiichiro,SAITO Yasuhisa The Mongolian Ecosystem Network (Eds. Yamamura, N., Fujita, N., Maekawa, A.),pp.205-214 2012
Innovativeness, population size and cumulative cultural evolution KOBAYASHI Yutaka,AOKI Kenichi Theoretical population biology,Vol.82,pp.38-47 2012
Evolution of social versus individual learning in an infinite island model KOBAYASHI Yutaka,WAKANO Joe Y Evolution,Vol.66,pp.1624-1635 2012
Effect of parasitic sex ratio distorters on host gene frequencies in a mainland-island context KOBAYASHI Yutaka,ACHAZ Guillaume,TELSCHOW Arndt Journal of evolutionary biology,Vol.24,pp.1695-1705 2011
Joint evolution of sex ratio and reproductive group size under local mate competition with inbreeding depression YAMAUCHI Atsushi,KOBAYASHI Yutaka Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.270,pp.127-133 2011
The concept of effective recombination rate and its application in speciation theory KOBAYASHI Yutaka,TELSCHOW Arndt Evolution,Vol.65,pp.617-628 2011
Cytoplasmic feminizing elements in a two-population model: infection dynamics, gene flow modification, and the spread of autosomal suppressors KOBAYASHI Yutaka,TELSCHOW Arndt Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.23,pp.2558-2568 2010
A unified theory of effective migration rate and the essence of gene flow KOBAYASHI Yutaka,TELSCHOW Arndt Advances in Genetics Research (Ed. M. A. Osborne),Vol.1,pp.193-214 2010
Evolution of cytoplasmic sex ratio distorters: effect of paternal transmission YAMAUCHI Atsushi,TELSCHOW Arndt,KOBAYASHI Yutaka Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.266,pp.79-87 2010
Vertically-structured prokaryotic community can control the efficiency of the biological pump in the oceans MIKI Takeshi,GIUGGIOLI Luca,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,NAGATA Toshi,LEVIN Simon Theoretical ecology,Vol.2,pp.199-216 2009
The neutral effective migration rate in a mainland-island context KOBAYASHI Yutaka,HAMMERSTEIN Peter,TELSCHOW Arndt Theoretical population biology,Vol.74,pp.84-92 2008
The concept of effective migration rate and its application in speciation models KOBAYASHI Yutaka,TELSCHOW Arndt Population genetics research progress (Eds. V. T. Koven) 2008
Wolbachia-induced unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility and speciation: mainland-island model TELSCHOW Arndt,FLOR Matthias,KOBAYASHI Yutaka,HAMMERSTEIN Peter,WERREN John H PLoS ONE,Vol.2,No.8 2007
Evolution of signal emission by uninfested plants to help nearby infested relatives KOBAYASHI Yutaka,YAMAMURA Norio Evolutionary ecology,Vol.21,pp.281-294 2007
How to compute the effective size of spatiotemporally structured populations using separation of time scales KOBAYASHI Yutaka Theoretical population biology,Vol.71,pp.174-181 2007
Evolution of talking plants in a tritrophic context: conditions for uninfested plants to attract predators prior to herbivore attack KOBAYASHI Yutaka,YAMAMURA Norio,SABELIS Maurice W Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.243,pp.361-374 2006
Evolution of signal emission by non-infested plants growing near infested plants to avoid future risk KOBAYASHI Yutaka,YAMAMURA Norio Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.223,pp.489-503 2003
Factors influencing seed dormancy: the significance of sibling competition KOBAYASHI Yutaka comments on theoretical biology,Vol.6,No.5,pp.431-445 2001
A single theory explains two empirical laws applicable to plant populations KOBAYASHI Yutaka,KIKUZAWA Kihachiro Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.205,pp.253-360 2000
Evolution of seed dormancy due to sib competition: effect of dispersal and inbreeding KOBAYASHI Yutaka,YAMAMURA Norio Journal of theoretical biology,Vol.202,pp.11-24 2000



  1. 発明のリスクに起因する技術的・物質的格差形成に関する実験室実験(研究計画),日本人間行動進化学会(2024)
  2. 正の技術発展のために世代あたり何人のイノベーターが必要か,日本数理生物学会(2024)
  3. 死のリスクと技術的格差の拡大,日本数理生物学会年会(2023)
  4. 累積的文化進化と垂直伝達の進化,日本数理生物学会(2022)
  5. Analysis of archaeological data based on 0,1-vector models,PaleoAsia 2018 (The International Workshop, Cultural History of PaleoAsia)(2018)
  6. Effects of population size and social connectedness on cumulative cultural evolution: A gene-culture coevolutionary model,2018 annual meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology(2018)
  7. 文化形質の系図、頻度、および齢:双対性理論の一適用例,日本数理生物学会年会(2017)
  8. 累積的な文化と垂直伝達率の進化モデル,日本人間行動進化学会(2016)
  9. 文化的社会的ジレンマの概念と累積的文化進化のパラドックスについて,日本数理生物学会・日中韓数理生物学コロキウム合同大会2015(2015)
  10. Gene-culture coevolution in structured populations,Joint Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology(2014)
  11. A population--genetics based model for explaining apparent cultural continuity from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in Eurasia,RNMH 2014 – International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans(2014)



区分 研究課題 研究種目 研究期間 課題番号
分担 ヒトの学習能力の進化モデルの研究 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型) 2010 - 2014 22101004
分担 人類集団の拡散と定着にともなう文化・行動変化の現象数理学的モデル構築 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型) 2016 - 2020 16H06412
代表 学習と資源獲得への時間配分の進化に関する理論・実験研究 基盤研究(C) 2016 - 2018 16K07524
分担 島の鳥の適応放散はなぜ起きるか―数理モデルと幾何学的形態測定学によるアプローチ 基盤研究(C) 2018 - 2020 18K06397
分担 適応放散のメカニズムを解明する-分散力の進化的変化に注目して- 基盤研究(B) 2022 - 2025 (予定) 22H02689




  1. 日本数理生物学会 事務局幹事会員担当(2013~2014)


  1. ホモサピエンスと旧人3(西秋良宏 編),六一書房,2015,ISBN 4864450609
