
- 男性
- 職位: 教授
- 所属:
- 研究紹介記事: https://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/power/research/post_42.html
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 生命科学コース
大学院工学研究科 基盤工学専攻 生命科学コース
学位 | 博士(理学) | |
学歴 |
京都大学理学部 卒業(1987)
京都大学理学研究科 修了(1989) 名古屋大学理学研究科 学位取得(1993) |
職歴 |
大阪大学生命機能研究科助教授(2002~2007) 大阪大学生命機能研究科准教授(2007~2015) |
資格 | 第1種放射線取扱主任者免状取得(1999) | |
専門分野 | 分子発生生物学 | |
研究室 | 名称 | 分子発生制御学研究室 |
詳細 |
動物の胚発生の過程では、細胞は時間的・空間的な制御のもとに増殖を重ねながら、一方で多様な細胞が分化により生じます。このようなプロセスが繰り返されることで、しだいに胚の組織・器官が形成されます。 本研究グループでは、このような胚発生のプロセスがどのような仕組みで制御されているのかを、主として遺伝子発現調節の観点から研究しています。研究室では、ゼブラフィッシュという小型熱帯魚をモデル生物とし、ゲノム編集技術を駆使して遺伝子制御の仕組みの解明を目指しています。 |
所属学会 |
日本発生生物学会 |
学部・学群 | 卒業研究 / 発生生物学・発生工学 / 分子細胞生物学 / 生物実験 / 遺伝子工学1 / 細胞生物学1 |
大学院 | 特別セミナー1 / 特別セミナー2 / セミナー1 / セミナー2 / セミナー3 / セミナー4 / 特別研究 / 発生生物学特論 |
相談可能な領域 | 遺伝子機能の解析 |
現在の研究 |
動物の遺伝子発現の制御に関する研究 ゲノム操作による遺伝子機能の研究 |
タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | 発表年 |
CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated Genome Modifications in Zebrafish | Yusuke KAMACHI,Atsuo Kawahara | Methods in molecular biology,Vol.2637,pp.313-324 | 2023 |
Systematic Comparison of Computational Tools for Sanger Sequencing-Based Genome Editing Analysis | Kanae Aoki,Mai Yamasaki,Riku Umezono,Takanori Hamamoto,Yusuke KAMACHI | Cells,Vol.13,No.3,p.261 | 2024 |
Key sequence features of CRISPR RNA for dual-guide CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes assembled with wild-type or HiFi Cas9 | Keita Okada,Kanae Aoki,Teruyuki Tabei,Kota Sugio,Katsunori Imai,Yuki Bonkohara,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Nucleic Acids Research | 2022 |
Efficient CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knock-in of composite tags in zebrafish using long ssDNA as a donor | Chamila Deshani Ranawakage,Keita Okada,Kota Sugio,Yuya Kawaguchi,Yuki Bonkohara,Takuya Takada,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Front. Cell Dev. Biol.,Vol.8,p.598634 | 2020 |
HiBiT-qIP, HiBiT-based quantitative immunoprecipitation, facilitates the determination of antibody affinity under immunoprecipitation conditions | Ranawakage Chamila Deshani,Takuya Takada,Yusuke Kamachi | Scientific Reports | 2019 |
Cooperation of Sall4 and Sox8 transcription factors in the regulation of the chicken Sox3 gene during otic placode development | Okamoto, Yu,Nishimura, Naoko,Matsuda, Kazunari,Ranawakage Chamila Deshani,Yusuke Kamachi,Kondoh, Hisato,Uchikawa, Masanori | Development Growth and Differentiation,Vol.60,No.3 | 2018 |
Regulation of trunk neural crest delamination by δEF1 and Sip1 in the chicken embryo. | Yasumi, T.,Inoue, M.,Maruhashi, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Higashi, Y.,Kondoh, H,Uchikawa, M. | Dev. Growth. Differ.,Vol.58,pp.205-214 | 2016 |
SOX2–Partner Factor Interactions and Enhancer Regulation | Kondoh, H.,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Sox2: Biology and Role in Development and Disease,pp.131-144 | 2015 |
Evolution of Sox2 and Functional Redundancy in Relation to Other SoxB1 Genes | KAMACHI YUSUKE | Sox2: Biology and Role in Development and Disease,pp.89-106 | 2015 |
Sox proteins: regulators of cell fate specification and differentiation. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Development,Vol.140,pp.4129-4144 | 2013 |
Nano-Analysis of DNA Conformation Changes Induced by Transcription Factor Complex Binding Using Plasmonic Nanodimers. | Morimura H.,Tanaka S.I.,Ishitobi H.,Mikami T.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H.,Inouye Y. | ACS Nano.,Vol.23,pp.10733-10740 | 2013 |
The Pou5f1/Pou3f-dependent but SoxB-independent regulation of conserved enhancer N2 initiates Sox2 expression during epiblast to neural plate stages in vertebrates. | Iwafuchi-Doi, M.,Yoshida, Y.,Onichtchouk, D.,Leichsenring M.,Driever, W.,Takemoto, T.,Uchikawa, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Dev. Biol.,Vol.352,pp.354-366 | 2011 |
An efficient binary system for gene expression in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, using GAL4 variants. | Kobayashi, I.,Kojima, K.,Uchino, K.,Sezutsu, H.,Iizuka, T.,Tatematsu, K.,Yonemura, N.,Tanaka, H.,Yamakawa, M.,Ogura, E.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Tamura, T. | Arch. Insect. Biochem. Physiol.,Vol.76,pp.195-210 | 2011 |
B1 SOX coordinate cell specification with patterning and morphogenesis in the early zebrafish embryo. | Okuda, Y.,Ogura, E.,Kondoh, H.,KAMACHI YUSUKE | PLoS Genet.,Vol.6,No.5,p.e1000936 | 2010 |
SOX-partner code for cell specification: Regulatory target selection and underlying molecular mechanisms. | Kondoh, H.,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Int J Biochem Cell Biol.,Vol.42,pp.391-399 | 2010 |
Adaptation of GAL4 activators for GAL4 enhancer trapping in zebrafish. | Ogura, E.,Okuda, Y.,Kondoh, H.,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Dev. Dyn.,Vol.238,pp.641-655 | 2009 |
Evolution of non-coding regulatory sequences involved in the developmental process: reflection of differential employment of paralogous genes as highlighted by Sox2 and group B1 Sox genes. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Iwafuchi, M.,Okuda, Y.,Takemoto, T.,Uchikawa, M.,Kondoh, H. | Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci,Vol.85,pp.55-68 | 2009 |
Interplay of Pax6 and SOX2 in lens development as a paradigm of genetic switch mechanisms for cell differentiation. | Kondoh, H.,Uchikawa, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Int. J. Dev. Biol.,Vol.48,pp.819-827 | 2004 |
Efficient identification of regulatory sequences in the chicken genome by a powerful combination of embryo electroporation and genome comparison. | Uchikawa, M.,Takemoto, T.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Mech. Dev.,Vol.121,pp.1145-1158 | 2004 |
Pairing SOX off with partners in the regulation of embryonic development. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Uchikawa, M.,Kondoh, H. | Trends Genet.,Vol.16,pp.182-187 | 2000 |
Analysis of protein interactions with two-hybrid system in cultured insect cells. | Mon, H.,Sugahara, R.,Hong, S.M.,Lee, J.M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kawaguchi, Y.,Kusakabe, T. | Anal. Biochem.,Vol.392,pp.180-182 | 2009 |
Quantitative assessment of the knockdown efficiency of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides in zebrafish embryos using a luciferase assay. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Okuda, Y.,Kondoh, H. | Genesis,Vol.46,pp.1-7 | 2008 |
Comparative genomics approach to the expression of figα, one of the earliest marker genes of oocyte differentiation in medaka (Oryzias latipes). | Kanamori, A.,Toyama, K.,Kitagawa. S.,Kamehara. A.,Higuchi. T.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kinoshita. M.,Hori. H. | Gene,Vol.423,pp.180-187 | 2008 |
PAX6 and SOX2-dependent regulation of the Sox2 enhancer N-3 involved in embryonic visual system development. | Inoue, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Matsunami, H.,Imada, K.,Uchikawa, M.,Kondoh, H. | Genes Cells,Vol.12,pp.1049-1061 | 2007 |
Triggering neural differentiation of ES cells by subtype switching of importin-α. | Yasuhara, N.,Shibazaki, N.,Tanaka, S.,Nagai, M.,Kamikawa, Y.,Oe, S.,Asally, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H.,Yoneda, Y. | Nat. Cell. Biol.,Vol.9,pp.72-79 | 2007 |
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in an adult female with a heterozygous hypomorphic mutation of SOX2. | Sato, N.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H.,Shima, Y.,Morohashi, K.,Horikawa, R,Ogata, T. | Eur. J. Endocrinol.,Vol.156,pp.167-171 | 2007 |
Convergence of Wnt and FGF signals in the genesis of posterior neural plate through activation of the Sox2 enhancer N-1. | Takemoto, T.,Uchikawa, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Development,Vol.133,pp.297-306 | 2006 |
Comparative genomic and expression analysis of group B1 sox genes in zebrafish indicates their diversification during vertebrate evolution. | Okuda, Y.,Yoda, H.,Uchikawa, M.,Furutani-Seiki, M.,Takeda, H.,Kondoh, H.,KAMACHI YUSUKE | Dev. Dyn.,Vol.235,pp. 811-825 | 2006 |
Functional analysis of the chicken delta1-crystallin enhancer activity in Drosophila reveals remarkable evolutionary conservation between chicken and fly. | Blanco, J.,Girard, F.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H.,Gehring, WJ. | Development,Vol.132,pp.1895-1905 | 2005 |
Multiple N-cadherin enhancers identified by systematic functional screening indicate its Group B1 SOX-dependent regulation in neural and placodal development. | Matsumata, M.,Uchikawa, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Dev. Biol.,Vol.286,pp.601-617 | 2005 |
Interplay of SOX and POU factors in regulation of the Nestin gene in neural primordial cells. | Tanaka, S.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Tanouchi, A.,Hamada, H,Jing N.,Kondoh, H. | Mol. Cell. Biol.,Vol.24,pp.8834-8846 | 2004 |
Functional analysis of chicken Sox2 enhancers highlights an array of diverse regulatory elements that are conserved in mammals. | Uchikawa, M.,Ishida, Y.,Takemoto, T.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Dev. Cell,Vol.4,pp.509-519 | 2003 |
Distinct roles of SOX2, Pax6 and Maf transcription factors in the regulation of lens-specific δ1-crystallin enhancer. | Muta, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Yoshimoto, A.,Higashi, Y.,Kondoh, H. | Genes Cells,Vol.7,pp.791-805 | 2002 |
Chromosome assignment of eight SOX family genes in the chicken. | Kuroiwa, A.,Uchikawa, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H.,Nishida-Umehara, C.,Masabanda, J.,Griffin, K.D.,Matsuda, Y. | Cytogenet. Genome Res.,Vol.98,pp.189-193 | 2002 |
Pax6 and SOX2 form a co-DNA-binding partner complex that regulates initiation of lens development. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Uchikawa, M.,Tanouchi, A.,Sekido, R.,Kondoh, H | Genes Dev.,Vol.15,pp.1272-1286 | 2001 |
Sox18 expression in blood vessel and feather buds during chicken embryogenesis. | Olsson, J.E.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Penning, S.,Muscat, G.E.O.,Kondoh, H.,Koopman, P. | Gene,Vol.271,p.151-158 | 2001 |
Two distinct subgroups of Group B Sox genes for transcriptional activators and repressors: their expression during embryonic organogenesis of the chicken. | Uchikawa, M.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Mech. Dev.,Vol.84,p.103-120 | 1999 |
Mechanism of regulatory target selection by the SOX high-mobility-group domain proteins as revealed by comparison of SOX1/2/3 and SOX9. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Cheah, K.S.E.,Kondoh, H | Mol. Cell. Biol.,Vol.19,pp.107-120 | 1999 |
Identification and functional analysis of the mouse filensin gene promoter. | Masaki, S.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Quinlan, R.O.,Yonezawa, S.,Kondoh, H. | Gene,Vol.214,pp.77-86 | 1998 |
Involvement of Sox1, 2 and 3 in the early and subsequent molecular events of lens induction. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Uchikawa, M.,Collignon, J.,Lovell-Badge, R.,Kondoh, H. | Development,Vol.125,pp.2521-2532 | 1998 |
Two mechanisms in the action of repressor δEF1: binding site competition with an activator and active repression. | Sekido, R.,Murai, K.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Genes Cells,Vol.2,pp.771-783 | 1997 |
A murine Thy-1.2 reporter vector containing a SV40 origin for rapid cloning and analysis of eukaryotic promoters. | Kadokawa, Y.,Kusakabe, T.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Isobe, K.,Kondoh, H.,Ohyama, T. | Gene,Vol.153,pp.277-278 | 1995 |
Involvement of SOX proteins in lens-specific activation of crystallin genes. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Sockanathan, S.,Liu, Q.,Breitman, M.,Lovell-Badge, R.,Kondoh, H. | EMBO J.,Vol.14,pp.3510-3519 | 1995 |
The δ-crystallin enhancer-binding protein δEF1 is a repressor of E2-box-mediated gene activation. | Sekido, R.,Murai, K.,Funahashi, J.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Fujisawa, A.,Nabeshima, Y.,Kondoh, H. | Mol. Cell. Biol.,Vol.14,pp.5692-5700 | 1994 |
δ-crystallin enhancer binding protein δEF1 is a zinc finger- homeodomain protein implicated in postgastrulation embryogenesis. | Funahashi, J.,,Sekido, R.,Murai, K.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Development,Vol.119,pp.433-446 | 1993 |
Overlapping positive and negative regulatory elements determine lens-specific activity of the δ1-crystallin enhancer. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Kondoh, H. | Mol. Cell. Biol.,Vol.13,pp.5206-5215 | 1993 |
Identification of nuclear factor δEF1 and its binding site essential for lens-specific activity of the δ1-crystallin enhancer. | Funahashi, J.,KAMACHI YUSUKE,Goto, K.,Kondoh, H. | Nucleic Acids Res.,Vol.19,pp.3543-3547 | 1991 |
Purification of a mouse nuclear factor that binds to both the A and B cores of the polyomvirus enhancer. | KAMACHI YUSUKE,Ogawa, E.,Asano, M.,Ishida, S.,Murakami, Y.,Satake, M.,Ito, Y.,Shigesada, K. | J. Virology,Vol.64,pp.4808-4819 | 1990 |
発生と細胞分化 | 蒲池 雄介 | 分子生物学 第3版,pp.176-190 | 2011 |
クリスタリン遺伝子の発現制御から解明された水晶体分化 | 内川 昌則,蒲池 雄介,近藤 寿人 | 蛋白質核酸酵素,Vol.50,pp.655-663 | 2005 |
SOX とパートナー因子による転写調節機構 | 内川 昌則,蒲池 雄介,近藤 寿人 | 細胞工学,Vol.20,pp.729-739 | 2001 |
動物細胞へのDNAの導入 | 蒲池 雄介,近藤 寿人 | 分子生物学プロトコール(改訂第2版),pp.225-235 | 1999 |
SOXタンパク質によるクリスタリン遺伝子の発現調節と水晶体分化 | 蒲池 雄介 | 蛋白質核酸酵素,Vol.41,pp.1113-1123 | 1996 |
転写制御因子の発現クローニングのデザイン | 蒲池 雄介,後藤 弘爾,磯部 健一,中島 泉,近藤 寿人 | 実験医学,Vol.10,pp.1663-1667 | 1992 |
トランスフェクションと電気穿孔法 | 蒲池 雄介 | 新生化学実験講座,Vol.14,pp.340-346 | 1992 |
区分 | 研究課題 | 研究種目 | 研究期間 | 課題番号 |
代表 | Sox転写因子とmicroRNAが構成する遺伝子制御ネットワークの解明 | 基盤研究(B) | 2013 - 2016 | 25290066 |
代表 | タンパク質とゲノムの相互作用を組織特異的に検出する方法の開発と応用 | 挑戦的萌芽研究 | 2015 - 2017 | 15K14527 |
代表 | 発生における分化スイッチを担うSoxパートナー因子複合体のin vivo作用機構 | 基盤研究(C) | 2018 - 2020 | 18K06267 |
代表 | 発光タグHiBiTの高機能化・多機能化を通した新規発生遺伝子解析手法の確立 | 基盤研究(C) | 2021 - 2023 | 21K06202 |
- Cells 編集委員(2022~)
- Scientific Reports 編集委員(2019~)