
LANGUAGE ≫ English

古田 守FURUTA Mamoru


学位 博士 (工学)
学歴 電気通信大学通信工学専攻通信工学専攻 修了(1988)
奈良先端科学技術大学院大学物質創成科学研究科博士後期課程 修了(2003)
職歴 松下電器産業(株)中央研究所(1988~1996)
高知工科大学 総合研究所准教授(2005~2010)
高知工科大学 ナノテクノロジー研究所教授(2011~)
高知工科大学 環境理工学群教授(2012~)
専門分野 半導体材料物性 (多結晶シリコン、酸化物半導体)
薄膜トランジスタ(Thin-Film Transistor)
研究室 名称 先端材料・素子科学研究室
詳細  新たな機能素子や材料は我々の生活を向上させつつ環境負荷低減に重要な役割を果たしています。また材料の持つ機能を最大限発現させるためには、デバイス科学の視点が不可欠です。本研究室では半導体材料に関する研究を中心に、新たな情報機能デバイス実現に向けた幅広い研究を行っています。その研究成果は、透明かつフレキシブルな存在を感じさせない情報デバイスなど、我々の生活をより豊かにするものとして期待できます。
所属学会 IEEE Electron Device Society
Society for Information Display(SID)
Electrochemical Society (ECS)



学部・学群 マテリアル電子物性 / 機能デバイス工学 / マテリアル工学序論 / 物理・材料実験 / 卒業研究 / 物性物理学
大学院 特別研究 / セミナー1 / セミナー2 / セミナー3 / セミナー4 / 特別セミナー1 / 特別セミナー2 / 応用マテリアル物性1 / 応用マテリアル物性2 / 電子材料物性特論



相談可能な領域 半導体材料物性 [多結晶シリコン、酸化物半導体物性]
半導体微細加工プロセス技術 [フォトリソグラフィー、ドライエッチング]
機能デバイス応用 [薄膜トランジスタ、液晶ディスプレイ等フラットパネルディスプレイ、各種センサー応用]
薄膜形成技術 [気相成長(CVD)、スパッタリング、レーザーアニール、イオン注入、メタライゼーション等]
現在の研究 酸化物半導体および多結晶半導体薄膜の形成と機能デバイス応用






  • Special Recognition Award(2021) Society for Information Display
  • APEX/JJAP編集貢献賞(2017) 応用物理学会
  • [Student Award(指導学生)]薄膜材料デバイス研究会第9回研究集会(2012) 薄膜材料デバイス研究会
  • "Student Award", Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD 12) (指導学生)(2012) 応用物理学会
  • "Best Paper Award",薄膜材料デバイス研究会第8回研究集会(2011) 薄膜材料デバイス研究会
  • "丹羽高柳論文賞",映像情報メディア学会(2011) 映像情報メディア学会
  • "Best Paper Award",薄膜材料デバイス研究会第7回研究集会(2010) 薄膜材料デバイス研究会
  • "Student Paper Award", Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD'09) (指導学生)(2009) Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD)
  • "Outstanding Poster Paper Award", The 13th International Display Workshop (IDW’06)(2006) Society for Information Display
  • ”Distinguished Paper Award”, International Symposium SID 2006(2006) Society for Information Display


タイトル 著者 発表誌 発表年
Uniformity and Reliability of Enhancement-Mode Polycrystalline Indium Oxide Thin Film Transistors Formed by Solid-Phase Crystallization Naoki Okamoto,WANG Xiaoqian,Kotaro Morita,Yuto Kato,Alom Mir Mutakabbir,Magari Yusaku,FURUTA Mamoru IEEE Electron Device Letters,Vol.45,No.12,pp.2403-2406 2024
Reliable Operation in High-Mobility Indium Oxide Thin Film Transistors Prashant R. Ghediya,Yusaku Magari,Hikaru Sadahira,Takashi Endo,Mamoru Furuta,Yuqiao Zhang,Yasutaka Matsuo,Hiromichi Ohta Small methods,pp.2400578-1-2400578-8 2024
Epitaxial Perovskite Single-Crystalline Heterojunctions for Filter-Free Ultra-Narrowband Detection with Tunable Spectral Responses Yuzhu Pan,Xin Wang,Yuhan Liao,Yubing Xu,Yuwei Li,Qing Li,Xiaobing Zhang,Jing Chen,Zhuoya Zhu,Zhiwei Zhao,Elias Emeka Elemike,Mamoru Furuta,Wei Lei ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Vol.14(44),pp.50331-50342 2022
High-mobility hydrogenated polycrystalline In2O3 (In2O3:H) thin-film transistors Yusaku Magari,Taiki Kataoka,Wenchang Yeh,Mamoru Furuta Nature communications,Vol.13,pp.1078-1-1078-8 2022
Influence of Grain Boundary Scattering on the Field-Effect Mobility of Solid-Phase Crystallized Hydrogenated Polycrystalline In2O3 (In2O3:H) Y. Magari,W. Yeh,T. Ina,Mamoru Furuta Nanomaterials,Vol.12(17),pp.2958-1-2958-10 2022
Nondegenerate Polycrystalline Hydrogen-Doped Indium Oxide (InOx:H) Thin Films Formed by Low-Temperature Solid-Phase Crystallization for Thin Film Transistors Taiki Kataoka,Yusaku Magari,Hisao Makino,Mamoru Furuta Materials,Vol.15,No.1,pp.187-1-187-11 2021
Defect Passivation and Carrier Reduction Mechanisms in Hydrogen-Doped In-Ga-Zn-O (IGZO:H) Films upon Low-Temperature Annealing for Flexible Device Applications Velichko Rostislav,Yusaku Magari,Mamoru Furuta Materials,Vol.15,No.1,pp.334-1-334-12 2022
Impact of organic inter-layer dielectric for improvement in mechanicalflexibility of self-aligned coplanar in-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistor Hyo-Eun Kim,Hye-Won Jang,Mamoru Furuta,Jeonghan Yoon,Saeroonter Oh,Sung-Min Yoon Organic Electronics,Vol.96,pp.106223-1-106223-7 2021
Investigation of the effect of adding a moderate amount of hydrogen on the properties of tin oxide films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering Velichko Rostislav,MAGARI Yusaku,Hisao Makino,Mamoru Furuta Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.60,pp.055503-1-055503-6 2021
Quantum Confinement Effect in Amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O Heterojunction Channels for Thin-Film Transistors Daichi Sasaki,Shuhei Hamada,Yusaku Magari,Mamoru Furuta Materials,Vol.13,pp.1935-1-1935-12 2020
Low-temperature (150 °C) processed metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor with a hydrogenated In–Ga–Zn–O stacked channel Yusaku Magari,S G Mehadi Aman,Daichi Sasaki,Kentaro Masuda,Kenta Shimpo,Mamoru Furuta Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.59,pp.SGGJ04-1-SGGJ04-5 2020
Effects of water and hydrogen introduction during In–Ga–Zn–O sputtering on the performance of low-temperature processed thin-film transistors Yusaku Magari,Mamoru Furuta Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.60,pp.SBBM04-1-SBBM04-5 2021
Hydrogenated In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors with anodized and fluorinated Al2O3 gate insulator for flexible devices Shuya Kono,Yusaku Magari,Marin Mori,S G Mehadi Aman,Norbert Fruehauf,Hiroshi Furuta,Mamoru Furuta Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.60,pp.SBBM05-1-SBBM05-6 2021
Record-High-Performance Hydrogenated In–Ga–Zn–O Flexible Schottky Diodes Yusaku Magari,S G Mehadi Aman,Daichi Sasaki,Kentaro Masuda,Kenta Shimpo,Hisao Makino,Mutsumi Kimura,Mamoru Furuta ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,Vol.12,pp.47739-47746 2020
Marked improvement in reliability of 150 °C-processed In–Ga–Zn–O (IGZO) thin-film transistors by applying hydrogenated IGZO as a channel material Daichi Koretomo,Shuhei Hamada,Marin Mori,Yusaku Magari,Mamoru Furuta Applied Physics Express,Vol.13,pp.076501-1-076501-4 2020
Understanding the Role of Temperature and Drain Current Stress in InSnZnO TFTs with Various Active Layer Thicknesses Dapeng Wang,Mamoru Furuta,Shigekazu Tomai,Koki Yano Nanomaterials,Vol.10,No.4,pp.617-1-617-10 2020
A Facile Doping Process of the Organic Inter-Layer Dielectric for Self-Aligned Coplanar In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors Hyo-Eun Kim,Mamoru Furuta,Sung-Min Yoon IEEE Electron Device Letters,Vol.41,No.3,pp.393-396 2020
Defect gradient control in amorphous InGaZnO for high-performance thin-film transistors Dapeng Wang,Dan Li,Wenjing Zhao,Mamoru Furuta Journal of Phisics D:Applied Physics,Vol.53,pp.1351404-1-1351404-7 2020
Memristive Characteristic of an Amorphous Ga-Sn-O Thin-Film Device with Double Layers of Different Oxygen Density Ayata Kurasaki,Ryo Tanaka,Sumio Sugisaki,Tokiyoshi Matsuda,Daichi Sasaki,Yusaku Magari,Mamoru Furuta,Mutsumi Kimura Materials,Vol.12,pp.3236-1-3236-8 2019
レアメタルフリーGaSnO材料の薄膜トランジスタへの応用 松田 時宜,梅田 鉄馬,加藤 雄太,西本 大貴,杉崎 澄生,古田 守,木村 睦 電子情報通信学会論文誌C,Vol.J102-C,No.11,pp.305-311 2019
Electronic devices fabricated on mist-CVD-grown oxide semiconductors and their applications Dang Thai Giang,Martin Allen,Mamoru Furuta,Toshiyuki Kawaharamura Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.58,p.090606 2019
Heterojunction channel engineering to enhance performance and reliability of amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors Mamoru Furuta,Daichi Koretomo,Yusaku Magari,S G Mehadi Aman,Ryunosuke Higashi,Shuhei Hamada Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.58,No.9,pp.090604-1-090604-9 2019
Quantitative analysis of annealing-induced instabilities of photo-leakage current and negative-bias-illumination-stress in a-InGaZnO thin-film transistors Dapeng Wang,Mamoru Furuta Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,Vol.10,pp.1125-1130 2019
Memristive characteristic of an amorphous Ga-Sn-O thin-film device sumio sugisaki,tokiyoshi Matsuda,Mutsunori Uenuma,Toshihide Nabatame,Yasuhiko Nakashima,Takahito Imai,Yusaku Magari,Daichi Koretomo,Mamoru Furuta,Mustumi Kimura Scientific reports,Vol.9,pp.2757-1-2757-7 2019
Improvement in bias-stress and long-term stabilities for in-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors using solution-process-compatible polymeric gate insulator. Sol-Mi Kwak,Hyeong-Rae Kim,Hye-Won Jang,Ji-Hee Yang,Mamoru Furuta,Sung-Min Yoon Organic Electronics,Vol.71,pp.7-13 2019
High mobility sputtered InSb film by blue laser diode annealing C. J. Koswaththage,T. Higashizako,T. Okada,T. Sadoh,Mamoru Furuta,B. S. Bae,T. Noguchi AIP advances,Vol.9,No.4,pp.045009-1-045009-5 2019
Collaborative optimization of thermal budget annealing and active layer defect content enhancing electrical characteristics and bias stress stability in InGaZnO thin-film Dapeng Wang,Wenjing Zhao,Mamoru Furuta Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,Vol.52,pp.235101-1-235101-6 2019
Exploring the photoleakage current and photoinduced negative bias instability in amorphous InGaZnO thin-film transistors with various active layer thicknesses Dapeng Wang,Mamoru Furuta Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,Vol.9,pp.2573-2580 2018
Drain Current Stress-Induced Instability in Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Different Active Layer Thicknesses Dapeng Wang,Wenjing Zhao,Hua Li,Mamoru Furuta Materials,Vol.11,No.4,pp.559-1-559-11 2018
Influence of a SiO2 passivation on electrical properties and reliability of In–W–Zn–O thin-film transistor Daichi Koretomo,Yuta Hashimoto,Shuhei Hamada,Miki Miyanaga,Mamoru Furuta Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.58,No.1,pp.018003-1-018003-3 2018
Influence of Deposition Temperature and Source Gas in PE-CVD for SiO2 Passivation on Performance and Reliability of In–Ga–Zn–O Thin-Film Transistors S G Mehadi Aman,Daichi Koretomo,Yusaku Magari,Mamoru Furuta IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices,Vol.65,No.8,pp.3257-3263 2018
Low temperature (150 ℃) activation of Ar+O2+H2 sputtered In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors Aman S G Mehadi,Yusaku Magari,Kenta Shimpo,Yuya Hirota,Hisao Makino,Daichi Koretomo,Mamoru Furuta Applied Physics Express,Vol.11,No.8,pp.0811101-1-0811101-4 2018
Correlation between passivation film density and reliability pf In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors Aman S G Mehadi,Mamoru Furuta Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.57,pp.088001-1-088001-2 2018
Rare-metal-free high-performance Ga-Sn-O thin film transistor Tokiyoshi MATSUDA,Kenta UMEDA,Yuta KATO,Daiki NISHIMOTO,Mamoru Furuta,Mustumi KIMURA Scientific Reports,Vol.7,p.44326 2017
Low-temperature Processed InGaZnO MES-FET for Flexible Device Applicatio Mamoru Furuta,Yusaku Magari,Shinsuke Hashimoto,Kenichiro Hamada ECS transaction,Vol.79,No.1,pp.43-48 2017
Investigation of Carrier Generation Mechanism in Fluorine-Doped n+-In–Ga–Zn-O for Self-Aligned Thin-Film Transistors WANG Dapeng,JIANG Jingxin,FURUTA Mamoru IEEE Journal of Display Technology,Vol.12,No.3,pp.258-262 2016
Suppression of Negative Gate Bias and Illumination Stress Degradation by Fluorine-Passivated In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors FURUTA Mamoru,JIANG Jingxin,MAI Phi Hung,Tatsuya Toda,WANG Dapeng,Gengo Tatsuoka ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,Vol.5,No.3,pp.Q88-Q91 2016
Self-heating induced instability of oxide thin film transistors under dynamic stress Kahori Kise,Mami Fujii,Satoshi Urakaswa,Haruka Yamazaki,Emi Kawashima,Shigekazu Tomai,Koki Yano,WANG Dapeng,FURUTA Mamoru,Yasuaki Ishikawa,Yukiharu Uraoka Applied Physics Letters,Vol.108,p.023501 2016
Origin of the alternative current (AC-) gate bias improving the NBIS stability of IGZO TFTs MAI Phi Hung,WANG Dapeng,FURUTA Mamoru ECS Solid State Letters,Vol.4 ,No.12,pp.Q66-Q68 2015
Capacitance Sensor of Frequency Modulation for Integrated Touchpanels Using Amorphous In-Sn-Zn-O Thin-FIlmTransistors Y. Koga,T. Matsuda,M. Kimura,WANG Dapeng,FURUTA Mamoru,M. Kasami,S. Tomai,K. Yano IEICE Trabsaction on Electronics,Vol.E98-C,No.11,pp.1028-1031 2015
Mist-CVD Grown Sn-Doped α-Ga2O3 MESFETs G. T. Dang,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,FURUTA Mamoru,M. W. Allen IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES,Vol.62,No.11,pp.3640-3644 2015
Investigating Effect of Postannealing Time on Positive Bias Stress Stability of In–Ga–Zn–O TFT by Conductance Method MAI Phi Hung,WANG Dapeng,FURUTA Mamoru IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices,Vol.62,No.11,pp.3697-3702 2015
Stability of In-Ga-Zn-O metal-semiconductor field-effect-transistors under bias, illumination, and temperature stress G. T. Dang,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,FURUTA Mamoru,S. Saxena,M. W. Allen Applied Physics Letter,Vol.107,pp.143504-1-143504-5 2015
(Invited) Doping and Defect Passivation in In-Ga-Zn-O by Fluorine FURUTA Mamoru,JIANG Jingxin,Gengo Tatsuoka,WANG Dapeng ECS Transaction,Vol.67,No.(1),pp.41-49 2015
High-Performance Solution-Processed InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor Fabricated by Ozone-Assisted Atmospheric Pressure Mist Deposition FURUTA, Mamoru,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,Takayuki Uchida,WANG,Dapeng,SANADA, Masaru Journal of Display Technology,Vol.10,No.11,pp.934-938 2014
Highly stable fluorine-passivated In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors under positive gate bias and temperature stress JIANG Jingxin,Tatsuya Toda,MAI Phi Hung,WANG,Dapeng,FURUTA, Mamoru Applied Physics Express,Vol.7,pp.114103-01-114103-4 2014
Quantitative Analysis of Hole-Trapping and Defect-Creation in InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor under Negative-Bias and Illumination-Stress MAI Phi Hung,WANG,Dapeng,Tatsuya Toda,JIANG Jingxin,FURUTA, Mamoru ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,Vol.3,No.9,pp.Q3023-Q3026 2014
Self-Aligned Bottom-Gate In-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistor With Source/Drain Regions Formed by Direct Deposition of Fluorinated Silicon Nitride JIANG Jingxin,FURUTA, Mamoru,WANG,Dapeng IEEE Electron Device Letters,Vol.35,No.9,pp.933-935 2014
Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Hydrogen Diffusion from Silicon Oxide Etch-Stopper Layer into Amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O on Thin-Film Transistor Tatuya Toda,WANG,Dapeng,JIANG Jingxin,MAI Phi Hung,FURUTA, Mamoru IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,Vol.61,No.11,pp.3762-3767 2014
Suppression of Degradation Induced by Negative Gate Bias and Illumination Stress in Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors by Applying Negative Drain Bias WANG,Dapeng,MAI Phi Hung,JIANG Jingxin,Tatuya Toda,FURUTA, Mamoru ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Vol.6,No.8,pp.5713-5718 2014
Effect of drain bias on negative gate bias and illumination stress induced degradation in amorphous InGaZnO thin-film transistors WANG,Dapeng,MAI Phi Hung,JIANG Jingxin,Tatsuya Toda,LI, Chaoyang,FURUTA, Mamoru Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.53,pp.03CC01-1-03CC01-4 2014
Growth and electrical properties of AlOx grown by mist chemical vapor deposition KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,Takayuki Uchida,SANADA, Masaru,FURUTA, Mamoru AIP Advances,Vol.3,pp.032135-1-032135-9 2013
Negative Bias and Illumination Stress Induced Electron Trapping at Back-Channel Interface of InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor MAI Phi Hung,WANG,Dapeng,JIANG Jingxin,FURUTA, Mamoru ECS Solid State Letters,Vol.3,No.3,pp.Q13-Q16 2014
Thermal Analysis of amorphous oxide thin-film transistor degradated by combination of joule heating and hot carrier effect Satoshi Urakawa,Shigekazu Tomai,Yoshihiro Ueoka,Haruka Yamazaki,Masashi Kasami,Koki Yano,WANG,Dapeng,FURUTA, Mamoru,Masahiro Horita,Yasuaki Ishikawa,Yukiharu Uraoka Applied Physics Letters,Vol.102,pp.053506-1-053506-4 2013
A-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with Non-Vacuum Processed InGaZnO/AlOx Gate Dielectric Stack FURUTA, Mamoru,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,Tatsuya Toda,WANG,Dapeng ECS Transactions,Vol.50,No.8,pp.95-100 2012
Thin-Film Transistor Using Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Tatsuya Toda,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,FRUSAWA, Hiroshi,FURUTA, Mamoru ECS Transactions,Vol.50,No.8,pp.223-228 2012
A 128×96 Pixel, 50 m Pixel Pitch Transparent Readout Circuit using InGaZnO4 Thin Film Transistor Array with Indium-Tin-Oxide Eletrodes for Organic Image Sensor T. Sakai,H. Seo,S. Aihara,M. Kubota,N. Egami,WANG,Dapeng,FURUTA, Mamoru Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.51,pp.010202-1-010202-3 2011
Photo Induced Negative Bias Instability of Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Shin-ichi Shimakawa,WANG,Dapeng,FURUTA, Mamoru Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.51,No.10,pp.108003-1-108003-2 2012
酸化亜鉛薄膜の欠陥準位密度が薄膜トランジスタの電気特性・信頼性へ与える影響 古田 守,島川 伸一 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.9,No.1,pp.29-35 2012
Electrical Properties of the Thin-Film Transistor With an Indium–Gallium–Zinc Oxide Channel and an Aluminium Oxide Gate Dielectric Stack Formed by Solution-Based Atmospheric Pressure Deposition FURUTA, Mamoru,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,WANG,Dapeng,Tatsuya Toda,HIRAO, Takashi IEEE Electron Device Letters,Vol.33,No.6,pp.851-853 2012
Successful Growth of Conductive Highly Crystalline Sn-Doped a-Ga2O3 Thin Films by Fine-Channel Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,Tai Jan Dan,FURUTA, Mamoru Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.51,pp.040207-1-040207-3 2012
Photo-Leakage Current of Thin-Film Transistors with ZnO Channels Formed at Various Oxygen Partial Pressures under Visible Light Irradiation S. Shimakawa,Y. Kamada,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,WANG,Dapeng,LI, Chaoyang,S. Fujita,HIRAO, Takashi,FURUTA, Mamoru Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.51,pp.03CB04-1-03CB04-4 2012
Crystallization Using Biomineralized Nickel Nanodots of Amorphous Silicon Thick Films Deposited by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Sputtering and Electron Beam Evaporation T. Nishida,K. Fuse,FURUTA, Mamoru,Y. Ishikawa,Y. Uraoka Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.51,pp.03CA01-1-03CA01-5 2012
Control of swelling height of Si crystal by irradiating Ar beam MOMOTA, Sadao,Jango Hangu,Takuya Toyonaga,Hikaru Terauchi,Kazuki Maeda,Jun Taniguchi,HIRAO, Takashi,FURUTA, Mamoru,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,Vol.12,No.1,pp.552-556 2012
Extraction of Trap Densities in ZnO Thin-Film Transistors and Dependence on Oxygen Partial Pressure During Sputtering of ZnO Films M. Kimura,FURUTA, Mamoru,Y. Kamada,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Hiroshi,LI, Chaoyang,S. Fujita,HIRAO, Takashi IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,Vol.58,No.9,pp.3018-3024 2011
重イオンビームを用いたナノメートルサイズの3次元加工 百田 佐多生,平尾 孝,古田 守,川原村 敏幸,谷口淳 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.8,No.1,pp.89-94 2011
Trap Densities in ZnO Thin-Film Transistors with SiOx Gate Insulators by Several Deposition Conditions M. Kimura,FURUTA, Mamoru,Y. Kamada,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Hiroshi,LI, Chaoyang,S. Fujita,HIRAO, Takashi Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,Vol.14,pp.H365-H367 2011
A 128×96 Pixel Stacked-Type Color Image Sensor: Stack of Individual Blue-, Green-, and Red-Sensitive Organic Photoconductive Films Integrated with a ZnO Thin-Film Transistor Readout Circuit H. Seo,S. Aihara,T. Watabe,H. Ohtake,T. Sakai,M. Kubota,N. Egami,T. Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.50,p.024103 2011
Behavior of Oxygen in Zinc Oxide Films Through Thermal Annealing and Its Effect on Sheet Resistance T. Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Matsuda,LI, Chaoyang,HIRAO, Takashi Applied Surface Science,Vol.257,p.5480 2011
Positive Bias Instability of Bottom-Gate Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors (ZnO TFTs) with a SiOx/SiNx Stacked Gate Insulator FURUTA, Mamoru,Y. Kamada,T. Hiramatsu,LI, Chaoyang,M. Kimura,S. Fujita,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.50,p.03CB09 2011
Reduction of Photo-Leakage Current in ZnO Thin-Film Transistors with Dual-Gate Structure Y. Kamada,S. Fujita,M. Kimura,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi IEEE Electron Device Letters,Vol.32,p.509 2011
Effect of Chemical Stoichiometry of Channel Region on Bias Instability in ZnO Thin-film Transistors Y. Kamada,S. Fujita,M. Kimura,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi Applied Physics Letters,Vol.98,p.103512 2011
Analysis of Hump Characteristics in Thin-Film Transistors with ZnO Channel Deposited by Sputtering under Various Oxygen Partial Pressures M. Furuta,Y. Kamada,M. Kimura,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,C. Li,H. Furuta,S. Fujita,T. Hirao IEEE Electron Device Letters,Vol.31,pp.1257-1259 2010
Crystal Structure Analysis of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Forests by Newly Developed Cross-Sectional XRD Measurement H. Furuta,T. Kawaharamura,M. Furuta,K. Kawabata,T. Hirao,T. Komukai,K. Yoshihara,Y. Shimomoto,T. Oguchi Applied Physics Express,Vol.3,pp.105101-1-105101-3 2010
Thermal stability of ZnO thin film prepared by RF-magnetron sputtering evaluated by thermal desorption spectroscopy T. Matsuda,M. Furuta,T. Hiramatsu,H. Furuta,C. Li,T. Hirao Applied Surface Science,Vol.256,No.21,pp.6350-6353 2010
Simulation Study of the In-plane Type Triode Carbon Nanotube Emitter H. Furuta,K. Ishii,K. Okada,M. Furuta,T. Hirao Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B,Vol.28,No.4,pp.878-881 2010
High-Density Short-Height Directly Grown CNT Patterned Emitter on Glass H. Furuta,T. Kawaharamura,K. Kawabata,M. Furuta,T. Matsuda,C. Li,T. Hirao e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology,Vol.8,pp.336-339 2010
Effect of Pulsed Substrate Bias on Film Properties of SiO2 Deposited by Inductively Coupled Plasma Deposition T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,H. Furuta,H. Nitta,T. Kawaharamura,C. Li,M. Furuta,T. Hirao Japanese Journal Applied Physics,Vol.49,pp.03CA03-1-03CA03-4 2010
Activation Behavior of Boron Implanted Poly-Si on Glass Substrate M. Furuta,K. Shimamura,H. Tsubokawa,K. Tokushige,H. Furuta,T. Hirao Thin Solid Films,Vol.518,pp.4477-4481 2010
有機光電膜とZnO TFT回路の積層構造を用いた有機撮像デバイスの原理実証実験 瀬尾北斗,相原聡,難波正和,渡辺敏久,大竹浩,久保田節,江上典文,平松孝浩,松田時宜,古田 守,新田浩士,平尾 孝 映像情報メディア学会誌,Vol.64,pp.365-371 2010
Crystallinity and Resistivity of ZnO Thin Films with Indium Implantation and Post Annealing T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A,Vol.28,p.135 2010
Enhanced Nucleation of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin-films Deposited by Inductively Coupled Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (ICP-CVD) with Low-Frequency Pulse Substrate Bias FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.49,p.050202 2010
Analysis of Subthreshold Photo-Leakage Current in ZnO Thin-Film Transistors using Indium-Ion Implantation Y. Kamada,S. Fujita,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi Solid State Electronics,Vol.54,p.1392 2010
Uniformity and Stability in Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors (ZnO TFTs) FURUTA, Mamoru,LI, Chaoyang,HIRAO, Takashi Journal of Society for Information Display,Vol.18/10,p.773 2010
Mechanism Analysis of Photoleakage Current in ZnO Thin-Film Transistors using Device Simulation M. Kimura,Y. Kamada,S. Fujita,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi Applied Physics Letters,Vol.97,p.163503 2010
Comparison of structural and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nano-structures influenced by gas ratio and substrate bias during radio frequency sputtering Chaoyang Li,Tokiyoshi Matsuda,Toshiyuki Kawaharamura,Hiroshi Furuta,Mamoru Furuta,Takahiro Hiramatsu,Takashi Hirao,Yoichiro Nakanishi,Keiji Ichi J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B,Vol.28,No.2,pp.C2B51-55 2010
Photo Leakage Current of ZnO TFTs in the Visible Light Y. Kamada,S. Fujita,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,H. Nitta,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.49,p.03CB03 2010
Effect of Surface Treatment of Gate-insulator on Uniformity in Bottom-gate ZnO Thin-film Transistors FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Nakanishi,M. Kimura,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,KAWAHARAMURA, Toshiyuki,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,Vol.13,pp.H101-H104 2010
高知工科大学紀要「カーボンナノチューブの合成と電界電子放出ランプFELへの応用」 古田 寛,川原村 敏幸,川端 克昌,古田 守,平尾 孝 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.6,No.1,pp.47-55 2009
Effect of Substrate Bias on Crystal Structure and Thermal Stability of Sputter-Deposited ZnO Films T. Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Mamoru,FURUTA, Hiroshi,T. Matsuda,LI, Chaoyang,HIRAO, Takashi Journal of Crystal Growth,Vol.311,pp.282-285 2009
Effects of substrate on the structural, electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering Chaoyang Li,Mamoru Furuta,Tokiyoshi Matsuda,Takahiro Hiramatsu,Hiroshi Furuta,Takashi Hirao Thin Solid Films,Vol.517,pp.3265-3268 2009
Intense green cathodoluminescence from low-temperature-deposited ZnO film with fluted hexagonal cone nanostructures Chaoyang Li,Toshiyuki Kawaharamura,Tokiyoshi Matsuda,Hiroshi Furuta,Takahiro Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Mamoru,Takashi Hirao Appl. Phys. Express,Vol.2,pp.091601-091603 2009
Thermal Stability and Sheet Resistance of Undoped ZnO Films Deposited on Insulators FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,LI, Chaoyang,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,Vol.12,pp.K74-K76 2009
Stacked Image Sensor with Green- and Red-Sensitive Organic Photoconductive Films Applying Zinc-Oxide Thin Film Transistors to a Signal Readout Circuit S. Aihara,H. Seo,M. Namba,H. Ohtake,M. Kubota,N. Egami,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices,Vol.56,No.11,pp.2570-2576 2009
高知工科大学紀要「カーボンナノチューブ量産技術開発と電界電子放出素子への応用」 古田 寛,古田 守,平尾 孝 高知工科大学紀要,Vol.5,No.1,pp.55-65 2008
Influence of Amorphous Buffer Layers on the Crystallinity of Sputter-Deposited Undoped ZnO Films T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,LI, Chaoyang,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Journal of Crystal Growth,Vol.315,pp.31-35 2008
Oxygen Bombardment Effects on Average Crystallite Size of Sputter-Deposited ZnO Films FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,LI, Chaoyang,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,Vol.354,pp.1926-1931 2008
Bottom-Gate Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors (ZnO TFTs) for AM-LCDs FURUTA, Mamoru,HIRAO, Takashi,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,LI, Chaoyang,FURUTA, Hiroshi,H. Hokari,M. Yoshida,H. Ishii,M. Kakegawa IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices,Vol.55,No.11,pp.3136-3142 2008
基板バイアスにより制御されたZnO薄膜の結晶性とドライエッチングにより形成される側壁形状との相関 平松孝浩,古田 守,古田 寛,松田時宜,平尾 孝 真空,Vol.50,pp.498-501 2007
Effects of Energetic Particle Bombardment on the Microstructure of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Films Deposited by rf Magnetron Sputtering FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.46,pp.4038-4041 2007
Influence of Thermal Annealing on Microstructure of Zinc Oxide Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering T. Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Mamoru,FURUTA, Hiroshi,T. Matsuda,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.46,pp.3319-3323 2007
Sheet Resistance and Crystallinity of Ga- and Al- Implanted Zinc Oxide Thin Films with Post Annealing T. Matsuda,FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Hiramatsu,FURUTA, Hiroshi,HIRAO, Takashi Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A,Vol.25,pp.706-710 2007
Novel top-gate zinc oxide thin-film transistors (ZnO TFTs) for AMLCDs T. Hirao,M. Furuta,H. Furuta,T.Matsuda,T. Hiramatsu,H. Hokari,M. Yoshida,M.Ishii,M.Kakegawa J.of the SID,Vol.15,pp.17-22 2007
SiO2 Insulator Film Synthesized at 100℃ using Tetramethylsilane by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Chemical Vapor Deposition H. Furuta,M. Furuta,T.Matsuda,T.Hiramatsu,T. Hirao Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.46,No.10,pp.L237-L240 2007
RF power and thermal annealing effect on the properties of zinc oxide films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering Chaoyang Li,Mamoru Furuta,Tokiyoshi Matsuda,Takahiro Hiramatsu,Hiroshi Furuta,Takashi Hirao Research Letter in Materials Science,Vol.1155,pp.26459-26463 2007
(解説記事)「産学官協力の場-高知工科大学 カーボンナノチューブ材料と応用」 古田 寛,古田 守,小向 拓治,青木 勝詔,平尾 孝 マテリアルインテグレーション,Vol.19,No.10,pp.17-30 2006
(解説記事)「非耐熱性基板用低温絶縁膜技術の開発」 古田 寛,古田 守,松田 時宜,平松 孝弘,平尾 孝 マテリアルインテグレーション,Vol.19,No.10,pp.31-33 2006
選択エッチング法によるナノサイズ炭素エミッタ形成 青木 勝詔,鈴木 恵友,高梨 久美子,石井 一久,B. S. SATYANARAYANA,尾浦 憲治郎,古田 寛,古田 守,平尾 孝 真空,Vol.49,pp.430-432 2006
Density Control of Carbon Nanotubes Through The Thickness of Fe/Al Multilayer Catalyst T. Komukai,K. Aoki,FURUTA, Hiroshi,FURUTA, Mamoru,K. Oura,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.45,pp.6043-6045 2006
Low-Temperature Growth of Carbon Nano-Fiber by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition using CuNi Catalyst K. Aoki,T. Yamamoto,H. Furuta,T. Ikuno,S. Honda,M. Furuta,K. Oura,T. Hirao Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.45,No.5329,pp.5329-5331 2006
Structural Analysis of High-Density Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition with Fe/Al Multilayer Catalyst T. Komukai,K. Aoki,H. Furuta,M. Furuta,K. Oura,HIRAO, Takashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.45,No.11,pp.8988-8990 2006
Reliability of Low-temperature Poly-Si TFTs with LDD Structures FURUTA, Mamoru,Y. Uraoka,T. Fuyuki Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.42,pp.4257-4260 2003
Hydrogen Implantation Damage in Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors Caused by Ion Doping FURUTA, Mamoru,H. Satani,T. Terashita,T. Tamura,Y. Tsuchihashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.41,pp.1259-1264 2002
Polycrystalline Silicon Recrystallized with Excimer Laser Irradiation and Impurity Doping using Ion Doping Method Y. Miyata,FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Yoshioka,T. Kawamura Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.73,pp.3271-3275 1993
Bottom-Gate Poly-Si Thin Film Transistors using XeCl Excimer Laser Annealing and Ion Doping FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Kawamura,T. Yoshioka,Y. Miyata IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices,Vol.40,pp.1964-1969 1993
Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors for Large-Area Liquid Crystal Display Y. Miyata,FURUTA, Mamoru,T. Yoshioka,T. Kawamura Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.31,pp.4559-4562 1992
Zn and Si Doping in {110} GaAs Epilayers Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition K. Okamoto,FURUTA, Mamoru,K. Yamaguchi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.27,pp.L2121-L2124 1988
Lateral Growth on (110) GaAs Substrates by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition K. Okamoto,FURUTA, Mamoru,K. Yamaguchi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.27,pp.L437-L440 1988



  1. Highly Reliable Hydrogen-Free Top-Gate Oxide TFT
    ~Hydrogen-Free ICP-CVD SiO2 and SiNx films for TFTs~,The 31st International Display Workshops (IDW'24)(2024)
  2. High-performance and Reliable Polycrystalline Indium Oxide Thin-Film Transistors,The 2024 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai(2024)
  3. Performance and Reliability of Hydrogen-doped Polycrystalline Indium Oxide Thin-Film Transistors,ECS PRiME2024(2024)
  4. Hydrogen-free SiO2 gate insulator for top-gate oxide TFTs,International Meeting on Information Display (IMID2024)(2024)
  5. High-Mobility and Enhancement-Mode Thin-Film Transistors with Solid-Phase Crystallized Hydrogen-Doped Indium Oxide channel,International Meeting on Information Display (IMID2024)(2024)
  6. Polycrystalline Indium Oxide for High-Mobility Thin-Film Transistors,2024 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2024)(2024)
  7. High-mobility Polycrystalline Indium Oxide (InOx:H) Thin-film Transistor,18th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference(2024)
  8. High Mobility Metal Oxide Semiconductor Thin-Film Transistors for Display and LSI Applications,International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Devices (ICCED2023)(2023)
  9. Solid-phase crystallization of hydrogen-doped indium oxide for low-temperature processed TFTs,International conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors (ULSIC vs TFT 8)(2023)
  10. Solid-phase crystallization (SPC) of hydrogen-doped polycrystalline indium oxide (InOx:H) for high-mobility thin-film transistors (TFTs),29th International Conference on Amorphous & Nanocrystalline Semiconductors(2022)
  11. Nondegenerate Hydrogen-Doped Polycrystalline InOx:H Thin Film for High-mobility Thin-Film Transistors,242th ECS Meeting(2022)
  12. Hydrogen-doped polycrystalline indium oxide (InOx:H) formed by solid phase crystallization for high-mobility TFTs,17th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference (ITC2022)(2022)
  13. High mobility hydrogen-doped polycrystalline indium oxide (InOx:H) TFTs,The 22nd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID2022)(2022)
  14. Solid Phase Crystallization of Hydrogenated Indium Oxide (InOX:H) for High Mobility Thin-Film Transistors,International Workshop on Active-matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD22)(2022)
  15. Metal oxide semiconductor thin-film transistor technologies for display applications,International conference on Consumer Electronics and Devices (ICCED2022)(2022)
  16. Low-voltage operation of hydrogenated IGZO (IGZO:H) TFTs with an anodize Al2O3 gate dielectric for flexible devices,International TFT conference (ITC2020/2021)(2021)
  17. High mobility hydrogenated polycrystalline In-Ga-O (IGO:H) thin-film transistors formed by solid phase crystallization,Society for Information Display(2021)
  18. 酸化物半導体による多結晶シリコン薄膜トランジスタへの挑戦,シリコン材料・デバイス研究会(SDM)(2021)
  19. Heterojunction Channel Engineering for Oxide Thin-Film Transistors,The 6th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE2020)(2020)
  20. Heterojunction Channel Engineering for in-Ga-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors,Electrochemical Socierty (ECS PRiME2020)(2020)
  21. 非晶質酸化物半導体In-Ga-Zn-Oヘテロ接合チャネル薄膜トランジスタ,シリコン材料・デバイス/有機エレクトロニクス研究会(2019)
  22. TFTs for Active Matrix: from Silicon to Oxides and New materials,3rd International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Device (ICCED 2019)(2019)
  23. Carrier transport and bias stress stability of IGZO TFT with heterojunction channel,7th International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for ULSI and TFTs(2019)
  24. ヘテロ接合チャネルによるIn–Ga–Zn–O薄膜トランジスタの高移動度・高信頼性化,応用物理学会春季学術講演会(2019)
  25. フレキシブルデバイスに向けた酸化物薄膜トランジスタの低温プロセス,題79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会シンポジウム(2018)
  26. Mobility enhancement of InGaZnOx thin-film transistor by hetero-channel with a different composition,International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2018)(2018)
  27. Low-temperature activation method for InGaZnOx thin-film transistors,ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting(2018)
  28. ヘテロ接合チャネルIGZO TFTの特性・信頼性,第2回酸化物半導体討論会(2018)
  29. Low-temperature activation of Ar+O2+H2 sputtered In–Ga–Zn–O film followed by thermal annealing,4th E-MRS & MRS-J Bilateral Symposium 2018 (7th International Symposium on Transparent on Conductive Materials (TCM2018))(2018)
  30. Low-temperature Processed InGaZnOx TFT with an Organic Gate Insulator,5th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2018)(2018)
  31. 酸化物半導体InGaZnOx薄膜トランジスタの特性制御,シリコン材料・デバイス研究会(SDM)(2018)
  32. Doping and Defect Passivation in In-Ga-Zn-O by Fluorine,Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors V(2015)
  33. Self-Aligned Bottom-Gate InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with Source and Drain Regions Formed by Selective Deposition of Fluorinated SiNx Passivation,The 2014 ECS and SMEQ (Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica) Joint International Meeting(2014)
  34. Influence of Lateral Electric Field and Electron Concentration on Degradation Mechanism of IGZO TFT Under Negative Gate Bias and Illumination Stress,The 14th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID2014)(2014)
  35. [Invited] High performance oxide Thin-Film Transistor fabricated
    using atmospheric pressure deposition method,International Conference on Advanced Materials(2013)
  36. High mobility IGZO TFT fabricated by solution-based non-vacuum mist chemical vapour deposition,4th International Conference of Semiconductor Technology for ULSI and TFT(2013)
  37. [Invited]Atmospheric pressure Processed InGaZnO Thin-film transistors,The 2013 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai(2013)
  38. [Invited] Solution-Based Atmospheric Pressure Deposition Method for Oxide TFTs,The 19th International Display Workshops (IDW/AD'12)(2012)
  39. A-InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with Non-Vacuum Processed InGaZnO/AlOx Gate Dielectric Stack.,Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-state Science(2012)
  40. Floating Body Effects in High-Mobility Oxide Thin-film Transistor,The 12th International Meeting on Information Display(2012)
  41. [Keynote]
    Oxide Thin-Film Transistors for Flat Panel Displays and Transparent Electronics,20th International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering(2012)
  42. [Invited] Effect of Channel/Gate-insulator Interface Treatment on Uniformity of Bottom-Gate Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors (ZnO TFTs),The 6th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference (ITC ‘10)(2010)
  43. [Invited] Effects of Interfacial Processes of Gate Dielectric on Electrical Properties and Reliability of Bottom-Gate ZnO TFTs.,10th International Meeting on Information Display/International Display Manufacturing Conference and Asia Display 2010 (IMID/IDMC/ASIA DISPLAY 2010)(2010)
  44. [Invited] Stability of Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors (ZnO TFTs),16th international Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AMFPD ’09)(2009)
  45. [Invited] Characterization of Sputter Deposited ZnO thin film and Its Application to Thin-Film Transistors,13th International Display Workshops (IDW ’06)(2006)


  1. 薄膜及び成膜方法並びに該方法により得られる薄膜蛍光体(特開2011-021159)
  2. 海外登録特許 (筆頭発明) USP5397718, 5523865, 6034748, 6309917, 6420760等 (13件以上)
  3. 国内登録特許 (筆頭発明) 2502789, 2584117, 2970176, 3438178, 3029787, 3210568, 2917925, 3274081, 3318285, 3357038 等 (10件以上)
  4. 薄膜形成方法、薄膜トランジスタおよび液晶表示装置、電子放出素子等 (国内出願120件以上/海外出願50件以上)



区分 研究課題 研究種目 研究期間 課題番号
代表 酸化亜鉛透明トランジスタと積層式色分離型光電変換素子からなる光デバイスの創成 基盤研究(C) 2011 - 2013 23560408
代表 フレキシブル透明回路を実装した三層積層式色分離型イメージセンサの創成 基盤研究(C) 2016 - 2018 16K06309
代表 水素による透明金属酸化インジウムの半導体転移と固相結晶化フレキシブルトランジスタ 基盤研究(C) 2022 - 2024 (予定) 22K04200




  1. Editor, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices(2024~2025)
  2. 応用物理学会欧文誌 Editor, Applied Physics Express(2019~2020)
  3. SSDMプログラム委員(Area10 Chair)(2020)
  4. 国際会議IMIDプログラム委員(2019~2020)
  5. MDPI 論文誌Materials, Guest Editor
    Special Issue "Silicon and Metal Oxide Thin Film Transistors: Materials, Process Technology, Device Physics, and Reliability"(2019~2021)
  6. 応用物理学会 応用物理学会欧文誌 APEX/JJAP編集委員(2018~2019)
  7. 国際会議(AM-FPD)座長(2018)
  8. International Thin-Film Transistor Conference プログラム運営委員(2012~2013)
  9. 薄膜材料デバイス研究会 組織委員/実行委員長(2011~2012)
  10. 国際会議 International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices プログラム委員会委員長/JJAP論文委員(2011~2013)
  11. International Symposium on Compound Semiconductor プログラム委員(2009)
  12. International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Display and Devices プログラム委員(2009~)
  13. 薄膜デバイス研究会 組織委員(2005~)


  1. 東京工業大学 応用セラミックス研究所 客員教授(2012~)


  1. フレキシブルデバイスに向けた 高品質酸化物半導体の新たな低温形成技術,JST新技術説明会(2018)
  2. 酸化物TFT ~プロセス技術からデバイス特性・信頼性~,国際会議AM-FPD'13 チュートリアル講演(2013)
  3. 大気圧プロセスによる酸化物TFT,FineTech Japanテクニカルセミナー(2013)
  4. 酸化物半導体の形成方法、TFT特性・信頼性・今後の課題


  1. “ZnO化合物系の最新応用”第6章(分担執筆),シーエムシー出版,2010
  2. 薄膜トランジスタ, 共著,コロナ社,2008
  3. 薄膜ハンドブック(第2版), 分担執筆,日本学術振興会薄膜第131委員会,2008
  4. 低温ポリシリコン薄膜トランジスタの開発ーシステムオンパネルをめざしてー, 分担執筆,シーエムシー出版,2007
