
LANGUAGE ≫ English

端野 典平HASHINO Tempei


学位 Ph. D.
学歴 京都大学土木工学科 卒業(1999)
アイオワ州立大学土木環境工学 修了(2002)
ウィスコンシン州立大学マディソン校大気海洋科学 学位取得(2007)
職歴 ウィスコンシン州立大学マディソン校ポスドク研究員(2007~2010)
専門分野 気象学
研究室 名称 気水圏動態研究室
詳細  本研究室は、気象における雲や降水現象の理解と予測精度向上を目的とし、基礎と応用研究を行っています。現在、1) 高解像度数値モデルを使った北極の雲降水現象の研究、2) 人工衛星群を用いた、気象及び気候モデルの雲降水の再現性評価と現象の理解、3) 雲降水粒子の成長過程の研究に取り組んでいます。今後は、豪雨現象の雲物理過程の理解や、中山間地域における気象観測と予測、また、洪水・渇水現象の予測精度向上に取り組む予定です。
所属学会 日本気象学会



学部・学群 環境学5-環境リモートセンシングとGIS- / 卒業研究 / 環境学2-環境学の基礎2- / 環境学3-気候変動- / 地球科学概論 / 先端デジタル価値創造
大学院 特別研究 / セミナー1 / セミナー2 / セミナー3 / セミナー4 / 地域気候の解析と予測



相談可能な領域 雲降水現象の理解と予測
現在の研究 北極混合相層状雲の晶癖と氷晶核形成







タイトル 著者 発表誌 発表年
Simulations of the impact of cloud condensation nuclei and ice-nucleating particles perturbations on the microphysics and radar reflectivity factor of stratiform mixed-phase clouds LEE Junghwa,SEIFERT Patric,HASHINO Tempei,MAAHN Maximilian,SENF Fabian,KNOTH Oswald Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,Vol.24,pp.5737-5756 2024
Responses of Simulated Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds to Parameterized Ice Particle Shape ONG Chia Rui,KOIKE Makoto,HASHINO Tempei,MIURA Hiroaki JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES,Vol.81,No.1,pp.125-152 2024
Modeling Performance of SCALE‐AMPS: Simulations of Arctic Mixed‐Phase Clouds Observed During SHEBA ONG Chia Rui,KOIKE Makoto,HASHINO Tempei,MIURA Hiroaki Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems,Vol.14,No.6 2022
River Stage Modeling with a Deep Neural Network Using Long-Term Rainfall Time Series as Input Data: Application to the Shimanto-River Watershed Yuki Wakatsuki,Hideaki Nakane,HASHINO Tempei water,Vol.14,No.3 2022
Examination of all-sky infrared radiance simulation of Himawari-8 for global data assimilation and model verification OKAMOTO Kozo,HAYASHI Masahiro,HASHINO Tempei,NAKAGAWA Masayuki,OKUYAMA Arata Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2021
Evaluations of the Thermodynamic Phases of Clouds in a Cloud-System-Resolving Model Using CALIPSO and a Satellite Simulator over the Southern Ocean Woosub Roh,Masaki Satoh,HASHINO Tempei,Hajime Okamoto,Tatsuya Seiki Journal of The Atmospheric Sciences,Vol.77,No.11,pp.3781-3801 2020
Relationships between Immersion Freezing and Crystal Habit for Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds—A Numerical Study HASHINO Tempei,Gijs De Boer,Hajime Okamoto,Gregory J. Tripoli JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES,Vol.77,No.7,pp.2411-2438 2020
深層学習の河川防災・環境分野への応用 —四万十川・鏡川水位、仁淀川大渡ダム流入量について— 中根 英昭,若槻 祐貴,山本 啓,武田 拓巳,端野 典平 2019
Numerical study of motion of falling conical graupel CHUEH Chih-Che,WANG Pao K.,HASHINO Tempei Atomos. Res.,Vol.199,pp.82-92 2018
Idealized numerical experiments on the microphysical evolution of warm-type heavy rainfall SONG Hwan-Jin,SOHN Byung-Ju,HONG Song-You,HASHINO Tempei J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,Vol.122,pp.1685-1699 2017
A preliminary numerical study on the time-varying fall attitudes and aerodynamics of freely falling conical graupel particles CHUEH Chih-Che,WANG Pao K.,HASHINO Tempei Atmos. Res.,Vol.183,pp.58-72 2017
Evaluating Arctic cloud radiative effects simulated by NICAM with A-train HASHINO Tempei,SATOH Masaki,HAGIHARA Yuichiro,KATO Seiji,KUBOTA Takuji,MATSUI Toshihisa,NASUNO Tomoe,OKAMOTO Hajime,SEKIGUCHI Miho J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,Vol.121,pp.7041-7063 2016
On the Land-Ocean Contrast of Tropical Convection and Microphysics Statistics Derived from TRMM Satellite Signals and Global Storm-Resolving Models MATSUI Toshihisa,CHERN Jiun-Dar,TAO Wei-Kuo,LANG Stephen,SATOH Masaki,HASHINO Tempei,KUBOTA Takuji J. of Hydromet.,Vol.17,pp.1425-1445 2016
Numerical Study of Motion and Stability of Falling Columnar Crystals HASHINO Tempei,CHENG Kai-Yuan,CHUEH Chih-Che,WANG Pao K. J. Atmos. Sci,Vol.73,pp.1923-1942 2016
Numerical Experiments to Analyze Cloud Microphysical Processes Depicted in Vertical Profiles of Radar Reflectivity of Warm Clouds KUBA Naomi,SUZUKI Kentaroh,HASHINO Tempei,SEIKI Tatsuya,SATOH Masaki J. Atmos.Sci,Vol.72,pp.4509-4528 2015
A Numerical Study on the Attitudes and Aerodynamics of Freely Falling Hexagonal Ice Plates CHENG Kai-Yuan,WANG Pao K.,HASHINO Tempei J. Atmos. Sci.,Vol.72,pp.3685-3698 2015
Vertical grid spacing necessary for simulating tropical cirrus clouds with a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model SEIKI Tatsuya,KODAMA Chihiro,SATOH Masaki,HASHINO Tempei,HAGIHARA Yuichiro,OKAMOTO Hajime Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol.42,No.10,pp.4150-4157 2015
Numerical simulation of the flow fields around falling ice crystals with inclined orientation and the hydrodynamic torque HASHINO Tempei,CHIRUTA Mihai,POLZIN Dierk,KUBICEK Alexander,WANG Pao K. Atmos. Res.,Vol.150,pp.79-96 2014
Relationships between layer-mean radar reflectivity and columnar effective radius of warm cloud: Numerical study using a cloud microphysical bin model KUBA Naomi,HASHINO Tempei,SATOH Masaki,SUZUKI Kentaroh J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,Vol.119,No.6,pp.3281-3294 2014
Evaluating Cloud Microphysics from NICAM against CloudSat and CALIPSO HASHINO Tempei,SATOH Masaki,HAGIHARA Yuichiro,KUBOTA Takuji,MATSUI Toshihisa,NASUNO Tomoe,OKAMOTO Hajime J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,Vol.118,No.13,pp.7273-7292 2013
A numerical study of aerosol influence on mixed-phase stratiform clouds through modulation of the liquid phase DE BOER G.,HASHINO Tempei,TRIPOLI G. J.,ELORANTA E. W. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,Vol.13,pp.1733-1749 2013
The Spectral Ice Habit Prediction System (SHIPS). Part IV: Box Model Simulations of the Habit-Dependent Aggregation Process HASHINO Tempei,TRIPOLI G. J. J. Atmos. Sci.,Vol.68,pp.1142-1161 2011
The Spectral Ice Habit Prediction System (SHIPS). Part III: Description of the Ice Particle Model and the Habit-Dependent Aggregation Model HASHINO Tempei,TRIPOLI G. J. J. Atmos. Sci.,Vol.68,pp.1125-1141 2011
Intercomparison of cloud model simulations of Arctic mixed-phase bounadry layer clouds observed during SHEBA/FIRE-ACE MORRISON H.,ZUIDEMA Paquita,ACKERMAN A. S.,AVRAMOV A.,DE BOER G.,FAN Jiwen,FRIDLIND A. M.,HASHINO Tempei,HARRINGTON J. Y.,LUO Y.,OVCHINNIKOV M.,SHIPWAY B. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.,Vol.3,No.2,p.23 2011
Ice Nucleation Through Immersion Freezing in Mixed-Phase Stratiform Clouds: Theory and Numerical Simulations DE BOER G.,HASHINO Tempei,TRIPOLI G. J. Atmos. Res.,Vol.96,pp.315-324 2010
Intercomparison of aersol-cloud-precipitation interactions in stratiform orographic mixed-phase clouds MUHLBAUER A.,HASHINO Tempei,XUE L.,TELLER A.,LOHMANN U.,RASMUSSEN R. M.,GERESDI I.,PAN Z. Atmos. Chem. Phy.,Vol.10,pp.8173-8196 2010
Intercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. Part I: Single layer cloud KLEIN S. A.,MCCOY R.,MORRISON H.,ACKERMAN A. S.,AVRAMOV A.,DE BOER G.,CHEN M.,COLE J. N. S.,DEL GENIO A. D.,FALK M.,FOSTER M. J.,FRIDLIND A. M.,GOLAZ J.-C.,HASHINO Tempei,HARRINGTON J. Y.,HOOSE C.,KHAIROUTDINOV M. F.,LARSON V. E.,LIU X.,LUO Y.,MCFARQUHAR G. M.,MENON S.,NEGGERS R. A. J.,PARK S.,POELLOT M. R.,SCHMIDT J. M.,SEDNEV I.,TURNER D. D.,VERON D. E.,VON SALZEN K.,WALKER G. K.,WANG Z.,WOLF A. B.,XIE S.,XU K.-M.,YANG F.,ZHANG G. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc,Vol.135,No.641,pp.1003-1019 2009
Microphysical effects of Saharan dusts on an orogenic thunderstorm HASHINO Tempei Advances in Geosciences,Vol.17,pp.31-34 2008
Sampling Uncertainty and Confidence Intervals for the Brier Score and Brier Skill Score BRADLEY A. Allen,SCHWARTZ Stuart S.,HASHINO Tempei Wea. Forecasting,Vol.23,pp.992-1006 2008
The Spectral Ice Habit Prediction System (SHIPS). Part II: simulation of nucleation and depositional growth of polycrystals HASHINO Tempei,TRIPOLI G. J. J. Atmos. Sci.,Vol.65,pp.3071-3094 2008
The Spectral Ice Habit Prediction System (SHIPS). Part I: Model Description and Simulation of the Vapor Deposition Process HASHINO Tempei,TRIPOLI G. J. J. Atmos. Sci.,Vol.64,pp.2210-2237 2007
Evaluation of Bias-Correction Methods for Ensemble Streamflow Volume Forecasts HASHINO Tempei,BRADLEY A. Allen,SCHWARTZ Stuart S. Hydro. Earth Syst. Sci.,Vol.11,pp.939-950 2007
Distributions-Oriented Verification of Ensemble Streamflow Predictions BRADLEY A. Allen,SCHWARTZ Stuart S.,HASHINO Tempei J. Hydrometeor.,Vol.5,pp.532-545 2004
Distributions-Oriented Verification of Probability Forecasts for Small Data Samples BRADLEY A. Allen,HASHINO Tempei,SCHWARTZ Stuart S. Wea. Forecasting,Vol.18,pp.903-917 2003
DAD解析におけるレーダー雨量と非線形最滴化手法の滴用 宝馨,端野 典平,中尾忠彦 土木学会論文集,Vol.691,pp.1-11 2001



  1. 前方計算のためのサブグリッド降水発生モデル,日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会(2023)
  2. Uncertainty in the simulated cloud radar signals from GCMs,ICCP-GSRA Workshop 2023(2023)
  3. Characteristics of Doppler spectra simulated for Arctic mixed-phase clouds – ISDAC case study,103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting(2023)
  4. Near-Surface Growth Processes of Ice Particles during GCPEx Frontal Snowfall Event,16th Conference on Cloud Physics(2022)
  5. Exploring Doppler velocity spectra to characterize ice nucleation and microphysical processes for Arctic mixed-phase clouds,International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation(2021)
  6. 北極混合相雲へのSHIPSの適用,日本気象学会2018年秋季大会(2018)
  7. Traces of ice nucleation modes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds simulated by a habit prediction scheme,10th international aerosol conference(2018)
  8. Impacts of immersion freezing schemes on Arctic mixed-phase clouds simulated with a habit prediction scheme,日本地球惑星科学連合(2018)
  9. Relationships between ice nucleation process and crystal habit for Arctic mixed-phase clouds - a numerical study,American Meteorological Society 98th Annual Meeting(2018)
  10. 晶癖予測モデルを用いた北極混合相層状雲の研究,エアロゾル雲降水の相互作用に関する研究集会(2018)
  11. 北極混合相層雲における氷晶核形成過程と晶癖分布の関係,日本気象学会2017年秋季大会(2017)
  12. A numerical study of ice nucleation process and crystal habit for Arctic mixed-phase clouds,日本地球惑星科学連合(2017)
  13. Evaluation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds simulated by a habit-prediction model,American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting(2016)
  14. Combined use of CloudSat, CALIPSO, and AMSR-E data for model evaluation,GSMaP/Sattelite Data Simulator Workshop(2016)
  15. Numerical study of motion and stability of falling columnar crystals,日本気象学会2015年秋季大会(2015)
  16. Application of Joint-Simulator to AMPS,GSMap/Satellite Data Simulator workshop(2015)
  17. Numerical simulation of the flow fields around falling ice crystals with inclined orientation and the hydrodynamics torque,American Meteorological Society 14th Cloud Physics Conference(2014)
  18. Evaluation of cloud radiative effects simulated by NICAM with A-Train,Seoul National University(2013)
  19. Evaluation of cloud radiative effects simulated by NICAM with A-Train,国立台湾大学(2013)
  20. Evaluation of cloud microphysics by the NICAM with CloudSat, CALIPSO, and AMSR-E data,American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting(2012)
  21. A microphysics-oriented evaluation of clouds simulated by a global CRM with combined use of CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements,CALIPSO, CloudSat, EarthCARE Joint Workshop(2012)
  22. 雲を構成する粒子の物理学,自然科学縦横無尽2012(2012)
  23. Evaluation of cloud characteristics simulated by a global cloud-resolving model with CloudSat and CALIPSO data,American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting(2011)
  24. Validation of cloud microphysical statistics simulated by a global cloud-resolving model with active satellite measurements,Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting(2011)
  25. 雲微物理学での数学手法と数値手法の応用,地球環境流体研究と数理科学(2011)
  26. A numerical study on the riming process in the transition from a pristine crystal to a graupel particle,American Meteorological Society 13th Cloud Physics Conference(2010)
  27. Effects of riming and melting processes on the rescaled ice particle size distribution,American Meteorological Society 13th Cloud Physics COnference(2010)



区分 研究課題 研究種目 研究期間 課題番号
代表 北極混合相層状雲の維持機構の解明―水平風鉛直シアの役割 基盤研究(C) 2021 - 2023 21K03665



研究課題 事業名等 研究期間 受託先 担当教員
数値気候モデル評価のための衛星データシミュレータの開発 地球観測研究公募 2019~2024 国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA) 端野 典平




  1. 宇宙航空研究開発機構 「地球観測に関する科学アドバイザリ委員会」分科会(2022~2024)
  2. 宇宙航空研究開発機構 「地球観測に関する科学アドバイザリ委員会」分科会(2020~2022)


  1. 地球環境と雲降水現象,高知県産学官民連携センター(2020)
