古沢 浩FURUSAWA Hiroshi
- 男性
- 職位: 教授
- 役職: データ&イノベーション学群長
- 所属:
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 環境数理コース
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 環境数理コース
学位 | 博士 (工学) | |
学歴 | 東京大学工学部物理工学科 卒業(1992) | |
職歴 | 東京大学助手(1996~2003) | |
資格 | ||
専門分野 | 統計物理学 | |
研究室 | 名称 | 物理統計学研究室 |
詳細 | 物質系と生態系は、多くの構成要素が様々に相互連関しているという共通点があります。当研究室では、これらの系に固有の性質(非平衡ダイナミックス、システミックな応答、複雑ネットワーク形成など)に関する統計物理学的研究を基礎として、有用植物のアグロフォレストリー(植物系)、感性データの集団的挙動(社会系)、およびマイクロヒットや金融リスクの早期検出(経済系)の研究に役立つモデリングやデータ分析を行っています。 | |
所属学会 |
学部・学群 | データサイエンスの基礎2 / ITビジネス・マーケティング入門 / データ工学のための数学基礎 |
大学院 | 統計学特論Ⅱ |
現在の研究 |
- 2018年度日本環境共生学会論文賞(2018) 日本環境共生学会
- Optical Society of Americaセレクト論文(Biomedical Optics分野)(2012)
- Institute of Physicsセレクト論文(2011)
- J. Phys. Aに発表論文 : 年間ダウンロードランキングベスト10(2000)
タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | 発表年 |
Pole Analysis of the Inter-Replica Correlation Function in a Two-Replica System as a Binary Mixture: Mean Overlap in the Cluster Glass Phase | Hiroshi Frusawa | Axioms (Q1),Vol.13,p.468 | 2024 |
Replica Field Theory for a Generalized Franz–Parisi Potential of Inhomogeneous Glassy Systems: New Closure and the Associated Self-Consistent Equation | Hiroshi Frusawa | Entropy (Q2),Vol.26,p.241 | 2024 |
Electric-field-induced oscillations in ionic fluids: a unified formulation of modified Poisson–Nernst–Planck models and its relevance to correlation function analysis | Hiroshi Frusawa | Soft Matter,Vol.18,p.4280 | 2022 |
Stochastic Density Functional Theory on Lane Formation in Electric-Field-Driven Ionic Mixtures: Flow-Kernel-Based Formulation | Hiroshi Frusawa | Entropy,Vol.24,p.500 | 2022 |
持続可能で自立的な地域経営による地産地消・分散型エネルギー社会の実現 | 古沢 浩,那須 清吾,端野 典平,百田 佐多生 | 環境共生,Vol.38,No.2,p.200 | 2022 |
Non-hyperuniform metastable states around a disordered hyperuniform state of densely packed spheres: stochastic density functional theory at strong coupling | Hiroshi Frusawa | Soft Matter,Vol.17,pp.8810-8831 | 2021 |
On the equivalence of self-consistent equations for nonuniform liquids: a unified description of the various modifications | Hiroshi Frusawa | J. Stat. Mech.: Theory E,Vol.2021,p.013213 | 2021 |
Free-energy functional of instantaneous correlation field in liquids: Field-theoretic derivation of the closures | Hiroshi Frusawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.102,p.012117 | 2020 |
Ground-state correlation energy of counterions at a charged planar wall: Gibbs-Bogoliubov lower-bound approach | Hiroshi Frusawa | Physics Letters A,Vol.384,p.126512 | 2020 |
Electrostatic contribution to colloidal solvation in terms of the self-energy-modified Boltzmann distribution | Hiroshi Frusawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.101,p.012121 | 2020 |
Transverse Density Fluctuations around the Ground State Distribution of Counterions near One Charged Plate: Stochastic Density Functional View | Hiroshi Frusawa | Entropy,Vol.22,p.34 | 2019 |
Stochastic dynamics and thermodynamics around a metastable state based on the linear Dean-Kawasaki equation | Hiroshi Frusawa | J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical,Vol.52,p.065003 | 2019 |
Self-consistent field theory of density correlations in classical fluids | Hiroshi Frusawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.98,p.052130 | 2018 |
Bridging the gap between correlation entropy functionals in the mean spherical and the hypernetted chain approximations: a field theoretic description | Hiroshi Frusawa | J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical,Vol.52,p.015003 | 2018 |
Frequency-Modulated Wave Dielectrophoresis of Vesicles And Cells: Periodic U-Turns at the Crossover Frequency | Hiroshi Frusawa | Nanoscale Research Letters,Vol.13,No.1,p.169 | 2018 |
台風期の河川流量への気候変動の影響:高知市街を流れる鏡川を例に | 竹内 悠一郎,古沢 浩,吉村 耕平,那須 清吾 | 環境共生,Vol.32,p.18 | 2018 |
Microscopic Characterization of Individual Submicron Bubbles during the Layer-by-Layer Deposition: Towards Creating Smart Agents | Riku Kato,Hiroshi Frusawa | Materials,Vol.8,No.7,pp.4176-4190 | 2015 |
Anisotropic micro-cloths fabricated from DNA-stabilized carbon nanotubes: one-stop manufacturing with electrode needles | Hiroshi Frusawa,Gen Yoshii | Nanoscale Research Letters,Vol.10,No.1,pp.1-8 | 2015 |
Emerging quasi-0D states at vanishing total entropy of the 1D hard sphere system: A coarse-grained similarity to the car parking problem | Hiroshi Frusawa | Physics Letters A,Vol.378,p.1780 | 2014 |
Tuning the size and configuration of nanocarbon microcapsules: aqueous method using optical tweezers | FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Youei Matsumoto | Scientific Reports,Vol.4,p.4074 | 2014 |
Electric moulding of dispersed lipid nanotubes into a nanofluidic device | FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Tatsuhiko Manabe,Eri Kagiyama,Ken Hirano,Naohiro Kameta,Mitsutoshi Masuda,Toshimi Shimizu | Scientific Reports,Vol.3,p.2165 | 2013 |
Thin-film Transistors using uniform and well aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes channels by dielectrophoretic assembly | Tatsuya Toda,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,FURUTA, Mamoru | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.52,pp.03BB09-1-03BB09-5 | 2013 |
Precise switching control of liquid crystalline microgears driven by circularly polarized light | Kiminori Ito,Hiroshi Frusawa,Masahiro Kimura | Optics Express,Vol.20,p.4254 | 2012 |
Thin-Film Transistor Using Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes | Tatsuya Toda,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,FURUTA, Mamoru | ECS Transactions,Vol.50,No.8,pp.223-228 | 2012 |
新奇コロイドとしてのナノバブル:電荷符号反転現象を中心に | 古沢 浩 | アンサンブル(分子シミュレーション研究会会誌),Vol.14,p.138 | 2012 |
A Non-stoichiometric Universality in Microbubble-Polyelectrolyte Complexation | H. Frusawa,R. Yoshida | J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,Vol.81,p.SA008-1 | 2012 |
Scanning Dielectrophoresis for the Directed-assembly and Non-contact Manipulation of Colloidal Particles | H. Frusawa,Masaiti Inoue | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing,Vol.18,pp.187-199 | 2012 |
When MicrobubblePolyelectrolyte Complexes Overcharge: A Comparative Study Using Electrophoresis | Hiroshi Frusawa,Masaichi Inoue | Chemistry Letters,Vol.40,p.372 | 2011 |
Histone-based self-assembly into DNA-wrapped meso-clusters | Masaichi Inoue,S. Tanaka,H. Frusawa | Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2011 |
A Variational Principle Behind the van der Waals Picture of Strongly Coupled Plasmas | Hiroshi Frusawa | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL,Vol.42,pp.08204-1-08204-8 | 2009 |
Measuring the Length Distribution of Self-Assembled Lipid Nanotubes by Orientation Control with a High-Frequency Alternating Current Electric Field in Aqueous Solutions | Ken Hirano,Masaru Aoyagi,Tomomi Ishido,Toshihiko Ooie,Hiroshi Frusawa,Masumi Asakawa,Toshimi Shimizu,Mitsuru Ishikawa | ANALYTICHAL CHEMISTRY,Vol.81,pp.1459-1464 | 2009 |
微細気泡含有液体の散布による植物培地中への窒素性物質の効率的送達 | 古沢 浩,清水若那,井上昌一,西本寛,村上 雅博 | 四万十・流域圏学会誌,Vol.9,pp.11-18 | 2009 |
Elastic precursor of the transformation from glycolipid nanotube to vesicle | T Fujima,H. Frusawa,H Minamikawa,K Ito,T Shimizu | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS : CONDENSED MATTER,Vol.18,p.3089 | 2006 |
A functional-integral formulation for polymer colloids | H. Frusawa | J. Phys.:Condensed Matter,Vol.17,p.L241 | 2005 |
Functional-integral approach to Coulomb fluids in the strong coupling limit | H. Frusawa | J. phys. A,Vol.38,p.L121 | 2005 |
Coarse-grained counterions in the strong coupling limit | H. Frusawa | J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,Vol.73,p.507 | 2004 |
高分子電解質 | 古沢 浩 | 高分子,Vol.53,p.273 | 2004 |
Aligning a single-lipid nanotube with moderate stiffness | H. Frusawa | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Vol.42,p.72 | 2003 |
脂質ナノチューブのマニピュレーション : ナノ物性計測への応用 | 古沢 浩,伊藤耕三 | オレオサイエンス,Vol.3,p.583 | 2003 |
Molecule-up fabrication and manipulation of lipid nanotubes | Toshimi Shimizu,George John,Akihiro Fukagawa,Kohzo Ito,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi | Int. J. Nanosci.,Vol.01,p.465 | 2002 |
Merging of α and slow β relaxation in supercooled liquids | Takuya Fujima,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Kohzo Ito | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.66,p.031503 | 2002 |
Divalent Counterion Effect on the Electrostatic Persistence Length of Polyelectrolyte Chains: An Electric Birefringence Study | Akihiro Fukagawa,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Kohzo Ito,Reinosuke Hayakawa | Jpn. J. App. Phys.,Vol.40,p.894 | 2001 |
Generalizing the Debye-Hückel equation in terms of density functional integral | FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Reinosuke Hayakawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.61,p.R6079 | 2000 |
How to Extract the Counterion Valency Effect on Polyelectrolyte Conformations | Y. Nishikawa,A. Fukagawa,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,K. Ito,R. Hayakawa | J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,Vol.69,p.4116 | 2000 |
Dielectric Study on the Johari-Goldstein Mode of Glass-Forming Sorbitol | Takuya Fujima,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Kohzo Ito,Reinosuke Hayakawa | Jpn. J. App. Phys.,Vol.39,p.744 | 2000 |
On the controversy over the stochastic density functional equations | H. Frusawa,R. Hayakawa | J. Phys. A,Vol.33,p.L155 | 2000 |
Field theoretical representation of the Hohenberg-Kohn free energy for fluids | H. Frusawa,R. Hayakawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.60,p.R5048 | 1999 |
Two-dimensional spectroscopy of electric birefringence relaxation in frequency domain: Measurement method for second-order nonlinear after-effect function | Kozo Hosokawa,Takeshi Shimomura,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Yasuyuki Kimura,Kohzo Ito,Reinosuke Hayakawa | J. Chem. Phys.,Vol.110,p.4101 | 1999 |
Swelling mechanism unique to charged gels: Primary formulation of the free energy | FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Reinosuke Hayakawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.58,p.6145 | 1998 |
High-frequency dielectric relaxation of polyelectrolyte gels | FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,K. Ito,R. Hayakawa | Phys. Rev. E,Vol.55,p.7283 | 1997 |
On the swelling and elastic properties of highly charged polyelectrolyte networks | FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,K. Ito,R. Hayakawa | J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.,Vol.66,p.925 | 1997 |
Intrachain conduction and main-chain conformation of conducting polymers as studied by frequency-domain electric birefringence spectroscopy | T. Shimomura,H. Sato,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,Y. Kimura,H. Okumoto,R. Hayakawa | Phys. Rev. Lett.,Vol.72,p.2073 | 1994 |
- 粒子状物質の角度変調波による誘電泳動を利用した特性分析装置並びに方法(特許第4300296号(欧米でも権利保持,JST支援))
- 電極対式非接触型マニピュレーション装置並びにマニピュレーション方法(特許第4135967号(英独でも権利保持))
区分 | 研究課題 | 研究種目 | 研究期間 | 課題番号 |
分担 | アグロフォレストリーのための統合ボクセルモデルの構築 | 基盤研究(B) | 2017 - 2019 | 17H01933 |
分担 | 里山環境の人為的遷移の歴史分析ならびに野外実験にもとづく新里山創成 | 基盤研究(C) | 2017 - 2019 | 17K00696 |
研究課題 | 事業名等 | 研究期間 | 受託先 | 担当教員 |
IoPが導く「Next次世代施設園芸型農業」への進化 | 高知県ネクスト次世代型施設園芸農業推進事業費補助金 | 2018~2022 | 高知県 | 古沢 浩 |
- 日本環境共生学会 編集委員会副委員長(審査部会長)(2022~2024)
- 日本環境共生学会 理事(2018~2024)
- 日本物理学会 領域12世話人(2007~2008)
- 細胞分離・操作技術の最前線,シーエムシー出版,2008,ISBN 9784781300047
- 有機・無機・金属ナノチューブ : 非カーボンナノチューブ系の最新技術と応用展開,フロンティア出版,2008,ISBN 9784902410143
- Polyelectrolyte Properties of Solutions and Gels, Reflexive Polymers and Hydrogels,chapter 8,CRC Press,2004