小谷 浩示Koji Kotani
- 男性
- 職位: 教授
- 役職: フューチャー・デザイン研究所長
- 所属:
- researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/read0137216
- 研究紹介記事: https://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/power/research/post_13.html
学位 | Ph.D. | |
学歴 | コーネル大学大学院農業経済・経営学研究科 修了(2005) | |
職歴 |
国際大学准教授(2009~2012) 国際大学専任講師(2008~2009) 横浜国立大学学術振興会特別研究員(2006~2007) 横浜国立大学COEリサーチフェロー(2005~2006) |
資格 | ||
専門分野 | 実験経済学、環境経済学、国際開発学、持続可能性科学 | |
研究室 | 名称 | 国際開発学研究室 |
詳細 | 人間社会はかつてない程相互依存しグローバル化しています。と同時に国家間、又は集団間同士での協力・協調無しに解決不可能な諸問題(特に国際紛争、貧困格差問題、持続可能性、資源エネルギー・地球環境問題等)が次々と起こっています。本研究室は、経済学・経営学の手法と実験的手法を駆使し、こうした問題の解決に向けた人々の行動変容・進化、そして、文化・社会の在り方に関する研究を行います。研究対象は日本と諸外国、特に問題が顕在化している発展途上国です。そうした諸外国と日本を対比させる事で競争と相互協力の在り方・文化的背景を理解し、問題解決の方策を科学的に研究していきます。 | |
所属学会 |
学部・学群 | 現代経済事情 / 経済・経営学入門(E) / 実験デザイン / グローバルコンピテンシーモデル(E) / 国際開発経済学(E) / 専攻セミナーI / 専攻セミナーII / セミナーⅠ / セミナーⅡ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅠ / セミナーⅢ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅡ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅢ / プロジェクト研究 |
大学院 | 特別セミナー1 / 特別セミナー2 |
相談可能な領域 |
実験経済学 開発経済学、及び、発展途上国を中心とした国際開発・社会問題 未来学 持続可能性科学 |
現在の研究 | 環境・開発問題、気候変動、利他的行動 |
タイトル | 著者 | 発表誌 | 発表年 |
Adaptation indicator to climate change and farm sizes in agriculture: A reflection of farming culture and history | Sharofiddinov Husniddin,Moinul Islam,Koji Kotani | Ecological Indicators (Forthcoming),Vol.XXX,p.YYY | 2024 |
How does the number of water users in a land reform matter for water availability in agriculture? | Sharofiddinov Husniddin,Moinul Islam,Koji Kotani | Agricultural Water Management,Vol.291,p.108677 | 2024 |
Nature dependence and seasonality change perceptions for climate adaptation and mitigation | Moinul Islam,Koji Kotani,Shunsuke Managi | Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.81,pp.34-44 | 2024 |
Does being intergenerationally accountable resolve intergenerational sustainability dilemma? | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Land Economics,Vol.99,pp.644-667 | 2023 |
Do autonomy and inquisitiveness contribute to SDGs? Implications from the matrilineal island of Palau | Junichi Hirose,Koji Kotani,Shunsuke Managi | Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.79,pp.303-318 | 2023 |
COVID-19-associated income loss and job loss: Evidence from Indonesia | Rendra Putra,Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov,Koji Kotani | Journal of Asian Economics,Vol.87,p.101631 | 2023 |
Intrahousehold food intake inequality by family roles and age groups | Mst. Asma Khatun,Koji Kotani | Nutrients,Vol.15,p.2126 | 2023 |
How does inquisitiveness matter for generativity and happiness? | Jyunichi Hirose,Koji Kotani | PLoS ONE,Vol.17,p.e0264222 | 2022 |
How do farm size and perceptions matter for farmers’ adaptation responses to climate change in a developing country? Evidence from Nepal | Koirala Pankaj,Koji Kotani,Shunsuke Managi | Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.74,pp.188-204 | 2022 |
Intragenerational deliberation and intergenerational sustainability dilemma | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | European Journal of Political Economy,Vol.73,p.102131 | 2022 |
The relationship between trade openness and government resource revenue in resource-dependent countries | Santosh Shrestha,Koji Kotani,Makoto Kakinaka | Resources Policy,Vol.74,p.102332 | 2021 |
Are the societies becoming proself? A topographical difference under fast urbanization in China | JINGCHAO ZHANG,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Environment, Development and Sustainability,Vol.23,pp.12976-12993 | 2021 |
Salinity and water-related disease risk in coastal Bangladesh | Khatun Mst Asma,Koji Kotani | EcoHealth,Vol.18,pp.61-75 | 2021 |
Is climate change induced by humans? The impact of the gap in perceptions on cooperation | Jyunichi Hirose,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa | Economics of Disasters and Climate Change,Vol.5,pp.391-413 | 2021 |
Deliberative forms of democracy and intergenerational sustainability dilemma | Koirala Pankaj,Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani | Sustainability,Vol.13,p.7377 | 2021 |
Cooperation and cognition gaps for salinity: A field experiment of information provision in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh | Khatun Mst Asma,Shibly Shahrier,Koji Kotani | Journal of Cleaner Production,Vol.311,p.127562 | 2021 |
Intergenerational sustainability is enhanced by taking the perspective of future generations | SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Scientific Reports,Vol.11,p.2437 | 2021 |
Taking the perspectives of future generations as an effective method for achieving sustainable waste management | PANDIT Arpana,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Sustainable Production and Consumption,Vol.27,pp.1526-1536 | 2021 |
Concerns for future generations in societies: A deliberative analysis of the intergenerational sustainability dilemma | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,Vol.90,p.101628 | 2021 |
Exploring the possibility of linking and incorporating future design in backcasting and scenario planning | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Koji Kotani | Sustainability,Vol.12,p.9907 | 2020 |
An overseas business paradox: Are Japanese general contractors risk takers? | Taichi Mutoh,Koji Kotani,Makoto Kakinaka | PLoS ONE,Vol.15,p.e0238570 | 2020 |
Wage and labor mobility between public, formal private and informal private sectors in a developing country | SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Koji Kotani,Makoto Kakinaka,Shunsuke Managi | Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.68,pp.101-113 | 2020 |
Motivational factors in intergenerational sustainability dilemma: A post-interview analysis | SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Masaya Wada,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Sustainability,Vol.12,p.7078 | 2020 |
Carbon emissions and carbon trade balances: International evidence from panel ARDL analysis | Shukria Hotak,Moinul Islam,Makoto Kakinaka,Koji Kotani | Environmental Science and Pollution Research,Vol.27,pp.24115-24128 | 2020 |
Time preferences of food producers: Does ``cultivate and grow'' matter? | Yayan Hernuryadin,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Land Economics,Vol.96,pp.132-148 | 2020 |
Which performs better under trader settings, double auction or uniform price auction? | Koji Kotani,Kenta Tanaka,Shunsuke Managi | Experimental Economics,Vol.22,pp.247-267 | 2019 |
Happiness, generativity and social preferences in a developing country: A possibility of future design | SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Shahrier Shibly,Koji Kotani | Sustainability,Vol.11,p.5256 | 2019 |
Low-quality or high-quality coal? Household energy choice in rural Beijing | Zhang Jingchao,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Energy Economics,Vol.78,pp.81-90 | 2019 |
An intergenerational retrospective viewpoint promotes financially sustainable attitudes | Yoshinori Nakagawa,Real Arai,Koji Kotani,Masanobu Nagano,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Futures,Vol.114,p.102454 | 2019 |
Time preferences between individuals and groups in the transition from hunter-gatherer to industrial societies | Yayan Hernuryadin,Koji Kotani,Yoshio Kamijo | Sustainability,Vol.11,p.395 | 2019 |
Generativity and social value orientation between rural and urban societies in a developing country | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshio Kamijo | Futures,Vol.105,pp.124-132 | 2019 |
Intergenerational retrospective viewpoints and individual policy preferences for future: A deliberative experiment for forest management | Yoshinori Nakagawa,Koji Kotani,Mika Matsumoto,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Futures,Vol.105,pp.40-53 | 2019 |
Natural disaster mitigation through voluntary donations in a developing country: The case of Bangladesh | Shahrier Shibly,Koji Kotani | Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,Vol.21,pp.37-60 | 2019 |
Public acceptance of environmentally friendly heating in Beijing: A case of a low temperature air source heat pump | Zhang Jingchao,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo | Energy Policy,Vol.117,pp.75-85 | 2018 |
Demographic effects on residential electricity and city gas consumption in the aging society of Japan | Toru Ota,Makoto Kakinaka,Koji Kotani | Energy Policy,Vol.115,pp.503-513 | 2018 |
Intergenerational sustainability dilemma and the degree of capitalism in societies: A field experiment | Shahrier Shibly,KOJI KOTANI,SAIJO,Tatsuyoshi | Sustainability Science,Vol.12,No.6,pp.957-967 | 2017 |
Evaluating the potential of marketable permits in a framed field experiment: Forest conservation in Nepal | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,KOJI KOTANI | Journal of Forest Economics,Vol.29,No.A,pp.25-37 | 2017 |
Sustainability of common pool resources | Raja Rajendra Timilsina,KOJI KOTANI,KAMIJO Yoshio | PLoS ONE,Vol.12,p.e0170981 | 2017 |
Some implications of environmental regulation on social welfare under learning-by-doing of eco-products | KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka | Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,Vol.19,pp.121-149 | 2017 |
Further investigation of natural resources and economic growth: Do natural resources depress economic growth? | Lkhagva Gerelmaa,KOJI KOTANI | Resources Policy,Vol.50,pp.312-320 | 2016 |
Social value orientation and capitalism in societies | Shibly Shahrier,KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka | PLoS ONE,Vol.11,p.e0165067 | 2016 |
Climate perception and flood mitigation cooperation: a Bangladesh case study | Moinul Islam,KOJI KOTANI,Shunsuke Managi | Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.49,pp.117-133 | 2016 |
Labor donation or money donation? Pro-sociality on prevention of natural disasters in a case of cyclone AILA, Bangladesh | Shahrier Shibly,KOJI KOTANI | Singapore Economic Review,Vol.61,p.1640007 | 2016 |
Changing seasonality in Bangladesh | Islam Moinul,KOJI KOTANI | Regional Environmental Change,Vol.16,pp.585-590 | 2016 |
Enhancing voluntary participation in community collaborative forest management: A case of Central Java, Indonesia | Sri Lestari,KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka | Journal of Environmental Management,Vol.150,pp.299-309 | 2015 |
Cooperative choice and its framing effect under threshold uncertainty in a provision point mechanism | KOJI KOTANI,Kenta Tanaka,Shunsuke Managi | Economics of Governance,Vol.15,pp.329-353 | 2014 |
An empirical analysis of energy shortage in Pakistan | Mubashir Qasim,KOJI KOTANI | Asia Pacific Development Journal,Vol.15,No.4,pp.137-166 | 2014 |
Foreign direct investment and infrastructure development in Indonesia: Evidence from province data | Fitriandi Primandita,Makoto Kakinaka,KOJI KOTANI | Asian Journal of Empirical Research,Vol.4,No.1,pp.79-94 | 2014 |
Real options approach to renewable energy investments in Mongolia | Neal Detert,KOJI KOTANI | Energy Policy,Vol.56,pp.136-150 | 2013 |
Climatic impacts on crop yield and its variability in Nepal: Do they vary across seasons and altitudes? | Santosh Poudel,KOJI KOTANI | Climatic Change,Vol.116,No.2,pp.327-355 | 2013 |
Climatic impacts across agricultural crop yield distributions: An application of quantile regressions on rice crops in Andhra Pradesh, India | Prabhat Barnwal,KOJI KOTANI | Ecological Economics,Vol.87,pp.95-109 | 2013 |
Exchange rate movements in a dollarized economy: The case of Cambodia | Sok Heng Lay,Makoto Kakinaka,KOJI KOTANI | ASEAN Economic Bulletin,Vol.29,No.1,pp.65-78 | 2012 |
The determinants of household energy demand in rural Beijing: Can environmentally friendly technologies be effective? | Zhang Jingchao,KOJI KOTANI | Energy Economics,Vol.34,No.2,pp.381-388 | 2012 |
The effect of net migration on the population-growth relationship in Indonesia | Suyanto,KOJI KOTANI | Asian Journal of Empirical Research,Vol.2,No.2,pp.62-72 | 2012 |
Exports and economic growth in Indonesia's fishery sub-sector: Cointegration and error-correction models | Indra Nurcahyo Sjarif,KOJI KOTANI,Ching-Yang Lin | Empirical Economics Letters,Vol.10,pp.679-686 | 2011 |
An interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on voluntary contributions to a public good in a large economy | Makoto Kakinaka,KOJI KOTANI | Public Choice,Vol.147,No.1-2,pp.29-41 | 2011 |
Optimal invasive species management under multiple uncertainties | KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda | Mathematical Biosciences,Vol.233,No.1,pp.32-46 | 2011 |
経済実験による排出量取引市場の取引メカニズムの評価 | 田中健太,小谷浩示,馬奈木俊介 | 環境科学会誌,Vol.24,No.4,pp.384-389 | 2011 |
Adaptive management for eradication of exotic species | KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda | Population Ecology,Vol.52,No.3,pp.349-358 | 2010 |
Matching grants and charitable giving: Why people sometimes provide a helping hand to fund environmental goods | KOJI KOTANI,Kent D. Messer,William D. Schulze | Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,Vol.39,No.2,pp.324-343 | 2010 |
Optimal risk management of human alveolar echinococcosis with vermifuge | Naoto Kato,KOJI KOTANI,Seiya Ueno,Hiroyuki Matsuda | Journal of Theoretical Biology,Vol.267,No.3,pp.265-271 | 2010 |
Bio-economic assessment of size separators in Pacific saury fishery | Seiichi Oyamada,Yasuhiro Ueno,Mitsutaku Makino,KOJI KOTANI,Hiroyuki Matsuda | Fisheries Science,Vol.75,No.2,pp.273-283 | 2009 |
Invasive species management in two-patch environments: Agricultural damage control in the raccoon (Procyon loter) problem, Hokkaido, Japan | KOJI KOTANI,Hiromasa Ishii,Hiroyuki Matsuda,Tohru Ikeda | Population Ecology,Vol.51,No.4,pp.493-504 | 2009 |
Dynamic economic analysis on invasive species management: Some policy implications of catchability | KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda | Mathematical Biosciences,Vol.220,No.1,pp.1-14 | 2009 |
Optimal escapement levels on renewable resource management under process uncertainty: some implications of convex unit harvest cost | KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda | Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,Vol.9,No.2,pp.107-118 | 2008 |
Optimal fishing policies that maximize sustainable ecosystem services | Hiroyuki Matsuda,Mitsutaku Makino,KOJI KOTANI | Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment,pp.359-369 | 2008 |
Further investigations of framing effects on cooperative choices in a provision point mechanism | KOJI KOTANI,Shunsuke Managi,Kenta Tanaka | Economics Bulletin,Vol.3,No.81,pp.1-9 | 2008 |
不確実性下の外来種管理 | 小谷浩示,柿中真,松田裕之 | 三田学会雑誌,Vol.100,No.3,pp.747-771 | 2007 |
When to drill?: Trigger prices for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge | Jon M. Conrad,KOJI KOTANI | Resource and Energy Economics,Vol.27,No.4,pp.273-286 | 2005 |
- Future design and economic experiments,環境経済・政策学会2024大会(2024)
- 行動経済学会 第17回大会 特別セッション 高知工科大学 フューチャー・デザイン研究所共催セッション,行動経済学会(2023)
- FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第4回「Future Design Lecture 4: FD social experiments: Application to economics and management ~Toward an economy and management based on the meaning and significance~」,東京都立大学(2024)
- FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第3回「Future Design Lecture 3: What kind of changes does FD bring about? ~findings and results of experimental economics~」,東京都立大学(2024)
- FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第2回「Future Design Lecture 2: What kind of academic field is FD like? ~ From future studies perspective ~」,東京都立大学(2023)
- FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第1回「Why is a discipline like FD necessary? From an economics perspective」,東京都立大学(2023)
- ナイトスクール第4回講義フューチャー・デザインと経済学「フューチャー・デザインと持続可能性・将来可能性、そして、経済と経営への応用可能性について」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
- ナイトスクール第3回講義 フューチャー・デザインと経済学「フューチャー・デザインはどの様な変化を人々や組織にもたらし得るのか。これまでの実験経済学研究の知見と成果」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
- ナイトスクール第2回講義 フューチャー・デザインと経済学「フューチャー・デザインはどの様な学問と考えられるか?未来学の視点から」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
- ナイトスクール第1回講義フューチャー・デザインと経済学「何故、フューチャー・デザインの様な学問・考え方が必要なのか?経済学の視点から」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
- Does perspective-taking promote intergenerational sustainability?,Annual Conference of Taiwan Environmental and Resource Economics(2020)
- Economic experiments and future design,Ecodesign 2019(2019)
- Intergenerational Sustainability Dilemma and
Democracy: Future Ahead and Back Mechanism as A
Potential Solution,The 7th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics(2017)
区分 | 研究課題 | 研究種目 | 研究期間 | 課題番号 |
代表 | 災害・異常気象の頻度・不確実性の増大に対応する順応的管理・対策の経済分析 | 基盤研究(C) | 2012 - 2014 | 24530276 |
分担 | 自発的協力、本源的動機及び社会環境の役割:理論とフィールドワークによる実証 | 基盤研究(C) | 2015 - 2017 | 15K03366 |
代表 | 気候変動を考慮した不確実性・不明確性下での集団行動理論・実験分析 | 基盤研究(B) | 2016 - 2018 | 16H03621 |
代表 | 異世代間にわたる共有資源の持続的利用に関する理論・実験分析 | 挑戦的萌芽研究 | 2016 - 2017 | 16K13362 |
分担 | フューチャー・デザイン | 基盤研究(A) | 2017 - 2021 | 17H00980 |
代表 | 絶大希少事象を考慮した歪み・非対称不確実性・不明確性のリスク経済実験・理論分析 | 基盤研究(B) | 2019 - 2021 | 19H01485 |
分担 | 社会文化の世代間垂直・世代内水平伝承、社会選好及び自発的協力の経済学:理論と実証 | 基盤研究(C) | 2019 - 2021 | 19K01547 |
分担 | 社会の価値を内包した持続可能な発展の重層的ガバナンス | 基盤研究(A) | 2020 - 2024 (予定) | 20H00648 |
分担 | 脳波測定を用いたナッジの感情面からの再評価 | 挑戦的研究(萌芽) | 2020 - 2022 | 20K20765 |
分担 | ポストコロナ時代のテレワーク:新たな働き方が社会に及ぼす影響 | 挑戦的研究(萌芽) | 2021 - 2023 | 21K18422 |
代表 | 現実・仮想経済活動の場:発展持続可能な国際社会構築へ向けた実験実証・規範的研究 | 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) | 2022 - 2026 (予定) | 22KK0020 |
研究課題 | 事業名等 | 研究期間 | 受託先 | 担当教員 |
森林の持続可能性の探求 | フューチャー・アース構想の推進事業 持続可能な社会へのトランスフォーメーションを可能にする社会制度の変革と設計 | 2015/10/01~2016/03/31 | (独)科学技術振興機構(JST) | 小谷 浩示 |
令和5年度人材育成奨学計画(JDS)特別プログラムに係る委託契約 | 受託事業 | 2023 | 一般財団法人日本国際協力センター(JICE) | 小谷 浩示 |
人材育成奨学計画留学生に対する研修(対象国タジキスタン) | 令和6年度人材育成奨学計画(JDS)特別プログラム | 2024 | 一般財団法人日本国際協力センター(JICE) | 小谷 浩示 |
- 環境経済・政策学会 環境経済・政策学会2017年大会実行委員長(2017~2018)