CSC-KUT Supervisor List (Full-time PhD Students)


Prospective applicants must find their preferred supervisor from the list below who matches your field of study. Then, they must access to Online Pre-Application Request form. Prospective applicants must fill out and submit the online-pre application request form to their preferred superviser via Online Pre-Application Form. This process will allow the selected supervisor to assess whether the applicants meet the criteria he/she requires for CSC-KUT Scholarship Program students (Full-time PhD Students) prior to the submission of a formal application. Only applicants who obtain the permission of their preferred supervisor are eligible to submit application documents.

Note: The CSC-KUT Scholarship Program is only for Chinese students who meet the entry criteria set by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)

Only one pre-application request should be sent during a given enrollment period.

You can submit KUT Online Pre-Application Request Form from the below:

KUT Online Pre-Application Request Form for CSC-KUT Scholarship Program (Full-time PhD Student)

(1) This supervisor list is only applicable to CSC-KUT Scholarship Program, not to other postgraduate programs.
(2) Information on the list is subject to change without notice.

Last updated: October 29, 2024

Intelligent Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Kami campus)

Research FieldSupervisorPast Doctoral StudentsResearch Theme (PDF)Required Skills and Knowledge
Thin Film Fabrication, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Reaction Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry, Fluid Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics Prof. Toshiyuki KAWAHARAMURA Past Doctoral Students Development of Functional Thin Film Fabrication Techniques Using Mist Droplets for Fabricating High Quality Thin Film under Open-air Atmospheric Press - Physical Chemistry
- Chemical (Reaction) Engineering
- Quantum Physics
- Fluid (Thermo)dynamics
- X-ray

Surface Science,
Scanning Probe Microscopy,
Single Atom/Molecule Manipulation,

Assoc. Prof. Eiichi INAMI Controlling chemical reactions at the single-molecule level using scanning probe microscopy - Basic knowledge of surface science and organic chemistry
- Knowledge and skills for operating ultra-high vacuum (UHV) system, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and ultra-short laser pulses
- Knowledge of LabVIEW and programming skills (C++, python etc.)

Control Theory

Assoc. Prof. Shinsaku IZUMI

Multi-Agent Control based on Signal Processing over Networks

-Basic knowledge of control theory (in particular, of multi-agent systems) and signal processing; and
- MATLAB programming skills.

Human Dynamics, Kinematics and Kinetics Analysis, Instrument Technology, Control Engineering

Assoc. Prof. Motomichi SONOBE

Development of balance assessment system via estimation method of center of gravity based on a human mechanical model

-Fundamental knowledge of dynamics based on the equations of motion
- Basic programing skills to perform numerical analysis (MATLAB or C++)
- Resilient character and abundant intellectual curiosity

Hypersonic Flow Computation, Nonequilibrium Plasma, Radiative Heat Transfer, Collisional-Radiative Model Assist. Prof. Yousuke OGINO Computational Code Development of a Collisional-Radiative Model for Nonequilibrium Flows - Fundamental knowledge of compressible CFD (computational fluid dynamics)
- Fundamental knowledge of plasma physics, thermodynamics, statistical physics, chemical reactions, and molecular quantum mechanics
- Resilient character and abundant intellectual curiosity


Electronic and Photonic Engineering (Kami campus)

Research FieldSupervisorPast Doctoral StudentsResearch Theme (PDF)Required Skills and Knowledge
Nanotechnology for Semiconductor Prof. LI Chaoyang Past Doctoral Students Metal-oxide Thin Films and Nanostructures Applying for Optoelectronic Devices - Study or research background in material science (particularly oxide-metal semiconductor material), optoelectronics, physics, and chemical physics
-Experience in the fabrication and evaluation of nano-scale materials
- Good English conversation and academic writing skills
- Good IT skills to manage the data and simulation
Material Science, Thin Film Engineering Prof. Hiroshi FURUTA Past Doctoral Students Growth Control of Carbon Nanotube Forest for Electronic and Photonic Devices - Thin Film Engineering
- Material Science
- Electromagnetics
Optical Wavefront Control,
Optical Measurement,
Quantum Measurement,
Quantum Optics
Prof. Hirokazu KOBAYASHI   Experimental Study of Quantum Measurement Utilizing Optical Vortex - Undergraduate level mathematics (calculus and linear algebra)
- Quantum physics
- Geometric optics, wave optics, polarization optics

Optical Measurement
Applied Optics

Assoc. Prof. Shuji TAUE Development of an Optical Fiber Refractometer and its Applications

- Basic understanding of physics, electromagnetics, and optics; and
- Ability to use development tools such as Matlab, Labview and BeamProp for measurement and analysis.

Circuits and Systems Engineering, Body Sensor Networks Assoc. Prof.
Akihito NODA
Wearable multi-sensor systems using textile-based 2-D communication

-fundamentals of electronic circuits, skill in soldering/handcrafting circuits under test

-fundamentals of signal processing

-skill in programming with C-family languages and microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino)

Circuits and Systems Engineering, Haptics, Virtual Reality Wearable tactile display applying textile-based 2-D communication

-fundamentals of electronic circuits, skill in soldering/handcrafting th ecircuits under testing

-fundamentals of wireless communications

-skill in programming with microcontrollers (e.g.,Arduino) and 3-D game engine (e.g.Unity)

Microwave Engineering, non-Hermitian physics Wireless power transfer via PT-symmetric resonant system including 2-D waveguide

-fandamentals of electromagnetics

-fundamentals of electronic circuits and skill in soldering/handcrafting circuits under testing


Architecture and Design (Kami campus)

Research FieldSupervisorPast Doctoral StudentsResearch Theme (PDF)Required Skills and Knowledge
Seismic design, Reinforced Concrete, Composite structure

Assist.Prof. Suguru SUZUKI

Developing a Method for Evaluating the Seismic Performance of CES Structural Buildings

- Basic knowledge of structural mechanics, reinforced concrete structures and vibrations


Engineering Science(Kami campus)

Research FieldSupervisorPast Doctoral StudentsResearch Theme (PDF)Required Skills and Knowledge
Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Nitro Chemistry Prof. Nagatoshi NISHIWAKI Past Doctoral Students Development of Novel Methods for Polyfunctionalized Compounds Using Nitro Systems - Fundamental Organic Chemistry
- Spectral Analyses (1H NMK, 13C NMR, IR, MS)
- Fundamental Experimental Manipulations
Semiconductor Materials and Device Physics, Flexible Devices, Transparent Electronics, Flat Panel Displays Prof. Mamoru FURUTA Past Doctoral Students Transparent Oxide Semiconductors for Flexible Device Applications - Semiconductor materials and device physics, evaluation techniques of materials and devices
- Material processing techniques (PVDs, CVDs, and photolithography), vacuum system
Molecular Developmental Biology Prof. Yusuke KAMACHI Past Doctoral Students Molecular Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks during the Embryonic Development of Zebrafish - A solid understanding of molecular and cellular biology
- An understanding of developmental biology (preferred)
- General molecular biology skills
Chromosome Biology Prof. Kojiro ISHII Elucidation of the Molecular Mechanism of Chromosome Evolution - A solid understanding of molecular biology, cell biology and genetics
- An understanding of chromosome biology (preferred)
- General skills for molecular biology and cytogenetics

Material Science,
Electron Microscopy

Prof. Takeshi FUJITA Development of New Metallurgy-based Materials and Exploration of Their Functionality

- Strong English reading skill and writing skill sufficient for publication in well-recognized academic journals;
- Basic knowledge of metallurgy, electrochemistry and microscopy; and
- High motivation toward research.

Coordination Chemistry,
Analytical Chemistry
Prof. Akitaka ITO Development of Novel Light-Absorbing and Emitting Materials Based on Molecular/ Supramolecular Systems - Photochemistry and coordination chemistry
- Fundamental experimental manipulations
- Operating absorption/emission spectrometers and pulsed laser


Informatics (Kami campus)

Research FieldSupervisorPast Doctoral StudentsResearch Theme (PDF)Required Skills and Knowledge
Frontier of User Interface Research Prof. Xiangshi REN Past Doctoral Students Development and Generation of Next Generation User Interfaces

The applicant must have an outstanding track record in Computer Science, information Technology and/or HCI.
The applicant should demonstrate outstanding academic performance (e.g. good programming skills, strong knowledge of math and statistics, interaction technologies e.g. Microsoft Kinect, eye tracking system, smartphones, etc.), research ability, communication and interpersonal skills, and demonstrated ability to work as part of a team as well as independently in the Ren Lab.
The applicant must have strong ability in the English language (Japanese is a plus, but not essential).

Human Computer Interaction User Interface Design for the Ageing Population

Outstanding track record in Computer Science, information technology and/or HCI.
Outstanding academic performance (e.g., good programming skills, strong knowledge of mathematics and statistics, experience with interaction technologies e.g. eye tracking systems, smartphones and motion tracking systems), research ability, good communication and interpersonal skills

Human-Computer Interaction

Designing Motion Video Games for Cognitive Enhancement of the Elderly

- Strong background in HCI, Computer Science, Design, Psychology or Cognitive Science

-Strong software development skills

- Strong communication ability and interpersonal skills

-Strong verbal and written English skills

- Ability to meet tight work deadlines

- Ability to work independently as well as in an international team

Human-Engaged Computing Human-Engaged Computing

- Strong background in HCI, Computer Science, Design, Psychology or Neuroscience
- Strong software development skills
- Strong communication ability and interpersonal skills
- Strong verbal and written English skills
- Ability to meet tight work deadlines
- Ability to work independently as well as in an international team

Vision Psychophysics, Vision Science and Color Vision Prof. Keizo SHINOMORI Past Doctoral Students Human Color and Visual Information Processing Investigated by Psychophysical Approaches and Development of Applications with Computational Model Simulation

- Some background in vision, brain and /or psychological research is strongly preferred
- Ability to adapt quickly to new research areas
- High motivation to conduct foundation research on human factors
- Ability to communicate effectively in English, including writing research papers in English
- Ability to collect, analyze and report to English research publications
- Programming skill (MATLAB), and strong ability in mathematics are preferred

Non-invasive Brain Research, Vision Science, Color Vision Brain Information Processing for Affective (kansei) Response Investigated by Simultaneous Non-Invasive Brain Measurement and Psychophysical Approaches, and Development of Brain Function Models

- Experience of measurement by EEG and fMRI is preferred.
- Some background in vision, brain and/or psychological research is strongly preferred.
- Ability to adapt quickly to new research areas
- High motivation to conduct basic research on human factors
- Ability to communicate effectively in English, including writing research papers in English
- Ability to collect and analyze data and report to English research publications
- Programming skill (MATLAB), and strong ability in mathematics are preferred.

Affective (kansei) response measurement Elucidation of affective (kansei) response determination mechanism through development of precise and stable methods for affective response measurement

-Some background in vision, brain and/or psychological research is strongly preferred.
- Ability to communicate effectively in English, including writing research papers in English.
- Ability to adapt quickly to new research areas.
- Ability to collect, analyze and report to English research publications.
- High motivation to conduct foundation research on human factors.
- Programming skill (MATLAB), and strong ability in mathematics are preferred

Structured Parallel Programming Prof. Kiminori MATSUZAKI Past Doctoral Student Theory, Implementation, and Applications for Structured Parallel Programming

- Superior skills in programming (C, C++, Java, etc.) and problem solving with algorithms
- Mathematics, especially algebra and statistics
- Experience in functional programming (Haskell, ML, Scheme, etc.) and parallel programming (OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, MapReduce, TBB, Cilk) are desirable.

Game Informatics and Artificial Intelligence Game Informatics with Advanced Computer Players and Machine Learning Methods

- Excellent programming skill in C++, Java, Python, and similar programming languages
- Experience of applying machine-learning techniques to solve real problems
- Mathematical capability to build a theory from new findings

Human 3D Visual Perception Prof. Hiroaki SHIGEMASU Past Doctoral Students Human 3D Visual Perception

- Programming (Matlab, C/C++, R)
- Statistical data analysis
- Excellent writing skills

Neuroscience Prof. Masaki TAKEDA

Functional Role of Sleep and Its Causal Effect on Memory Consolidation in Humans

- Good English communication and writing skills;
- Strong research background in neuroscience or related areas; and
- Familiarity with Matlab and/or Python, and statistical methods--programming skills would be a plus.

Reinforcement Learning and Heuristic Search Prof. Wei Ting HAN Exploring AI Safety via Deep Reinforcement Learning Applications on Games and Scientific Applications

- Background in Machine Learning: We use deep reinforcement learning in many of the projects in our lab. Experience in fundamental machine learning concepts and algorithms are therefore necessary. Experience in deep learning will be helpful.
- Reinforcement Learning: Familiarity in topics including the following is preferred, but not necessary. Monte Carlo Tree Search, the AlphaZero and MuZero algorithms, Q-learning, and reward shaping. Experience in deep reinforcement learning is highly desirable (e.g. DQN, A3C, PPO, etc.)
- Programming Skills: Proficiency in Python (especially PyTorch) is preferred. Experience in other languages, especially C++, is a strong plus.
- Mathematical Proficiency: A strong understanding of linear algebra, probability, and statistics is highly desirable.
- Research and Language Skills: Proficiency in English is required. You must be able to pose research questions, design and conduct experiments, and interpret and analyze experiment results autonomously. Past experience in academic writing is a plus, but not necessary.
- Teamwork and Collaboration: We may collaborate with research teams in Taiwan and Canada, so you must be able to communicate clearly and work as part of a team.

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Brain Decoding and Neuroscience Prof. Shinichi YOSHIDA Past Doctoral Students Fundamental Theory of Brain Decoding and its Applications to Non-verbal Information Retrieval

- Mathematical theories related to machine learning and computational intelligence, e.g., kernel trick for support vector machine (SVM), regression (SVR), and clustering (SVC)
- Linear algebra for singular value decomposition (SVD) and probability,  statistics for Bayesian inference and particle filter (sequential Monte Carlo filter or extended Karman filter) are also required.
- Programming skill to implement above algorithm using C/C++/Matlab
- Programming skills using MPI (Message Passing Interface) on Linux clusters may highly improve result of research
- Ability to communicate and discuss in English

Image Processing and Understanding Prof. Toru KURIHARA Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Using Complex Valued Images

- Mathematics, especially algebra and statistics
- Image Processing, Machine Vision, Signal Processing
- Programming skill (C/C++/Cuda)
- Ability to communicate and discuss in English

Neuroscience, Sports sciences Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi KADOTA

Neural Mechanisms of Human Motor Control Project

- Background in neuroscience and/or motor control research;
- Skills in Matlab/Python programming and statistical methodology; and
- Ability to communicate and write in English.
