
LANGUAGE ≫ English

小谷 浩示Koji Kotani


学位 Ph.D.
学歴 コーネル大学大学院農業経済・経営学研究科 修了(2005)
職歴 国際大学教授(2012~2014)
専門分野 実験経済学、環境経済学、国際開発学、持続可能性科学
研究室 名称 国際開発学研究室
詳細  人間社会はかつてない程相互依存しグローバル化しています。と同時に国家間、又は集団間同士での協力・協調無しに解決不可能な諸問題(特に国際紛争、貧困格差問題、持続可能性、資源エネルギー・地球環境問題等)が次々と起こっています。本研究室は、経済学・経営学の手法と実験的手法を駆使し、こうした問題の解決に向けた人々の行動変容・進化、そして、文化・社会の在り方に関する研究を行います。研究対象は日本と諸外国、特に問題が顕在化している発展途上国です。そうした諸外国と日本を対比させる事で競争と相互協力の在り方・文化的背景を理解し、問題解決の方策を科学的に研究していきます。



学部・学群 現代経済事情 / 経済・経営学入門(E) / 実験デザイン / グローバルコンピテンシーモデル(E) / 国際開発経済学(E) / 専攻セミナーI / 専攻セミナーII / セミナーⅠ / セミナーⅡ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅠ / セミナーⅢ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅡ / 数理マネジメントセミナーⅢ / プロジェクト研究
大学院 特別セミナー1 / 特別セミナー2



相談可能な領域 環境経済学
現在の研究 環境・開発問題、気候変動、利他的行動






タイトル 著者 発表誌 発表年
How does the number of water users in a land reform matter for water availability in agriculture? Sharofiddinov Husniddin,Moinul Islam,Koji Kotani Agricultural Water Management,Vol.291,p.108677 2024
Nature dependence and seasonality change perceptions for climate adaptation and mitigation Moinul Islam,Koji Kotani,Shunsuke Managi Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.81,pp.34-44 2024
Does being intergenerationally accountable resolve intergenerational sustainability dilemma? Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Land Economics,Vol.99,pp.644-667 2023
Do autonomy and inquisitiveness contribute to SDGs? Implications from the matrilineal island of Palau Junichi Hirose,Koji Kotani,Shunsuke Managi Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.79,pp.303-318 2023
COVID-19-associated income loss and job loss: Evidence from Indonesia Rendra Putra,Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov,Koji Kotani Journal of Asian Economics,Vol.87,p.101631 2023
Intrahousehold food intake inequality by family roles and age groups Mst. Asma Khatun,Koji Kotani Nutrients,Vol.15,p.2126 2023
How does inquisitiveness matter for generativity and happiness? Jyunichi Hirose,Koji Kotani PLoS ONE,Vol.17,p.e0264222 2022
How do farm size and perceptions matter for farmers’ adaptation responses to climate change in a developing country? Evidence from Nepal Koirala Pankaj,Koji Kotani,Shunsuke Managi Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.74,pp.188-204 2022
Intragenerational deliberation and intergenerational sustainability dilemma Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Tatsuyoshi Saijo European Journal of Political Economy,Vol.73,p.102131 2022
The relationship between trade openness and government resource revenue in resource-dependent countries Santosh Shrestha,Koji Kotani,Makoto Kakinaka Resources Policy,Vol.74,p.102332 2021
Are the societies becoming proself? A topographical difference under fast urbanization in China JINGCHAO ZHANG,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Environment, Development and Sustainability,Vol.23,pp.12976-12993 2021
Salinity and water-related disease risk in coastal Bangladesh Khatun Mst Asma,Koji Kotani EcoHealth,Vol.18,pp.61-75 2021
Is climate change induced by humans? The impact of the gap in perceptions on cooperation Jyunichi Hirose,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa Economics of Disasters and Climate Change,Vol.5,pp.391-413 2021
Deliberative forms of democracy and intergenerational sustainability dilemma Koirala Pankaj,Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani Sustainability,Vol.13,p.7377 2021
Cooperation and cognition gaps for salinity: A field experiment of information provision in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh Khatun Mst Asma,Shibly Shahrier,Koji Kotani Journal of Cleaner Production,Vol.311,p.127562 2021
Intergenerational sustainability is enhanced by taking the perspective of future generations SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Scientific Reports,Vol.11,p.2437 2021
Taking the perspectives of future generations as an effective method for achieving sustainable waste management PANDIT Arpana,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Sustainable Production and Consumption,Vol.27,pp.1526-1536 2021
Concerns for future generations in societies: A deliberative analysis of the intergenerational sustainability dilemma Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,Vol.90,p.101628 2021
Exploring the possibility of linking and incorporating future design in backcasting and scenario planning Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Yoshinori Nakagawa,Koji Kotani Sustainability,Vol.12,p.9907 2020
An overseas business paradox: Are Japanese general contractors risk takers? Taichi Mutoh,Koji Kotani,Makoto Kakinaka PLoS ONE,Vol.15,p.e0238570 2020
Wage and labor mobility between public, formal private and informal private sectors in a developing country SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Koji Kotani,Makoto Kakinaka,Shunsuke Managi Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.68,pp.101-113 2020
Motivational factors in intergenerational sustainability dilemma: A post-interview analysis SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Masaya Wada,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Sustainability,Vol.12,p.7078 2020
Carbon emissions and carbon trade balances: International evidence from panel ARDL analysis Shukria Hotak,Moinul Islam,Makoto Kakinaka,Koji Kotani Environmental Science and Pollution Research,Vol.27,pp.24115-24128 2020
Time preferences of food producers: Does ``cultivate and grow'' matter? Yayan Hernuryadin,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Land Economics,Vol.96,pp.132-148 2020
Which performs better under trader settings, double auction or uniform price auction? Koji Kotani,Kenta Tanaka,Shunsuke Managi Experimental Economics,Vol.22,pp.247-267 2019
Happiness, generativity and social preferences in a developing country: A possibility of future design SHAHEN Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Mohamed,Shahrier Shibly,Koji Kotani Sustainability,Vol.11,p.5256 2019
Low-quality or high-quality coal? Household energy choice in rural Beijing Zhang Jingchao,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Energy Economics,Vol.78,pp.81-90 2019
An intergenerational retrospective viewpoint promotes financially sustainable attitudes Yoshinori Nakagawa,Real Arai,Koji Kotani,Masanobu Nagano,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Futures,Vol.114,p.102454 2019
Time preferences between individuals and groups in the transition from hunter-gatherer to industrial societies Yayan Hernuryadin,Koji Kotani,Yoshio Kamijo Sustainability,Vol.11,p.395 2019
Generativity and social value orientation between rural and urban societies in a developing country Raja Rajendra Timilsina,Koji Kotani,Yoshio Kamijo Futures,Vol.105,pp.124-132 2019
Intergenerational retrospective viewpoints and individual policy preferences for future: A deliberative experiment for forest management Yoshinori Nakagawa,Koji Kotani,Mika Matsumoto,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Futures,Vol.105,pp.40-53 2019
Natural disaster mitigation through voluntary donations in a developing country: The case of Bangladesh Shahrier Shibly,Koji Kotani Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,Vol.21,pp.37-60 2019
Public acceptance of environmentally friendly heating in Beijing: A case of a low temperature air source heat pump Zhang Jingchao,Koji Kotani,Tatsuyoshi Saijo Energy Policy,Vol.117,pp.75-85 2018
Demographic effects on residential electricity and city gas consumption in the aging society of Japan Toru Ota,Makoto Kakinaka,Koji Kotani Energy Policy,Vol.115,pp.503-513 2018
Intergenerational sustainability dilemma and the degree of capitalism in societies: A field experiment Shahrier Shibly,KOJI KOTANI,SAIJO,Tatsuyoshi Sustainability Science,Vol.12,No.6,pp.957-967 2017
Evaluating the potential of marketable permits in a framed field experiment: Forest conservation in Nepal Raja Rajendra Timilsina,KOJI KOTANI Journal of Forest Economics,Vol.29,No.A,pp.25-37 2017
Sustainability of common pool resources Raja Rajendra Timilsina,KOJI KOTANI,KAMIJO Yoshio PLoS ONE,Vol.12,p.e0170981 2017
Some implications of environmental regulation on social welfare under learning-by-doing of eco-products KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,Vol.19,pp.121-149 2017
Further investigation of natural resources and economic growth: Do natural resources depress economic growth? Lkhagva Gerelmaa,KOJI KOTANI Resources Policy,Vol.50,pp.312-320 2016
Social value orientation and capitalism in societies Shibly Shahrier,KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka PLoS ONE,Vol.11,p.e0165067 2016
Climate perception and flood mitigation cooperation: a Bangladesh case study Moinul Islam,KOJI KOTANI,Shunsuke Managi Economic Analysis and Policy,Vol.49,pp.117-133 2016
Labor donation or money donation? Pro-sociality on prevention of natural disasters in a case of cyclone AILA, Bangladesh Shahrier Shibly,KOJI KOTANI Singapore Economic Review,Vol.61,p.1640007 2016
Changing seasonality in Bangladesh Islam Moinul,KOJI KOTANI Regional Environmental Change,Vol.16,pp.585-590 2016
Enhancing voluntary participation in community collaborative forest management: A case of Central Java, Indonesia Sri Lestari,KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka Journal of Environmental Management,Vol.150,pp.299-309 2015
Cooperative choice and its framing effect under threshold uncertainty in a provision point mechanism KOJI KOTANI,Kenta Tanaka,Shunsuke Managi Economics of Governance,Vol.15,pp.329-353 2014
An empirical analysis of energy shortage in Pakistan Mubashir Qasim,KOJI KOTANI Asia Pacific Development Journal,Vol.15,No.4,pp.137-166 2014
Foreign direct investment and infrastructure development in Indonesia: Evidence from province data Fitriandi Primandita,Makoto Kakinaka,KOJI KOTANI Asian Journal of Empirical Research,Vol.4,No.1,pp.79-94 2014
Real options approach to renewable energy investments in Mongolia Neal Detert,KOJI KOTANI Energy Policy,Vol.56,pp.136-150 2013
Climatic impacts on crop yield and its variability in Nepal: Do they vary across seasons and altitudes? Santosh Poudel,KOJI KOTANI Climatic Change,Vol.116,No.2,pp.327-355 2013
Climatic impacts across agricultural crop yield distributions: An application of quantile regressions on rice crops in Andhra Pradesh, India Prabhat Barnwal,KOJI KOTANI Ecological Economics,Vol.87,pp.95-109 2013
Exchange rate movements in a dollarized economy: The case of Cambodia Sok Heng Lay,Makoto Kakinaka,KOJI KOTANI ASEAN Economic Bulletin,Vol.29,No.1,pp.65-78 2012
The determinants of household energy demand in rural Beijing: Can environmentally friendly technologies be effective? Zhang Jingchao,KOJI KOTANI Energy Economics,Vol.34,No.2,pp.381-388 2012
The effect of net migration on the population-growth relationship in Indonesia Suyanto,KOJI KOTANI Asian Journal of Empirical Research,Vol.2,No.2,pp.62-72 2012
Exports and economic growth in Indonesia's fishery sub-sector: Cointegration and error-correction models Indra Nurcahyo Sjarif,KOJI KOTANI,Ching-Yang Lin Empirical Economics Letters,Vol.10,pp.679-686 2011
An interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on voluntary contributions to a public good in a large economy Makoto Kakinaka,KOJI KOTANI Public Choice,Vol.147,No.1-2,pp.29-41 2011
Optimal invasive species management under multiple uncertainties KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda Mathematical Biosciences,Vol.233,No.1,pp.32-46 2011
経済実験による排出量取引市場の取引メカニズムの評価 田中健太,小谷浩示,馬奈木俊介 環境科学会誌,Vol.24,No.4,pp.384-389 2011
Adaptive management for eradication of exotic species KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda Population Ecology,Vol.52,No.3,pp.349-358 2010
Matching grants and charitable giving: Why people sometimes provide a helping hand to fund environmental goods KOJI KOTANI,Kent D. Messer,William D. Schulze Agricultural and Resource Economics Review,Vol.39,No.2,pp.324-343 2010
Optimal risk management of human alveolar echinococcosis with vermifuge Naoto Kato,KOJI KOTANI,Seiya Ueno,Hiroyuki Matsuda Journal of Theoretical Biology,Vol.267,No.3,pp.265-271 2010
Bio-economic assessment of size separators in Pacific saury fishery Seiichi Oyamada,Yasuhiro Ueno,Mitsutaku Makino,KOJI KOTANI,Hiroyuki Matsuda Fisheries Science,Vol.75,No.2,pp.273-283 2009
Invasive species management in two-patch environments: Agricultural damage control in the raccoon (Procyon loter) problem, Hokkaido, Japan KOJI KOTANI,Hiromasa Ishii,Hiroyuki Matsuda,Tohru Ikeda Population Ecology,Vol.51,No.4,pp.493-504 2009
Dynamic economic analysis on invasive species management: Some policy implications of catchability KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda Mathematical Biosciences,Vol.220,No.1,pp.1-14 2009
Optimal escapement levels on renewable resource management under process uncertainty: some implications of convex unit harvest cost KOJI KOTANI,Makoto Kakinaka,Hiroyuki Matsuda Environmental Economics and Policy Studies,Vol.9,No.2,pp.107-118 2008
Optimal fishing policies that maximize sustainable ecosystem services Hiroyuki Matsuda,Mitsutaku Makino,KOJI KOTANI Fisheries for Global Welfare and Environment,pp.359-369 2008
Further investigations of framing effects on cooperative choices in a provision point mechanism KOJI KOTANI,Shunsuke Managi,Kenta Tanaka Economics Bulletin,Vol.3,No.81,pp.1-9 2008
不確実性下の外来種管理 小谷浩示,柿中真,松田裕之 三田学会雑誌,Vol.100,No.3,pp.747-771 2007
When to drill?: Trigger prices for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Jon M. Conrad,KOJI KOTANI Resource and Energy Economics,Vol.27,No.4,pp.273-286 2005



  1. Future design and economic experiments,環境経済・政策学会2024大会(2024)
  2. 行動経済学会 第17回大会 特別セッション 高知工科大学 フューチャー・デザイン研究所共催セッション,行動経済学会(2023)
  3. FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第4回「Future Design Lecture 4: FD social experiments: Application to economics and management ~Toward an economy and management based on the meaning and significance~」,東京都立大学(2024)
  4. FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第3回「Future Design Lecture 3: What kind of changes does FD bring about? ~findings and results of experimental economics~」,東京都立大学(2024)
  5. FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第2回「Future Design Lecture 2: What kind of academic field is FD like? ~ From future studies perspective ~」,東京都立大学(2023)
  6. FD講義シリーズ「Asian and Japanese Economy」(全4回)第1回「Why is a discipline like FD necessary? From an economics perspective」,東京都立大学(2023)
  7. ナイトスクール第4回講義フューチャー・デザインと経済学「フューチャー・デザインと持続可能性・将来可能性、そして、経済と経営への応用可能性について」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
  8. ナイトスクール第3回講義 フューチャー・デザインと経済学「フューチャー・デザインはどの様な変化を人々や組織にもたらし得るのか。これまでの実験経済学研究の知見と成果」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
  9. ナイトスクール第2回講義 フューチャー・デザインと経済学「フューチャー・デザインはどの様な学問と考えられるか?未来学の視点から」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
  10. ナイトスクール第1回講義フューチャー・デザインと経済学「何故、フューチャー・デザインの様な学問・考え方が必要なのか?経済学の視点から」,株式会社エコノミクスデザイン(2023)
  11. Does perspective-taking promote intergenerational sustainability?,Annual Conference of Taiwan Environmental and Resource Economics(2020)
  12. Economic experiments and future design,Ecodesign 2019(2019)
  13. Intergenerational Sustainability Dilemma and
    Democracy: Future Ahead and Back Mechanism as A
    Potential Solution,The 7th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics(2017)



区分 研究課題 研究種目 研究期間 課題番号
代表 災害・異常気象の頻度・不確実性の増大に対応する順応的管理・対策の経済分析 基盤研究(C) 2012 - 2014 24530276
分担 自発的協力、本源的動機及び社会環境の役割:理論とフィールドワークによる実証 基盤研究(C) 2015 - 2017 15K03366
代表 気候変動を考慮した不確実性・不明確性下での集団行動理論・実験分析 基盤研究(B) 2016 - 2018 16H03621
代表 異世代間にわたる共有資源の持続的利用に関する理論・実験分析 挑戦的萌芽研究 2016 - 2017 16K13362
分担 フューチャー・デザイン 基盤研究(A) 2017 - 2021 17H00980
代表 絶大希少事象を考慮した歪み・非対称不確実性・不明確性のリスク経済実験・理論分析 基盤研究(B) 2019 - 2021 19H01485
分担 社会文化の世代間垂直・世代内水平伝承、社会選好及び自発的協力の経済学:理論と実証 基盤研究(C) 2019 - 2021 19K01547
分担 社会の価値を内包した持続可能な発展の重層的ガバナンス 基盤研究(A) 2020 - 2024 (予定) 20H00648
分担 脳波測定を用いたナッジの感情面からの再評価 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 2020 - 2022 20K20765
分担 ポストコロナ時代のテレワーク:新たな働き方が社会に及ぼす影響 挑戦的研究(萌芽) 2021 - 2023 21K18422
代表 現実・仮想経済活動の場:発展持続可能な国際社会構築へ向けた実験実証・規範的研究 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) 2022 - 2026 (予定) 22KK0020



研究課題 事業名等 研究期間 受託先 担当教員
森林の持続可能性の探求 フューチャー・アース構想の推進事業 持続可能な社会へのトランスフォーメーションを可能にする社会制度の変革と設計 2015/10/01~2016/03/31 (独)科学技術振興機構(JST) 小谷 浩示
令和5年度人材育成奨学計画(JDS)特別プログラムに係る委託契約 受託事業 2023 一般財団法人日本国際協力センター(JICE) 小谷 浩示




  1. 環境経済・政策学会 環境経済・政策学会2017年大会実行委員長(2017~2018)
